Chapter 368 Jiuhua
After a little celebration, Wang Kai started to retreat again, this time he must hear the name of Zanpakuto.

Wang Kai pours the power of his soul into Zanpakuto every day, and communicates with Zanpakuto. Although he can have some simple conversations, when he wants to hear his name, he can't hear any voice. Just a little bit, a little bit more.

"tell me your name!"

Once again, Wang Kai asked, which is a question Wang Kai asks every day.

"My name is Jiuhua..."

Originally, Wang Kai was ready to face disappointment again, but he finally heard the voice he wanted. He felt a little unreal, but he told himself clearly from the depths of his soul that he had heard what he wanted.

"Finally, I finally got a name."

Wang Kai opened his eyes, and his eyes were shining brightly. He spent three months in retreat and breakthrough, and finally heard the name of Zanpakuto. If he continued, Wang Kai would doubt that his vice-captain-level spiritual pressure was Not true anymore.

"Hey, Master, you actually came out."

Mindy, who was exchanging ideas with Natasha on the beach, saw Wang Kai, so she stopped and said to Natasha, Wang Kai is usually in the quiet room at this time of day, it has been like this for the past few months, today How is it different.

"It has successfully broken through, of course it can come out."

Wang Kai said with a smile on his face, this smile is so sincere, it is a smile from the heart.

"Master, you're really smiling, let's see what's different after the breakthrough."

Minty looked at Wang Kai's smile and was a little speechless. Why is the master still so happy? Didn't the master always say that the sky should not be shocked?He can't even do it himself.

"Okay, let me show you my breakthrough."

As soon as Wang Kai raised his hand, Zanpakudao appeared in Wang Kai's hand, and then Wang Kai flew up and flew towards the sea, Mingdy and Natasha also flew up to follow Wang Kai, Mingdy used the ability of the thunder fruit to fly, and Natasha is using a flying skateboard, which is a bit like the Green Goblin, but the flight speed and battery life have been improved after improvement. After all, Wang Kai and Mindy can fly. If Natasha has no means, she can go out in the future. Can't keep up with the two of them.

Coming to the surface of the sea, Mingdy and Natasha stopped [-] meters away from Wang Kai, so as not to be affected by Wang Kai for a while. After all, Wang Kai is very powerful.

Wang Kai raised his hand, looked at the Zanpakuto in his hand, and felt the feeling that the Zanpakuto was connected to his soul. It was this feeling, and he finally passed this threshold.

"Bloom, Jiuhua."

Wang Kai said softly, and then the Zanpakuto in his hand burst into brilliance, like a rainbow, which made Mindy's eyes shine, and there was such a handsome opening.

The brilliance dissipated, and Minty saw that Wang Kai's appearance changed unexpectedly. A white cloak appeared on his body, which seemed to be lightly draped on Wang Kai's body, but under the blowing of the sea breeze, he stayed on Wang Kai's body. On the shoulders, Wang Kai's hair has also become longer, draped behind him, looking chic and unrestrained. The knife in Wang Kai's hand has become even longer. The original one-meter-long knife has doubled to nearly three meters. .

What's more important is Wang Kai's aura, the air waves emanating from Wang Kai's body, even if Minty and Natasha are [-] meters away, they can feel the air waves blowing against their faces, as if standing in a car that has traveled more than [-] kilometers The same as before, so that the two of them had to retreat again.

Mindy stepped back to 200 meters away, while Natasha stepped back to 300 meters. This made Natasha clearly feel the gap between herself and Wang Kai and Mindy, and she still had a long way to go. long.

Wang Kai also felt the Zanpakuto's ability after the first release. After Jiuhua's initial release, there is no special attack ability. It's not like Aizen Soyousuke's Kyoka Suigetsu, which can hypnotize people, and it's not like Kuchiki Byakuya. It can scatter and hurt people like petals like the Senbon Sakura, and it doesn't lower the temperature like Kuchiki Rukia's Sode Shirayuki.

The ability that Jiuhua possesses after Shijie is very simple, that is to enhance Wang Kai's strength, all-round strength, whether it is strength, speed, energy, and it can also change Wang Kai's handsome clothes.

Although the ability is simple and doesn't have so many fancy and abilities, Wang Kai is very satisfied with this ability, because Jiuhua's strengthening not only strengthens Wang Kai's body, but also strengthens Wang Kai's other abilities together. There was a huge wave of [-] meters on the sea surface, and then another palm, the wave broke into a piece of water droplets, and the sea area was crackling like a heavy rain.

I didn't expect that the simple use of the ability of the shaking fruit would cause such a big effect. Wang Kai was a little bit tongue-tied. It's better not to use other abilities indiscriminately. It might cause an earthquake and tsunami, which is not good. Well, if the strengthened Kamepai Qigong is played out, it might cause quite a disaster.

Wang Kai's actions also made Mingdy and Natasha see his eyes. Mingdy trembled with excitement. She didn't expect the master to be so powerful. If the master is so powerful, then I will definitely not be bad as an apprentice. There are many things that can be learned by oneself, the ability to exercise the soul, must be learned.

Natasha already felt that she had already been to heaven once. This feeling was so powerful that she couldn't stand still. She actually followed such a powerful man, and a simple lap could create a comparable disaster. If Wang Kai hits such a random city near the sea, there are not many cities that can withstand the terrifying tsunami. A [-]-meter-high tsunami can already constitute a disaster.

I don't know when I will be able to reach this level, and I don't know if Wang Kai will continue to teach me new things. I really can't wait. After gaining freedom, I feel that I have pursuit again.

Since he couldn't test other earth-shattering abilities, Wang Kai wanted to try his own Zanpakuto, but he didn't expect the Zanpakuto to become longer. Fortunately, there is no scabbard, otherwise it would be a bit troublesome to draw the knife by himself.

Looking down at his own changes, he didn't expect that Jiuhua's changes made him a little bit closer to Two-dimensional. If his hair grows longer and turns white, he really looks a bit like Sephiroth.

He didn't dare to use the atomic slash, but just swung the knife casually as before, and the sea surface below was split into two, a deep hole was opened, and then the sea water gathered again, and after the collision, a wave several meters high was stirred up. There was even a splash of blood floating on the surface of the sea. It seemed that some unlucky marine creature was cut in half by Wang Kai.

(End of this chapter)

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