Chapter 38
Almost subconsciously, Ju Ming channeled his internal energy into his palm.

At this time Kundera had almost rushed to Ju Ming.

Zhu Ming slapped it out with a palm.

Kundera was taken aback.

In Douluo Continent, all attacks are performed with martial arts or using weapons.

Even if you use your body, you use your legs and fists.

Open your palm and shoot directly.

This can only kill bugs.

Kundera suddenly blushed a little.

Is this Ju Ming humiliating himself?Equating yourself with bugs?
At this time, Kundera was furious.

Because he was beaten like a sandbag by Flanders before.

Kundera's originally arrogant self-esteem was severely hit.

Kundera was extremely sensitive at this time.


Kundera directly punched Ju Ming's palm.

At the same time, a brilliance suddenly appeared on Kundera's arm.

It turned out that after Kundera was promoted to Soul Master, his father, the king of the Barak Kingdom, specially took out a soul bone and an arm bone preserved in the treasury of the Barak Kingdom.

Let Kundera try to integrate.

As a result, Kundera really successfully integrated, and the degree of fit is quite high.

This is also Kundera's trump card.

Kundera was so angry that he couldn't care less about keeping a low profile.

The spirit bone flashed and punched Zhu Ming.

Just hear a bang.

The situation that Kundera expected to smash Ju Ming with a punch did not happen.

Instead, Kundera's arm was aching, and he took several steps back.

The whole figure seemed to have been punched on a rock.

How come Ju Ming’s palms are so hard?

Kundera was extremely confused.

Zhu Ming backhanded and slapped Augustus on the other side.

Augustus was horrified at this moment.

He clearly knew that Kundera had fused the soul bone.

One can imagine the power of that punch just now.

Anyway, Augustus couldn't take it.

Moreover, Augustus' martial spirit is not of the power type, so how dare he take Ju Ming's palm head-on.

Augustus quickly withdrew his arm, trying to dodge.

But he didn't expect that Zhu Ming's speed exceeded his expectation.

As a result, Augustus couldn't dodge completely, and was directly slapped on the shoulder by Zhu Ming.

Just hearing a click, Augustus felt a sharp pain in his shoulder.

Is this a broken bone?

Augustus' right arm was hanging down weakly at this moment, and it was difficult to lift it up.

It can be said that in one move, Ju Ming repelled Kundera and seriously injured August.

The situation on the field was suddenly reversed.

This was beyond everyone's expectations.

Flender was overjoyed immediately.

Just now Flender was in a hurry and wanted to break through Elton's entanglement.

As a result, I almost suffered a big loss.

But as long as you don't get impatient, Flender will definitely win against Elton.

Kundera was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

The situation was so good, but why did it suddenly take a turn for the worse.

Kundera couldn't figure it out at all.How could this master who should be like a waste suddenly become so powerful.

Now Augustus completely lost the ability to fight.

At most, it can only provide some assistance on the side.

But if one arm cannot be used, it is not certain whether the assistance can be done well.

Kundera dare not be arrogant anymore.

A halo flickered under his feet, instantly summoning his martial spirit.

Since you are incapable of fighting, prepare for a protracted war.

Kundera immediately summoned his martial soul and performed the martial soul skill.

In an instant, emperor flowers grew around Zhu Ming.

"Be careful, don't touch those flowers, they will suck blood."

Liu Erlong hurriedly ordered.

She just suffered a big loss because she didn't understand the situation.

Ju Ming nodded.

He had naturally seen how Liu Erlong was injured before, so how could he not be vigilant.

But in the face of this situation, Zhu Ming actually has no good solution.

The biggest weakness of Qinggong is that you have to keep relaying.

But the only ones who can borrow strength here are those emperor flowers.

But once you touch the emperor flower, you may be entangled, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Zhu Ming is worrying.

Suddenly, I found that an emperor flower had begun to grow under my feet.

And the surrounding area has been completely surrounded by emperor flowers.

Ju Ming jumped up in fright.

But as soon as he jumped up, Ju Ming regretted it.

Once you jump into the air, you have nowhere to rely on and can only fall.At this time, it is completely unavoidable.

It's even more miserable than staying on the ground, because there is no choice at all.

At this time, it was inevitable that Zhu Ming and Liu Erlong would fall into the attack range of Emperor Flower.

At this time, Zhu Ming suddenly made an extremely crazy move.

Zhu Ming suddenly used his arms to throw Liu Erlong out.

Due to the sudden exertion of force, the speed of Ju Ming's fall suddenly accelerated.


Liu Erlong's teeth almost gnawed in an instant.

She secretly hated herself in her heart. If she hadn't been carelessly injured before, how could she have put the master in such danger.

Ju Ming fell directly into the imperial flowers.

The petals of several emperor flowers around him suddenly bloomed.

Numerous slender threads protruded from the petals, and instantly buried Ju Ming.

Liu Erlong looked at it with bloodshot eyes.

And Liu Erlong immediately saw Kundera, the initiator of all this.

Because Liu Erlong was also trapped in the attack range of Kundera's martial arts skills before.

So under the interference of the illusion, he couldn't see where Kundera was at all.

At this time Liu Erlong had basically left the attack range of Kundera's martial arts skills, and the impact he received could be said to be negligible.

Liu Erlong turned directly and rushed towards Kundera.

Kundera's heart skipped a beat.

Although Liu Erlong was seriously injured.

But that doesn't mean it's completely invulnerable.

Kundera was instantly caught in a dilemma.

If he continued to attack Zhu Ming, he would have to bear Liu Erlong's attack without any resistance.

But if he wanted to resist Liu Erlong, he had to give up maintaining the Emperor Flower.

This is tantamount to giving up attacking Ju Ming in disguise.

For a moment Kundera hesitated.

But wait until he catches a glimpse of Liu Erlong rushing aggressively.

Kundera was stunned instantly.

He took a direct step away and avoided Liu Erlong's attack.

The moment Kundera evaded, the martial arts trapping Ju Ming dissipated completely.

At this time, Zhu Ming was completely like a blood gourd.

The whole body swells at least a circle.

The whole body is red, like a cooked prawn.

Liu Erlong just turned his head and glanced, then ran away instantly.

"you wanna die."

Liu Erlong directly punched Kundera.

Kundera's second skill has just been cast, and it has not had time to take effect.

He was directly punched by Liu Erlong on the front door.

Just hearing a click, Kundera instantly felt that the bridge of his nose was smashed.

A stream of blood poured out from the nostrils.

Kundera was directly smashed and flew up.

At this time, Kundera finally realized the feelings of Elton and Augustus.

The feeling of flying, although this is only passive flying.

Kundera's eyes went dark and he fainted completely.

Augustus originally wanted to reinforce Kundera on the side.

However, one of his arms was disabled, so it can play a limited role.

Before he arrived, he saw Kundera being punched away.

Augustus was taken aback for a moment, and a sense of timidity welled up in his heart instantly, and he took several steps back in succession.

Instantly distanced himself from Liu Erlong,

At this moment, all that remained in Elton's heart was grief and indignation.

Once Flender calms down, he is no match at all.

The blocking speed of the vines couldn't catch up with Flender's figure at all.

Elton was already exhausted at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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