The Two-dimensional of the United States comics

Chapter 286 The Scepter Is Missing Again

Chapter 286 The Scepter Is Missing Again
"It's really a wonderful show. I'm sorry. I know your intentions are good, but you haven't thought about it carefully. You want to protect this world, but you don't want to change it. If human beings stand still, why do you want to protect yourself? Look at these puppets, there's only one way to peace, the Avengers fall."

Ultron said to Tony, Tony listened to what Ultron said, and began to think about whether he had done something wrong, but as soon as Ultron finished speaking, Thor threw a hammer and smashed Ultron to pieces.

"I was chained, but I'm free."

Ultron, who had become fragments, used his last energy and said in a strange tone. At the same time, the underground research room of the ancient castle in Sokovia suddenly started, and the operation consoles of those assembled robots started to operate automatically. This did not alarm the people in the ancient castle. The people of S.H.I.E.L.D. stationed in the center.

After the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. found out, they were overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of a large number of robots, and they didn't even have time to send out a distress signal.


Banner said suddenly, everyone rushed to the laboratory, the scepter had disappeared without a trace, there was a big hole in the glass wall on one side, and the robot of the Iron Legion took the scepter away.

"This is the Signal Tracker."

Tony picked up a gadget, Thor snatched it up, and flew out, following the trail of the signal all the way north.

"Tony, our achievements are all gone. Ultron cleaned up this place and escaped using the Internet."

After Thor left, the others began to deal with the aftermath, and the injured began to heal. Tony and Banner began to clean up everything here and study what happened to the robot. Banner checked the system and found the hands and feet made by Ultron.


These tech gadgets are really unreliable, Steve said.

"So Ultron has all the information, various documents, and surveillance videos, so it may know us better than we do each other."

Natasha said that it seems that leaving the Avengers is the right choice.

"It's hacked into your files, it's hacked into the internet, and what if it finds something more interesting."

Rhodes covered his shoulders and said that just now, in order to avoid Ultron, his arm fell and dislocated, but Wang Kai has helped him reset it, but the arm cannot move vigorously.

"You mean the nuclear code?"

Natasha was very alert and said immediately.

"That's right, the nuclear weapon code, we have to contact the relevant parties as soon as possible, if we can still contact."

As a soldier, Rhodes had to prepare for the worst, and the code for nuclear weapons was the most important thing in the world.

"Improbable, what he said is that he wants us to die."

Natasha didn't understand. Would it be necessary to use nuclear weapons to kill people like herself?

"He's not talking about death, but destruction."

Steve said bluntly.

"And he said he killed someone."

Hawkeye said, wondering why he didn't kill Wang Kai just now.

"But there is no one in the building anymore, and the guests have all left."

Zhao Hailun said that she was quite frightened and was drinking hot cocoa to suppress her shock.

"No, there's one more."

Tony came out of the silence and flicked the phone. In the middle of the laboratory, a 3D projection was projected in the middle. This orange projection seemed to be a fragmented ruin.

"How could this be? It's crazy."

Banner knew that this was Jarvis's projection, but he didn't expect Ultron to say that if he killed someone, he killed Jarvis.

"Jarvis is the first line of defense. He must want to shut down Ultron so that's why."

Steve said that Jarvis has helped them a lot, and everyone has regarded Jarvis as a partner. Seeing their partner killed, they still feel a little sad.

"No, Ultron could have assimilated Jarvis. He didn't do it out of strategy, but out of anger."

Banner has a different opinion. Ultron can be said to be comparable to the existence of God in the Internet. He can invade Jarvis instead of killing Jarvis. Now Jarvis's state is like being given by a violent person Like disassembled.

As soon as Banner finished speaking, there was a series of heavy footsteps. Thor came back, and Thor went straight to Tony with a dark face. He knew at a glance that he was looking for trouble for Tony.

"Sorry, Thor, you can't touch Tony."

Wang Kai stepped between Thor and Tony, blocking Thor.

"Get out of the way, or I'll let you taste the wrath of Asgard."

Thor gritted his teeth and said that Loki's scepter was lost again, it was all good deeds done by Tony, he must teach Tony a lesson, now that Wang Kai stands in front of him, that is his enemy.

"Then you can try it, I really want to know what the anger of Asgard looks like."

Wang Kai said disdainfully, besides Thor's Hammer, what other abilities do you have, Minty can abuse you with one hand.

"You think I dare not."

Thor raised his hammer.

"Thor, now is not the time for internal strife, and Stark didn't mean to make it like this."

Steve immediately came out and said that he had to stop the internal division, otherwise the Avengers would be torn apart without Ultron's hands, and it was really death.

Thor looked at Steve, then at Wang Kai, and could only put down the hammer. This disappointed Hawkeye, who was secretly cheering up. You should fight, and Thor should use lightning to kill this yellow boy. Electricity into coke.

"Where's the Iron Legion?"

Steve shifted everyone's target.

"The signal disappeared a hundred miles away. It should be heading north. Also, the scepter disappeared with them. We have to regain the scepter again."

Thor was speechless, why did his younger brother's weapon have such a rough fate.

"The devil has escaped from the bottle, the question now is how to kill Ultron."

Natasha used the metaphor in fairy tales to say that Ultron is a devil, and it is time to consider how to deal with the devil.

"Just blow him up."

Minty waved his fist, as many robots as that come, they can be blown up by themselves.

"It's not that easy. Ultron can easily transfer hours from the network, unless you interrupt all the networks in an instant, so that Ultron has nowhere to escape."

Banner said that now is the information age, and the Internet has almost covered the whole world. Even in poor Africa, there are smartphones.

"I don't understand, you designed this program, but why did it kill us?"

Helen Zhao also recovered a bit. She couldn't figure out how Tony designed Ultron to exist to kill the Avengers. Tony was also an Avenger, that is, Tony wanted to kill himself.

"Ho ho ho ho ~~~"

Tony laughed suddenly, which made everyone in the laboratory look at each other. Could it be that Tony was too stimulated and went crazy?

(End of this chapter)

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