I was born to be a supporting role

Chapter 3 Release the task of picking up girls

Chapter 3 Release the task of picking up girls
"Ah, nothing."

Zhu Ming was also taken aback, and suddenly realized that there were people beside him.

Zhu Ming suddenly blushed.

The way I looked just now was really a little silly, and all of this must have been seen by the girl.

"Is the young master a monk?"

The girl gathered her courage and asked tentatively.


Ju Ming felt a little strange and looked himself up and down.

How can I look like a monk in my own attire, a suit, tie, and standard salesman attire?This girl's question is really inexplicable.

Ju Ming was about to deny it.

But suddenly thought of the girl's identity.

Perhaps the girl now looks harmless to humans and animals because she is afraid that she may be a monk.

Even if you don't have mana, there are still masters and masters behind you.

Zhu Ming was worried that if he denied it, the girl would show her green face and fangs in an instant.

Zhu Ming deliberately smiled inscrutablely, neither affirming nor denying.

The girl saw that Zhu Ming was unwilling to answer, so she didn't continue to ask.

What's more, after the girl asked aloud just now, she already regretted it.

If Zhu Ming once replied that he is not a monk.

That would be bad.

This can be said to directly drive the opponent to death.

It has been more than ten years since the Qing Dynasty entered the customs.

At this time, the only people who dared to be upright and not wear pigtails were monks and Taoist priests, that is, those who were anti-Qing righteous.

If it is really a person from the Ming Dynasty.

The girl neither wanted to harm them nor dared to provoke them.

After all, these people are all blood-licking characters.

Moreover, the reason why the girl's family was dilapidated was because she resisted the order to shave her head back then, and all her family members died in the ten-day disaster in Yangzhou.

The girl was also full of hatred towards the Manchu Qing court.

Back then, the girl was young, and she happened to be sleeping soundly, so she escaped the catastrophe by being stuffed in the pile of firewood by her mother.

But even if he escaped that catastrophe, he lost all his family members.

A child who is only five years old wants to survive alone in this troubled world, the hardships involved cannot be described in a few words.

The girl made up her mind to leave immediately.

No matter who the young man was, she didn't intend to provoke him, so she just pretended she didn't see or hear anything.

She just wants to live a simple life now.

At the moment when the girl turned around and wanted to leave.

Another voice suddenly sounded in Ju Ming's ears.

"Ding, the main mission is triggered, pursue Bai Mudan."

Zhu Ming was taken aback for a moment.

Because of his previous experience, Zhu Ming was not surprised this time.

But hear the content of that voice clearly.

Ju Ming is not only a bit big-headed.

What kind of broken system is this, why did he even issue a task to ask himself to pick up girls.

As a five-good young man who has been single for more than 20 years.

This task is a difficult challenge for Ju Ming.

And in this unfamiliar place, you just give me a name, and I have to be able to know who the target is.

And listening to this name, it looks a bit like a fake name like a stage name. How can ordinary people come up with such a weird name.

From the appearance of the system until now, the only person Zhu Ming has ever met is the girl in front of him.

Suddenly, Zhu Ming's heart moved.

Could it be?

Suddenly, Zhu Ming felt blessed and called out, "White Peony?"

After the name was called out, Zhu Ming was also tempted.

After all, no one would remain indifferent if someone called their name suddenly.

At this moment, the girl took two or three steps away, when she heard Zhu Ming's cry, her feet suddenly stopped.

At this time, the girl's heart was as frightened as a stormy sea.

This young son actually knew his name, it was probably not a chance encounter, but the other party came prepared.

Although Bai Mudan has lived a rough life, she is just an ordinary person.

Thinking that I was being targeted by these anti-Qing righteous men.

Bai Mudan was extremely frightened.

Although the girl admires these people very much, she also knows that they are great heroes.

But if this hero has something to do with him, all ordinary people will probably be afraid.

Because a hero always means sacrifice and disaster.

It was because Bai Mudan was older that she learned about what happened to her childhood family from others.

It's been too long, and she was still young at the time, some memories have long been very vague.

After so many years, things have changed.

Even if Bai Mudan would occasionally return to her childhood home to remember her, she actually couldn't remember what her family looked like for a long time.

For this family, some are just strangers.

But this is also the only place where Bai Mudan feels that she is no longer alone.

And the person who told him the inside story has also passed away.

Here, it became the secret deeply hidden in Bai Mudan's heart.

The reason why Bai Mudan dared to come here in the dead of night was because she was worried that people would know her relationship with this place.

Because the only thing Bai Mudan can be sure of is that the family suffered a disaster because they resisted the hair-shaving order of the year, and the grandfather of the family seems to be one of the leading figures.

Therefore, although this house has been abandoned for many years, no one dares to live in it, and it is also because of this reason.

On one side are the yamen of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and on the other side are the righteous men of the former Ming Dynasty.

Most people on both sides can't afford to offend, and so many people died in this house back then, which is very unlucky.So it was so wasted.

Bai Mudan really didn't expect that someone would find her today.

Although Bai Mudan also hated the Manchu Qing court who killed her family.

But Bai Mudan knows that she is just an ordinary person, and her childhood memories have long faded, even her parents' memories are very vague.

After so many years, she actually wanted to live a simple life.

Bai Mudan hesitated for a while, and quickly denied it: "Young Master has admitted the wrong person."

Bai Mudan knew that since the other party could call out her name in one gulp, she must have been very clear about her investigation.

My own denial means nothing at all.

But Bai Mudan really didn't want to get involved with these things, she just wanted to leave quickly.

From Bai Mudan's hesitation, Zhu Ming already knew that the girl in front of him was his target this time.

Zhu Ming felt a little slander in his heart.

What a broken system, let yourself pick up girls, and maybe a female monster.

What kind of shit is this.

Poor Zhu Ming is in his late twenties, and he doesn't even talk to girls much.

If it weren't for his job in sales, Ju Ming would probably not even be able to talk to girls at this time.

You must know that when a girl took the initiative to talk to Zhu Ming when he was in school, Zhu Ming would immediately blush, stutter and be speechless.

But now Ju Ming is asked to take the initiative to pursue the girl in white.

This is really difficult for Ju Ming.

But this is a task assigned to him by the system.

And it’s the main mission, which means it must be completed.

Thinking of this, Ju Ming asked in his heart with some unwillingness to give up.

"Can I choose to give up this task?"

Because Zhu Ming has asked countless times before, but has not received a systematic response, Zhu Ming just subconsciously wants to try it.

As a result, the voice rang again just after the question this time.

"The main mission cannot be abandoned. The mission time limit is 30 days. If it is not completed after the time limit, the mission will be automatically judged to have failed."

Ju Ming suddenly opened his mouth in shock.

I can't wait to slap myself directly.

Why did I ask so much just now.Maybe if I don't ask, the system won't set a time limit.

Although this is just wishful thinking in Zhu Ming's mind, when the system first released the task, it really didn't say a time limit.

This is really a bit fatal.

"What happens if you fail?"

Zhu Ming knew that he could no longer take chances.

Because the system has clearly stated that the task will fail, the consequences of failure must be considered.

(End of this chapter)

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