Chapter 264 Keen Nick

Hearing the news of Hydra, Steve took the initiative to ask for a fight, and Nick Fury was also willing to let the old guy move his legs and feet, so as not to degrade his combat effectiveness if he didn't fight for a long time.

With the addition of Steve and elite soldiers, the balance of the battle instantly tilted, especially when Steve charged into the enemy's formation with this shield and messed up the opponent's firepower, Steve's shield was simply a cheating tool , even if the missile hits it, Steve will not be injured, let alone these rifles, after Steve entered the battle circle of Hydra, he grabbed a person as a sandbag and threw it out, hitting several The Hydra soldiers who were about to shoot at him, then gave it a hard shoulder, and a Humvee was pushed aside by Steve, allowing the soldiers to drive to cover.

With S.H.I.E.L.D., the shit-stirring stick, the battle was drawing to a close. The elite soldiers from the new reinforcements surrounded them from both sides. Their abundant physical strength allowed them to eliminate the Hydra's people faster. These Hydra's people quickly The people from S.H.I.E.L.D. were surrounded and wiped out, and there was no one left. S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted to capture a prisoner, but unfortunately no one survived. Even if they were injured, they detonated the grenade and committed suicide. This is the difficulty of Hydra.

"Nick, what happened in Guinea probably wasn't done by Hydra."

While cleaning the field, Steve contacted Nick Fury.

"Tell me your reasons."

Although Nick Fury believes in Steve's judgment, he still needs evidence.

"Look at these things, they are also here to find the traces of those giant rats. If it was done by Hydra people, they should be here to eliminate clues and evidence."

Steve sent back a photo of the instrument brought by Hydra, which he also found while cleaning the battlefield, which made him think that perhaps S.H.I.E.L.D. was looking in the wrong direction in the first place.

"It seems that Hydra really doesn't know about those giant rats. They are also looking for them, but who did it? The big biological companies in the world are also silent. Who can do all this? "

After seeing the photos, Nick Fury affirmed Steve's statement, but since it wasn't Hydra, who would it be?A person's name suddenly flashed in Nick Fury's mind, a name that gave him a headache, Wang Kai, could it be him?Wang Kai also owns a company, which also has biological research, and its strength is not weak, but is this what he does?Didn't he want to live a peaceful life? Isn't this kind of obviously anti-human thing going against his original intention?Nick Fury really wanted to ask Wang Kai, but thinking of Wang Kai's attitude, he frowned.

Steve's news is not bad news for Nick Fury. Fortunately, this incident was not done by Hydra, so you don't have to worry about any new tricks that Hydra is playing. The bad thing is this incident Still haven't been able to find the real culprit behind the scenes. Although there are objects of suspicion, they are just suspicions. This suspicion is seriously lacking in confidence, and Nick Fury has no evidence at all.

After the Hydra people were wiped out, it was not possible to bear this breath. Several S.H.I.E.L.D. branches in Africa were hacked by Hydra, all the information was wiped out, and computer viruses were planted. Fortunately, God The firewall of the SHIELD headquarters is strong enough to not be breached. Otherwise, it would be very dangerous if the new information of SHIELD is mastered by Hydra.

Faced with Hydra's counterattack, Nick Fury was also very angry. He asked Natasha and Hawkeye to lead the team and troubled Hydra all over the world.

However, the investigation team in Guinea came back without any clues, and all the clues were cleaned up, as if there had never been any giant rats here, but they found several traces of burning, and the methods were all the same. White phosphorus is incinerated.

Some warheads were also found at the scene, but there were no bullet casings, and there was no way to find them based on the bullet casings, and there was no evidence of any traces on the bullets, indicating that these weapons had never appeared on the market before, and I am afraid they will not appear on the market in the future. .

With no more clues, Nick Fury can only give up. Since these giant rats were not made by Hydra, he has time to slowly find the real culprit.

"Tony, what would you do if your friend endangered the world?"

Asking Tony Stark to a small fast food restaurant, Nick Fury's first sentence was to ask Tony such a serious question.

"I'll stop my friend, what are you trying to say?"

Tony was a little puzzled, what was the black bastard asking him to do, it was such a strange question.

"Then why didn't you stop Wang Kai and the biochemical experiment conducted by Umbrella Corporation?"

Nick Fury wants to cheat Tony. After all, he has no way to ask Wang Kai directly, and Wang Kai doesn't care about him. Nick Fury can only open the gap from Tony. If he can confirm that what happened in Guinea was done by Wang Kai, he can continue Go to Wang Kai.

"What kind of biochemical experiment? Why can't I understand it? Do you want me to call Wang Kai for you?"

Who is Tony, how could he be caught by Nick Fury's trick? How long does Tony know what Nick Fury wants to know in an instant, but Tony will never admit it, and strictly speaking, the Guinea thing is not What Wang Kai did was at most a kind of negligence, just like the leakage of natural radioactive minerals in nature. Although the mining company will have some responsibility, it is definitely not the main responsibility.

"Are you going to deny the incident in Guinea? We found out through our investigation that a scientific research team from Umbrella once entered Guinea. You can't deny this."

Nick Fury said that this is the biggest loophole, because when they entered Guinea for the first time, Wade and the others went through formal channels, and there were complete records. The S.H.I.E.L.D. investigated it, but that time, Wade They didn't stay for too long, and they didn't meet the conditions for biochemical research at all, but Nick Fury only had these cards in his hand, and they could only show them.

"Why should I deny it? It's not Stark Industries. I'm just a minority shareholder of Umbrella, and I don't participate in the specific affairs of Umbrella. Otherwise, I'll call Wang Kai and you can ask him yourself. Let me see. , It is indeed customs data, only one month, your S.H.I.E.L.D. biochemical experiments only need one month?"

Tony still refuses to admit it. Anyway, Nick Fury has no definite evidence. The data of this entry and exit customs is only one month. What can one month do, Tony said with a disdainful smile.

"Maybe the Umbrella Corporation has already developed a biochemical weapon, and it's just for experiments. Those giant rats are the results of the weapon's experiments."

Nick Fury seems to be telling himself, the more he speaks, the more confident he becomes.

(End of this chapter)

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