Chapter 279

"In Baron Strucker's laboratory, I saw some very advanced robots. They cleared the data, but I guess he is about to complete a very special research."

Tony shared what he had seen and heard in the laboratory with Banner, and expressed his guess.

"artificial intelligence?"

Banner immediately thought of a term. Jarvis does not belong to artificial intelligence. Jarvis still has many restrictions. It is more about executing the orders deployed by Tony. Although Jarvis has many choices in terms of the variety of orders, these It is not obtained by thinking, but through checking and calculation, artificial intelligence can think independently.

"Maybe this, Bruce, might be the key to creating Ultron."

Tony said a little excitedly that Ultron was his previous idea, and this idea was based on Jarvis's idea, and now he finds that it is completely possible to create a new one.

"I thought Ultron was just a fantasy."

Banner worked with Tony and of course knew what Tony had envisioned.

"Yesterday, if we can control this power, use my Iron Legion agreement."

Tony couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart. His idea had been stuck in the stage of conception, and there was no way to implement it. Now he finally had a chance, and he was able to fulfill the obsession in his heart.

"This 'if' is too unreliable."

Banner was still a little calm, not being tempted by Tony's boldness.

"Our job is to realize the 'what if', if you're sipping a cocktail, lying on the beach in the sun, and you're bronze instead of green, you don't have to think about Veronica."

Tony saw that Banner was not tempted, so he started to flicker. Only when Banner was limp, could he get Banner's help.

"Don't be angry, I helped design Veronica."

Banner said that in order to control the Hulk, he also helped Tony design the anti-Hulk armor, as well as the system, which is the Veronica system. Veronica is usually deployed in space as a satellite. If Hulk loses control, he will be released to the earth, and Tony will drive and control Hulk.

"In response to the situation going bad, right, what about the best case scenario? What if the world is safe? The next time the aliens make a big attack, and that's what's going to happen, if they can't get past the line?"

Tony said that he saw the large-scale invasion of the Chitauri in the vision, saw the Avengers fall one by one, and was powerless to stop the Chitauri invasion. He was really anxious.

"But the only ones who really threaten this planet are us humans."

Banner's thinking is very similar to Wang Kai's. Although Wang Kai enjoys the convenience brought by high technology, Wang Kai is always vigilant against those crazy scientists.

"I want to apply this to the Ultron program, but Jarvis can't download the data schematic diagram with such a high density. We can only do this when the scepter is there. For three days, just give me three days."

Tony didn't want to respond to Banner's idea. That idea was not what a scientist should have. He could only beg Banner's help.

"So you want to study artificial intelligence, but you don't want to tell the team?"

Banner heard what Tony meant, and Tony actually wanted to do it in private.

"Yes, that's right, do you know why? Because we don't have time to debate, do you know why Huaxia can develop so fast? We all say that they are dictatorship, and this kind of dictatorship can reduce different voices. As long as those in power don't make mistakes, Then China can definitely quickly surpass us in the United States, so I don't want to hear nonsense like 'who is right and who is wrong', what I see is the world under armor protection."

Tony and Wang Kai have been around for a long time, and as a metaphor, they both like to pull Huaxia out.

"Sounds like a cold world, Tony."

Banner imagined the world Tony talked about, and it was really impersonal, too cold.

"I have seen colder, this very fragile blue planet, it needs Ultron."

Tony has fallen into the magic barrier. He got into the horns and wanted to build the protection in his mind.

Banner’s character is not the kind of tough person. He was moved by Tony, and he accompanied Tony to start the creation of Ultron. The two started working day and night, and they didn’t have much time. Thor will be there in three days. Taking away the scepter, they must overcome the biggest problem since the invention of the computer in such a short period of time.

When Wang Kai received Tony's invitation letter, he knew that Ultron was about to appear. Since he must fail, then don't avoid it. His character is not a character of facing difficulties, but he is definitely not a person who will not fight back in the face of threats.

"Minty, are you interested in going to New York for Tony's celebration party?"

Wang Kai said to Mingdy, Mingdy is now cultivating mental power very fast, Wang Kai reckons that Mingdy is at least a hunter at the level of Yin Beast, although not as good as Wo Jin, but also surpasses professional hunters without stars, After another year of training, Minty will be able to reach the level of a one-star hunter.

"Okay, I'm going."

Minty immediately agreed, going out to play was her second hobby, and her first hobby was naturally fighting.

"Then pack it up, we'll set off tomorrow, drive there, and enjoy the scenery along the way."

Wang Kai said, don't worry this time, just go ahead of time, Tony is probably busy designing artificial intelligence, so go slowly, just a little earlier, this time Wang Kai didn't call Daisy, because Pepper was still there He was dealing with Stark Industries affairs in Los Angeles, and there might be a battle this time, so he didn't call Daisy, but he still told Daisy, and Daisy also refused to go with him.

On Saturday morning, Wang Kai and Mindy came to New York, and came to the Stark Tower, which has become a new landmark in New York. Wang Kai had an electronic pass from Tony, and Jarvis immediately let him go when he saw Wang Kai.

"Hi Natasha, long time no see."

Wang Kai brought Minty to the floor where the banquet was held, and saw Natasha resting here.

"I didn't expect Tony to invite you, don't you need to stay at home?"

After Natasha saw Wang Kai, the light in her eyes flickered, and she said with a smile.

"In order to drink Tony's wine, I have to come even if I break my leg. I heard that you have won a battle. I want to congratulate you."

Wang Kai asked Minty to play by himself, while he chatted with Natasha.

"With your help, our victory will be easier."

Natasha knows that Wang Kai will not become Nick Fury's thug, but she just likes to tease Wang Kai by saying that.

(End of this chapter)

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