I was born to be a supporting role

Chapter 35 You go to the competition, I will help her

Chapter 35 You go to the competition, I will help her

Before Elton could react.

Like a cheetah, Liu Erlong rushed towards Elton.

Elton was shocked and quickly used his skills.

Elton's second skill was only halfway through.

He was hit hard on the face by Liu Erlong's fist.

Elton's whole body flew up.

At the last moment, Elton had only one thought on his mind.

This woman is so violent.

Elton then fell into a coma.

In the first round, Liu Erlong won.

Kundera's face was so gloomy that he was almost dripping with water.

I kept yelling at Elton in my heart.

What was originally an ambitious plan turned out to be like this.

The point is that they were still defeated by an unknown team.

Stepping on others to go up is naturally very wonderful.

But it is very sad to be stepped on by others.

But this is just the first battle.

There will be two one-on-one games and one team battle.

still have a chance.

It's just that Kundera originally wanted to defeat his opponents and achieve his great reputation.

As a result, he was hit head-on now.

Even if he wins now, it doesn't look good.

Liu Erlong didn't consume much in the first match.

So Liu Erlong chose to continue playing.

The second player of the Bharat Kingdom team is Augustus.

August's martial spirit is the Datura flower.

Datura is a plant with psychedelic effects.

August is very handsome.

A head of golden curly hair, two light blue eyes half-smile.

High nose bridge, slightly upturned corners of mouth.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, many women kept screaming.

Even without the blessing of mandala flowers, Augustus himself has a powerful lethality to women.

Game start.

Augustus began by casting his first illusion.

Dreamy flowers.

Liu Erlong was about to charge forward.

But it felt like the scenery in front of him suddenly changed.

Liu Erlong found himself in a field of flowers.

Clusters of flowers of various colors are arranged in random order, surrounding Liu Erlong.

Waves of faint floral fragrance hit my nose.

Everyone has a heart for beauty.

Faced with such beautiful scenery, almost everyone would not bear to trample on it.

And this will fall into the trap of Augustus, and be led by the nose by Augustus.

But almost everyone here does not include Liu Erlong.

Liu Erlong didn't care whether there was a beautiful scenery in front of him or not.

With a direct roar, it was crushed directly from the flowers.

The grass flies and the flowers fall, burning the harp and boiling the crane is nothing more than that.

Originally, when Augustus saw Liu Erlong was in a trance, he thought Liu Erlong was deluded.

The result has not waited for Augustus to be happy.

Liu Erlong suddenly rushed over.

Augustus was shocked, but a little puzzled.

He clearly saw that Liu Erlong's eyes had not yet regained clarity.

How could this break through my own illusion?

Naturally, Augustus didn't know that there was another kind of people in this world who simply regarded beauty as nothing.

And Liu Erlong happened to be this kind of person.

Augustus didn't have time to dodge, he was directly knocked out by Liu Erlong.

Augustus felt as if he had bumped into an ancient giant beast.

The whole person flew up like a cloud and mist, and the whole body seemed to fall apart.

Liu Erlong felt as if he had bumped into something, but there was nothing in front of his eyes, only the falling petals.

There was a sudden change in front of him, Liu Erlong returned to the ring.

Liu Erlong was stunned for a moment, and found that there was no one in front of him, so he quickly turned around, but there was still no one.

Liu Erlong was wondering, but he saw the referee approaching, directly announcing that Liu Erlong had won the second game.

At this time, Augustus was lying under the ring, and the whole person had passed out.

Kundera was so angry that he almost flew into a rage.

He actually lost two games in a row in three individual matches.

This is simply a huge shame.

And so far, the other party has only produced one woman.

This is really hard to accept.

Kundera felt ashamed of himself.

Now there is only Kundera left in the Barak Kingdom team.

Kundera vowed to wear three.

He defeated Liu Erlong, Flender and Grandmaster alone.

Only in this way can the shame be washed away.

Otherwise, Kundera felt that he would become the laughing stock of this competition.

It will definitely be famous all over the world, but it is definitely not a famous name, but a name that is ridiculed and ridiculed by others.

Kundera's Wuhun is the emperor flower.

This kind of flower is huge, magnificent and colorful, noble and elegant.

Known as the Emperor of Flowers.

Originally Flender wanted Liu Erlong to rest.

But Liu Erlong insisted on continuing to play.

When Kundera's skills were released, clusters of emperor flowers appeared in front of Liu Erlong similar to Augustus.

The huge flowers are beautiful and dazzling.

For other people, especially women, they may not have the heart to start with such a beautiful flower.

But Liu Erlong didn't take this into account.

Liu Erlong roared angrily, wanting to smash the emperor flower in front of him with a slap.

Unexpectedly, the palm just reached the top of Emperor Hua's head.

The flower seemed to be in full bloom suddenly, and the petals opened in all directions.

The position where the stamens should have been was exposed.

What's horrifying is that what Kundera's king flower reveals is not a stamen, but a circle of sharp teeth.

In the center of this ring of teeth, thin silk threads sway with the wind.

Liu Erlong was shocked and quickly stopped.

Unexpectedly, a silk thread happened to touch Liu Erlong's palm.

The thread suddenly seemed to come alive and went directly into Liu Erlong's palm.

Liu Erlong's palm was originally covered by thick scales, quite solid.

But the silk thread seemed to be intelligent, and went directly through the gaps in the scales.

Liu Erlong only felt that his hand was bitten by a mosquito.

But there was a piercing pain.

The silk thread that got into the gap of the scales suddenly turned bright red, and it seemed to be much thicker.

The other threads became violent in an instant.

Liu Erlong was so frightened that he quickly backed away.

Surprised in my heart, this flower can actually suck blood.

Although temporarily freed from the invasion of the emperor flower.

But Liu Erlong felt that his right arm was a little bit numb.

Although my right arm is clearly in front of me, I feel powerless and unable to exert any strength.

It seems that this emperor flower not only sucks blood, but also contains toxins, which have a paralyzing effect.

The effect of this toxin is not a bit stronger than Elton's.

Although Liu Erlong felt unwilling, he still retreated quickly.

And immediately released the martial spirit state, and the scales on his body completely faded away.

At this time, Liu Erlong's right arm was already a little blue and swollen.

This toxin is very overbearing.

Seeing this, Flender immediately raised his hand to signal to the referee to admit defeat.

A smile finally appeared on Kundera's face.

This is the right rhythm.

"An antidote."

Flender looked at Liu Erlong's right arm, his face was very ugly, and he reached out to Kundera for the antidote.

"This is just a side effect of blood sucking, where is there any antidote."

Kundera smiled and seemed very proud.

"It will dissipate naturally after a while. If you can't wait, you can suck out the toxin first."

Flender was sullen for a while, knowing that Kundera had malicious intentions.

Now at the juncture of the competition, I am going to suck blood, and then the toxins will enter my body.

It will definitely affect the state of the battle.

This is equivalent to abolishing the two people on his side, but it is really vicious enough.

But leaving Liu Erlong alone, Flender couldn't bear it.

Just when Flanders was struggling, he suddenly heard someone speaking.

"You go to the competition, and I will help her suck the drug out."

(End of this chapter)

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