Chapter 335
Nick Fury was quite satisfied with Wang Kai saying what he wanted so readily. He came here just for Wang Kai's words. Wang Kai's favor is more useful than all money or other material things.

"Since Mr. Wang Kai said so, then we have made a deal. I will let S.H.I.E.L.D. The head snake will never give up."

Nick Fury quickly settled the matter like this, for fear that Wang Kai would go back on his word.

"I don't think Hydra is so courageous. If they come here, it's just adding some experimental products to Umbrella Company. Besides, they have already been here, and they only dare to use transactions to get them from me. What, don't dare to be rough at all."

Wang Kai said, for Hydra, Wang Kai has always looked down upon, whether it is the fake Hydra or the original Hydra, their goals and purposes are so unreliable, one is to rule the world, one It is to rescue monsters. This is obviously not the thinking of normal people, so Wang Kai would rather cooperate with S.H.I.E.L.D. than Hydra.

"That's good, as long as Hydra is not allowed to get these things, their goals will not be successful."

Although Nick Fury doesn't know who the leader of Hydra is going to rescue, it is definitely not a good thing, and he still needs to be treated with caution, saying that nothing can make Hydra succeed.

After the two parties agreed on the exchange, Nick Fury left Wang Kai's ranch contentedly and returned to S.H.I.E.L.D. The World Council is still constantly placing people in S.H.I.E.L.D., but it can no longer shake Nick Fury's position. Nick Fury handles these things with ease.

Let Hill bring out all the things Wang Kai wanted, then pack them on the plane, and let several planes escort them together, so as not to be found out by Hydra and send someone to grab them, but fortunately, it happened suddenly, and Hill's action also Soon, almost less than five hours after Nick Fury returned to S.H.I.E.L.D., Hill sent the things to Wang Kai's ranch. Even if Hydra got the news, it was too late to react.

Seeing a metal body that hit into a suitcase and a huge black stone in a glass box, Wang Kai let Hill leave with satisfaction, these two things.

Let the pacifists come up and take both the large and small boxes to the basement, and at the same time call Gordon and tell him to inform Jia Ying.

Soon, Jia Ying came to Wang Kai. Wang Kai took her to the underground space and showed her the black boulder guarded by pacifists.

"This is the portal."

Jia Ying looked at the black boulder inside through the glass box. The black boulder suddenly turned into a puddle of black liquid, swayed in the glass box, and then turned back into a boulder again, as if nothing had happened.

"That's right, this portal is absolutely safe here, not many people can pass through the guards of the pacifists, don't worry about that."

Wang Kai said that he has absolute confidence in the pacifists. At the same time, in order to prevent the bloody things in the TV series, Wang Kai re-fixed the glass box and added two new restraints to prevent the glass box from being opened suddenly.

"Well, if that guy comes out, you have to be careful, he's very powerful."

Jia Ying didn't know about the hive, but the word passed down from the elders was that that guy was very powerful, so Jia Ying reminded Wang Kai.

"Don't worry, if he can come out of the portal alive, I will kill him, so that the Inhumans don't have to worry anymore."

Wang Kai said that the beehive is also powerful against the Inhumans, and there is nothing special about the others. Even a flamethrower can kill the beehive. His attack basically relies on parasites, and these insects can be eliminated with only a ball of fire. .

Jia Ying glanced at Wang Kai, but said nothing, this son-in-law has a heart, and getting these things out of S.H.I.E.L.D. might be a big favor.

"Is this the obelisk?"

Jia Ying saw something she was familiar with. This thing was controlled by Whitehall at the beginning. Whitehall also discovered his extraordinaryness through the obelisk. When he picked up this obelisk again, Jia Ying really didn't know what to say good.

"This is the obelisk that S.H.I.E.L.D. snatched from Whitehall. I just don't know how to use it, but now Daisy doesn't have the idea of ​​gaining abilities, so don't worry."

Wang Kai said to Jia Ying that he could see that Jia Ying was a little sad, so he found something to divert Jia Ying's attention.

"The use of the obelisk requires a specific environment. Under Puerto Rico, there is an ancient city built by the Cree. It used to be a test site. You can start the obelisk there. If you don't want to go, I can talk to you about it." The elders negotiated to exchange a Terrigen crystal with the obelisk."

Regarding her daughter, Jia Ying still has a little selfishness, but in her opinion, the obelisk is the same as the Terrigen crystal, it is nothing more than a method of use, and there is no problem in exchanging it.

"Let's talk about it later. When Daisy wants to awaken her ability, I'll contact you again. I don't know about it. You are more experienced."

Wang Kai said to Jia Ying that since Jia Ying has already awakened so many aliens, she will definitely pay more attention to her daughter, and it will be fine to leave it to Jia Ying, as long as that Pikachu Lincoln is not allowed to be Daisy's guide.

"Well, in fact, these abilities are a curse to many Inhumans, and more people want to be ordinary people."

Jia Ying said, this is the wall theory. People inside the wall want to come out, and people outside the wall want to go in. No one can tell who is right and who is wrong. Maybe the people inside want to go back after they come out, and the people outside want to go back. People go in and then want to come out, people are fickle.

Seeing that Wang Kai's place is tightly guarded, Jia Ying is relieved. Hydra will never be able to snatch the portal and obelisk from Wang Kai, so the nightmare of the Inhumans will disappear.

Jia Ying came here quite suddenly this time, so she didn't stay long. After coming out of the underground space, she took some gifts from Wang Kai and left with Gordon. At least a big stone was put down in her heart.

The sudden deal between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Wang Kai really caught Hydra by surprise. After Hydra obtained the information by beating around the bush, it was already a day later, and the day lily was cold by this time.

(End of this chapter)

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