The Two-dimensional of the United States comics

Chapter 18 The meat delivered to the mouth

Chapter 18 The meat delivered to the mouth
"Wow, this man is so stupid. He actually went to steal the Declaration of Independence. Don't you know that it can't be sold at all, and whoever buys it will be the enemy of the United States."

Jimmy said, expressing disdain for such a stupid thief, too stupid to steal such a valuable thing and not be able to sell it.

"Maybe they are for their own collection, or there are clues to some treasures on it. They are a group of treasure hunters. This Ben Franklin Gates is an adventurer, looking for treasures everywhere."

Skye had already pulled out the information of Ben Franklin Gates from his notebook, which contained very detailed information. Wang Kai also turned his head to look at it, and then all the memories deep in his brain emerged at once.

"Yes, they are looking for treasure, Ben Franklin Gates, a descendant of a family with a special secret."

Wang Kai finally remembered why he felt familiar. This was another movie he had watched. It was not a story in American comics, but it also happened in the United States. This made Wang Kai realize that the world Maybe it will be a hodgepodge world, the base is beautiful comics, but the content may appear other things.

"What? There is really a treasure, what secret does this Gates family have?"

Hearing what Wang Kai said, both Skye and Jimmy became interested, and immediately leaned over, looking like a good baby listening to a story.

"Well, I'll tell you that on a stormy night in 1832, Charles Carlyle, the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence, a member of the secret society 'Masonry,' On his deathbed, he had his stable boy drive him to meet the President of the United States, Andrew Jackson."

Wang Kai started the storytelling mode, trying to recall the plot of the movie.

"I know that Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States, the first Governor of Florida, and one of the founders of the Democratic Party, Charles Carlyle, was the representative of Carrollton and the longest-lived signer of the Declaration of Independence , died on November 1832, 11."

While Wang Kai was speaking, Skye had already retrieved the personal information of the two people that Wang Kai had mentioned from the computer.

"That's right, it was them, but that night, Charles didn't see the president, but he was running out of time and couldn't bring a secret to the grave, so he told the secret to a person he trusted, then The ancestor of Ben Franklin Gates, Thomas Gates."

Wang Kai's story attracted Skye's idea again. As a hacker, Skye likes to explore secrets the most.

"What a secret, what a secret."

Jimmy was in a hurry. Although he had already guessed it, he still hoped to speak out through Wang Kai.

"A treasure, a treasure so huge that it is unimaginable, a treasure that is constantly being contested by tyrants, pharaohs, emperors, and warlords, and it will expand every time it is contested, but it disappeared for a while, until the Crusades During the Eastern Expedition, the Templars discovered these treasures under the temple of King Solomon. They transferred the treasures to America through several centuries and founded the Freemasonry. Then during the War of Independence, These treasures were hidden again. The Freemasons at that time included George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Paul Revere. They were afraid that these treasures would be found by the British, so they hid these treasures. At the same time, they designed clues and Maps are used to show the location of the treasure, but with the passage of time, many clues have been interrupted, and only the Gates family holds the origin of the clues. This Ben Franklin Gates is the descendant of this family. It seems that they have found There's a clue."

Wang Kai's story made Skye and Jimmy's blood surging, and the two of them could not wait to dance.

"What is the origin of that clue? Can we go find it?"

Skye asked, she was simply too interested, her feelings were not for the treasure, but for the process of deciphering.

"The origin of the clue is a sentence 'the secret is with Charlotte', but this clue has been solved, otherwise Ben Franklin Gates would not have stolen the Declaration of Independence, now we need to find a collaborator to dig Treasure, we may be able to share a large sum of money, so that the ranch can be quickly acquired."

Wang Kai said that Charlotte is a ship, a ship that has been silent, and there is a reminder of the next clue on the ship, which is a riddle. Show up, 55 people with iron pens, Mr. Meloch can't hurt."

The stylus is a symbol, symbolizing that the content of writing is decisive. Timothy Meloch is the clerk of the Continental Congress, so the clue points to the "Declaration of Independence".

Now that Ben Franklin Gates has obtained the Declaration of Independence, it means that he is about to find the treasure. If he wants to intervene, he may have to speed up.

"Collaborator? Who are we looking for?"

Jimmy was taken aback for a moment, he didn't understand that he already knew the location of the treasure, so he just went to dig it himself.

"That treasure is too big for us to eat, and it is still the treasure of the Freemasonry. Are you sure you can seize the meat in front of the powerful organization of the Freemasonry?"

Wang Kai knew very well that if he relied on his own power alone, he could get some treasures from that treasure at most, and what one or two people could get at most would be a fraction of those treasures. One percent of it is enough for my own use.

"Kai, who do you plan to find as a partner?"

Skye asked curiously.

"Tony Stark."

Wang Kai expressed his own thoughts, Tony Stark, although he and Tony do not know each other, but Wang Kai also does not know other people, and compared with others, Tony is still a good person, if you find someone else, I am afraid that I will swallow all the scum that I have eaten, and it is even more impossible to find the government. At most, I will give myself some praise.

"That playboy? We don't know him, how can we find him to cooperate?"

Skye often pays attention to information on the Internet and is no stranger to Tony Scott.

"It's very simple. Hack his computer manager. He has a smart computer manager. You can hack it, whether you can hack it or not, as long as you leave a message, there will be no problem."

Although he knew Tony Stark's home address, Wang Kai felt that the effect of going to the door did not need to be higher than that of hacking Jarvis. Some information, Wang Kai believes that Tony Stark will come to find him. If Tony Stark wants to play tricks, Wang Kai is not afraid, then Tony Stark will find a very powerful enemy. , There is no problem at all with a few hands.

(End of this chapter)

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