Chapter 244
"Wangcai, Tony is a friend, don't be rude, Tony, Wangcai is a wolf, and not just an ordinary wolf, you can think of it as the existence of Meow Meow, and it is more powerful than Meow Meow, so don't be rude to it What kind of disrespect in language, it understands."

Wang Kai said to Tony that the fighting wolf is very smart, which makes Wang Kai feel that if it grows up, its IQ will not be lower than that of human beings, so Wang Kai will not regard Wangcai as a watchdog, but Wangcai as a watchdog. friend.

"OMG, Kai, why do you always have endless miracles here, I really envy you, if you let Wangcai follow me, how awesome it would be, Kai, if I kidnap Wangcai, you won't mind Bar."

Tony looked at Wangcai with fiery eyes, which made Wangcai a little uncomfortable, but Wangcai just turned around, ignored Tony, and enjoyed his rest time quietly.

"Of course I don't mind, as long as Wangcai is willing to go with you, but a friendly reminder, Wangcai will only follow the strong. In its eyes, you are not a strong one. It may not be your opponent in the battle suit now, but as long as When it grows up, even the Hulk will not be its opponent."

Wang Kai said that fighting wolf has the pride of fighting wolf. If Xiaoen Xiaohui can kidnap fighting wolf, then how can fighting wolf be called the wolf king of the eight kings in the food industry? Tony is still far behind.

"That's not necessarily the case, Wangcai, how about it, think about it, if you follow me, you can eat whatever you want in the future, you can eat wagyu beef, bluefin tuna is a snack, and I can find you a bunch of companions, so that you have Best enjoyment."

Tony squatted beside Wangcai and began to flatter him and said, this is a veritable dog leg. In order to achieve the goal, no morals are needed. Is this still the suave Tony Stark?
Wangcai dismissed Tony's flattery, snorted disdainfully, didn't even bother to open his eyes, and still maintained the previous movement, as if Tony was just a ball of air beside him, and didn't pay any attention to it at all. With a flick of the tail, it looks very leisurely.

Wang Kai and Minty watched Tony's cuteness with interest, and all kinds of conditions and no money jumped out of Tony's mouth. If people outside heard it, they would automatically give up their dignity and compete to be Tony's pet. It is the treatment of pets, which is simply the treatment of Lafayette, with special massage every day, the best food in the world, hundreds of cars to choose from, the hotel must be five-star, the room must be a presidential suite, and the masseur It must be top-notch, and the mineral water you drink must be top ten famous brands.

This Tony really didn't even want his virginity for Wangcai, so he almost dedicated his life to Wangcai, but Wangcai always dismissed it. For Wangcai, only power is eternal. any interest.

"My God, Kai, I seriously doubt whether Wangcai can understand my words, or how can he be indifferent?"

Half an hour later, Tony returned to the sofa, picked up the water glass and poured it into his mouth desperately. After drinking nearly a liter of iced mineral water, Tony regained his strength and said to Wang Kai.

"Hehe, I don't think so, don't you see the disdain from Wangcai's squinting eyes, your conditions are very generous for ordinary pets, even heaven, but Wangcai is not a pet, its Life is only for fighting, not for enjoying, unless you let Hulk practice with him every day, otherwise, it is impossible to impress him."

Wang Kai said that the strong have the pride of the strong, even animals are the same, so Wang Kai understands Wang Cai’s needs best. Fighting is what Wang Cai wants, even if he dies, he must die in the battle.

"Tch, strange people have strange pets. I really don't understand the thinking of you fighting madmen. Forget it, the fresh-keeping truck has already brought all the ingredients. Let me try a big meal."

Tony understood that he would never want to abduct Wangcai away, so he gave up the idea. He must have a descendant of Wangcai in the future. Wangcai is so powerful, even if the genes of the descendants are thin, they will not be too weak .

"We eat hot pot."

Wang Kai said that Wang Kai was too lazy to make things, so he chose the simplest hot pot. Even if Tony got the top-level ingredients, Wang Kai planned to cook it in one pot.

Of course, Wang Kai will not be so violent. Wang Kai also pays great attention to the seasoning of the bottom of the pot. The best beef bone soup is added with various aniseed ingredients to ensure that the bottom of the pot can restore the best taste of the ingredients. The dipping sauce is also carefully prepared by Wang Kai, including seafood, spicy, sesame sauce, etc., you can choose according to your preferences.

After a big pot was placed on the table, the induction cooker was heating it, and all the ingredients were cut and placed on the table, Tony's eyes were already green with hunger, and he rushed to the table to wait for the hot pot soup to roll over. As for Wangcai's food, the answer is very simple. A Wagyu beef is Wangcai's food. It is raw and not processed. Wangcai needs to maintain enough bloodthirsty.

"Wow, it's too spicy and delicious, give me another cold beer."

While calling spicy, Tony desperately took the food out of the pot, dipped it in the ingredients and put it in. Finally, his mouth was so bright red from eating that it was a little swollen, but he didn't care at all, and poured glasses of cold beer into his stomach Here, to neutralize the spicy taste in the mouth, if Tony is not a person who has been strengthened, he may have to stay in the toilet for a long time if he eats this way.

"Eat slowly, don't be so unpromising, or I will ask Athena to take a picture of you and post it on the Internet."

Wang Kai said to Tony that Tony's actions made the soup splash out, but Wang Kai used his thoughts to prevent it from splashing on his face.

"Whatever, anyway, I have Pepper now, so I don't need to look for flowers and ask Liu, image is not important to me anymore."

Tony didn't care about Wang Kai's threats at all. He was going to break the jar now. Anyway, there was no need to hunt for sex anymore. What is an image, can it be eaten?Can I wash it?
Wang Kai has no choice but to let Tony degenerate. Anyway, hot pot is easy to eat, and with so much beer, Tony can't eat it right away, even with his strengthened body. The digestion power is good, which is also within the range of human beings.

"Uh, I'm so full, there's still so much left to eat."

Sure enough, Tony soon slumped on the chair with his stomach outstretched. He couldn't eat anymore, it was all in his throat, and he could spit it out even if he bent down, but seeing that there were still so many ingredients, he was really unwilling.

(End of this chapter)

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