I was born to be a supporting role

Chapter 8 Who is the Rebel?

Chapter 8 Who is the Rebel
After all, Liu Hua and Zhang Yu are just ordinary rogues.

Usually he only dares to show off his power in front of ordinary people.

I was born to be afraid of these yamen servants.

At this time, being frightened by these government officials, he was naturally panicked and couldn't care about anything.

Wang Bantou was shocked when he heard this.

He has been in the government service for a long time, so he still has some experience in judging people.

At this time, I knew that Liu Hua and Zhang Yu were not lying.


Bantou Wang secretly thought it was bad.

This Wang Bantou is actually a genuine man from the Ming Dynasty.

Previously, I joined this yamen as a yamen servant just for the purpose of gathering information.

It has been seven or eight years in a flash, and now they are all on the team.

Could it be that a brother showed his whereabouts and was found out by these two rogues.

In fact, Bantou Wang also knows that sometimes his gang is not secretive enough.

And these people are all Han people, and ordinary people don't want to cause trouble. They usually turn a blind eye when they know something, so they don't cause big trouble.

But I didn't expect that something bad would happen to this rogue today.

Bantou Wang was secretly vigilant, and it seemed that everyone should pay attention to it in the future.

If Bantou Wang was the only one at this time, it would be easy to conceal the news.

A few words of threats will make these two scoundrels retreat.

It's a pity that there are still several colleagues from the yamen around him at this time.

These people are not as easy to fool as Hoppy.

"I think what you said is true, why don't you take it back for trial first."

Wang Bantou thought about it secretly, and first planned to take Liu Hua and Zhang Yu back for questioning.

At least you have to know where the problem is before you can deal with it.

Several government officials also nodded in agreement, with smiles on their faces.

The credit for arresting the rebels is not small, and the rewards are also quite a lot.

However, there are too many people involved, and so many people are divided up and down. In fact, there will not be many in each person's hands, but at least some will be taken.

This is also a surprise.

Profitable, these people naturally work extra hard.

Liu Hua and Zhang Yu were brought back in tears.

"Boss Wang, all servants, we are the rebels we met in Weijiazhuang outside the city."

Liu Hua and Zhang Yu were really scared at this time, what to ask and what to say.

"Huh? Nonsense."

A young yamen servant directly yelled at him.

Weijiazhuang and other locals in Yangzhou have heard about it a little bit.

There was also a big family living there back then, plus the surrounding tenants, there were actually a lot of people, no less than 1000 people, it was considered a big village.

It's a pity that when the Qing Dynasty entered the customs more than ten years ago, the head of the family and others took the lead in resisting the hair-shaving order, and the family was wiped out in the end.

Those who were killed in Weijiazhuang were bleeding like rivers, and dead bodies were everywhere.

Although more than ten years have passed, no one dares to go to that place.

I heard that in the middle of the night there are often ghosts crying.

The daytime is also gloomy, making people feel cold all over the body, who would go there if they have nothing to do.

However, this kind of place was actually a place frequented by anti-Qing martyrs.

The main thing is that it is secluded and private enough.

Even Bantou Wang himself has been there.

"We are really the rebels we met in Weijiazhuang last night."

At this time, Liu Hua and Zhang Yu were afraid that these people would not believe in themselves, and when the time came to give them the title of anti-thief, it would really be called "responsible every day, and the earth will not work".

In fact, Liu Hua and Zhang Yu thought too much. They didn't have much knowledge. They usually only saw these government servants running rampant and taking people everywhere.

I think these government officials just want to accuse people of whatever crime they want.

I don't know any place that wants to establish order, so naturally there is a set of rules.

Otherwise it's not a mess.

Even if you want to slander someone as a traitor, you need to have evidence that you have seen.

It is not just empty words that can be convicted.

Of course, if the important person speaks, that will be another matter.

"Then how many rebels are there? You can still live to report to the police after taking a photo?"

The young yamen servant sneered.

These two people didn't seem to be ruthless characters at first glance, but they really ran into the rebels and came back alive.

"It's two young people, a man and a woman."

Liu Hua hurriedly replied.

However, these words made many yamen servants feel contemptuous and disappointed at the same time.

In the middle of the night, in a secluded place, lonely men and widows.

Is this a tactic used by rebels?

This was obviously a private tryst, the two must have bumped into a pair of wild mandarin ducks, no wonder they came back alive.

Bantou Wang also breathed a sigh of relief.

The credit is gone, and the reward silver is gone.

Even if he wanted to catch the pair of wild mandarin ducks, there was no chance. After being so surprised, he would definitely not go there again in the future.

Several yamen servants lost interest for a while, it was a waste of time, they turned around and planned to leave.

Liu Hua and Zhang Yu panicked.

"But the man didn't shave his hair, and he didn't wear braids."

All the yamen servants were stunned.

No shaved hair, no braids.

In this era, except for monks and Taoist priests, they are almost equal to rebels.

Bantou Wang was also puzzled.

It is impossible for my brothers to act without scruples when acting on the territory of the Qing Dynasty, so they all have braids in fact.

It's just because some people want to go back to Treasure Island to return to life, so naturally they can't go back with braids, they can only cut their hair short for convenience, but the identities of these people are naturally very important.

For people like Bantou Wang, even if he goes back, not many people will know him.

This is going to be troublesome. Nine times out of ten, this person is one of our own, and he is also a big shot.

But the news was unclear, and Bantou Wang couldn't guess who it was for a while.

But currently, near Yangzhou City, Bantou Wang only knows one person with short hair, and that is Yin Xiaolong.

But Yin Xiaolong is almost forty, so naturally he has nothing to do with young people.

Bantou Wang also had a big head at the moment.

Could it be that some big person came from above.

Although these people are all acting in Yangzhou City, the relationship between them is not close.

Moreover, Bantou Wang's status is not high, and he is not clear about some news.

"Do you know those two people?"

Bantou Wang asked quickly.

Liu Hua and Zhang Yu shook their heads.A look of bewilderment.

They didn't know those two people, but they were really well dressed, especially the man.

Liu Hua and Zhang Yu described it vividly.

These yamen servants only heard that the women's clothes were more decent.

The man's clothes sounded completely confused and weird, and Liu Hua and Zhang Yu also talked nonsense.

Everyone can't imagine it at all.

"Lock this guy up first, let's go over there tonight and take a look."

Bantou Wang was a little worried at this time.

But since the man had a face-to-face meeting with these two rogues, he naturally wouldn't stay where he was foolishly.

People like myself have been going around a few times in the past few nights, fooling around.

This matter may be over.

The news must be spread as soon as possible, not afraid of ten thousand but just in case.

And be sure to inform the brothers that they can't go there for activities recently.

However, Bantou Wang still has a little doubt in his heart, who is that woman.

As far as he knew, there were no women among Yangzhou City's own people.

I don't know if the woman was brought by the man or a local.

If you are a local, it will be troublesome.

Bantou Wang went to a tea house next to the yamen while eating at noon.

Guo Hai, the shopkeeper of the teahouse, saw Bantou Wang approaching, and greeted him with a smile.

"Boss Wang is here to drink tea, please sit inside."

This Guo Hai is also from the former Ming Dynasty, and he opened the teahouse here for the convenience of cooperating with Bantou Wang to deliver news.

That's why Team Wang would often come here for a walk to prevent others from being suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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