I was born to be a supporting role

Chapter 25 I hate this task assigned by the system so much

Chapter 25 I hate this task assigned by the system so much

Naturally, Zhu Ming would not be as reckless as before.

After arriving here yesterday, Yin Xiaolong specially prepared a small hat with fake braids for Zhu Ming.

It's a bit too eye-catching to go out in monk clothes.

Now that you dress like this, you won't look different anymore.

At this time it was approaching evening, so Zhu Ming walked directly into the gate of Lichun Courtyard without any hesitation.

This time is the busiest time in Li Chun Courtyard.

Crowds are surging, everywhere is singing and dancing, laughing and laughing.

Upstairs and downstairs, people are walking everywhere.

Someone came up to say hello, but Ju Ming directly ignored them.

Zhu Ming went straight to the door of Bai Mudan's room on the second floor.

At this time, the sound of the piano came from the room, mixed with the laughter of several men and women.

Ju Ming frowned and pushed the door open.

With a bang, everyone's attention was attracted.

Bai Mudan recognized Zhu Ming at a glance, and immediately stood up.


After shouting this, Bai Mudan suddenly felt a little ashamed.

In fact, what she is most afraid of is letting Zhu Ming see this scene, but some things cannot be avoided.

As a brothel girl, selling laughter is my job.

There were three men sitting at a table in the room.

Each of the three men was accompanied by a coquettishly dressed woman.

While drinking, talking and laughing.

But he didn't expect to be disturbed by others.

A man stood up and cursed directly.

"Get out, don't make me angry."

Ju Ming suddenly became angry, picked up a stool and threw it at the table.


With a few screams of women.

There was a loud bang on the whole table.

Several plates were broken, and vegetable juices were splashed everywhere.

Those men and women got a lot of stains on their clothes, so they were in a mess.

Bai Mudan was also stunned. She didn't expect Ju Ming to be so impulsive.

"Come with me."

Zhu Ming went up and grabbed Bai Mudan's hand, turned around and left.

Although Bai Mudan doesn't know what Ju Ming wants to do.

But he followed Ju Ming obediently.

Although those men were full of anger, they did not dare to speak.

After Ju Ming left the room, he dared to curse in a low voice. It was obvious that he was angry and angry.

There was a lot of noise.

It naturally attracted the attention of everyone upstairs and downstairs.

Many people were looking around with their heads raised, but these people didn't know what was happening yet.

It is the tradition of the Chinese people to like to watch the excitement.

Several thugs from Lichunyuan also rushed over upon hearing the sound.

The people who come to Lichun Courtyard every day include all kinds of religions and high schools, mixed fish and dragons, and all kinds of people.

Of course, trouble is inevitable.

These thugs are specialized in these kinds of things.

But as soon as he rushed to the stairs, he saw Zhu Ming walking down with Bai Mudan.

A few people just wanted to stop it.

Bai Mudan quickly pointed upstairs.

"There's trouble upstairs."

After hearing this, these people immediately rushed upstairs.

Bai Mudan is from Lichunyuan, so they naturally believe Bai Mudan's words.

Zhu Ming took the opportunity to go out with Bai Mudan.

Some people felt strange, but it didn't matter to them, they just looked at it curiously.

Just when Ju Ming and Bai Mudan were about to walk out of the door.

But suddenly someone blocked the way.

The person blocking the way is obviously the old bustard of Lichun Courtyard.

"Peony, mother has raised you for so many years, is this how you repay mother?"

The bustard just came back from outside.

Today, the behind-the-scenes boss of Lichunyuan urgently called her over.

Tell her that Bai Mudan may have something to do with the rebels.

The government may go to catch Bai Mudan and ask her not to stop her then.

This made the madam really unable to believe it.

Bai Mudan was bought by the bustard from a trafficker when she was less than ten years old.

After so many years of training, Chunluo is doing pretty well.

And this white peony is quite cute.

The old bustard originally thought that he could sell the white peony for a good price.

You guys, that's just a nice way of saying it.

In fact, it is for sale.

It's just that there are no suitable bidders yet.

After entering the brothel, there is no way to say that he is innocent.

Bai Mudan thought she could keep this state forever, but she was just deceiving herself.

But the bustard didn't expect that Bai Mudan would quietly get involved with the rebels.

This transaction is nothing but a bamboo basket fetching water.

As soon as the old bustard entered, he bumped into Bai Mudan who was about to leave.

If it was before, the bustard might not have thought much about it.

But at this moment, the bustard immediately knew that Bai Mudan wanted to leave.

The real departure is the departure that never comes back.

How can the bustard be reconciled.

And at this time, how could she let Bai Mudan leave calmly.

The government investigated and found out that he couldn't eat and had to walk around.

The old bustard suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Only now did she discover Ju Ming beside the white peony.

This man must be a traitor.

The old bustard never thought that one day he would be so close to the rebel.

Almost standing opposite, within reach.

The madam suddenly felt that her legs were shaking.

"Catch the rebels."

The madam screamed in fright.

But this sound also stunned all the guests in the Lichun Courtyard.

With the call of the bustard.

The entire Lichun Courtyard instantly felt like it was in a state of explosion.

Everyone was like headless chickens, screaming and rushing out.

The bustard wanted to stop her, but was pushed away and almost fell down.

At this time, he fell to the ground and was probably trampled into meatloaf.

Ju Ming and Bai Mudan were squeezed out of the door.

Bai Mudan only had infinite fear in her heart at this time.

The only consolation was that her hand was held tightly by Ju Ming.

The two of them are like small boats in the sea at this moment, drifting with the current, and seem to fall apart at any moment.

Zhu Ming took Bai Mudan and managed to get away from the crowd.

However, although the city of Yangzhou is huge, Ju Ming has nowhere to go.

At this time, the only place he knew was the house where Chen Yonghua had arranged for him to live in.

But can I go?Zhu Ming was very confused.

That was the house bought by Chen Yonghua and the others.

If someone finds out if he goes there, there will be someone on Chen Yonghua's side who will expose him.

In order to rescue Zhu Ming before, Bantou Wang had already broken his arm.

How can it hurt others.

Bai Mudan is quite understanding, and can see Zhu Ming's hesitation and entanglement.

"Young master, come with me."

Saying that, Bai Mudan took the initiative to walk forward.

The hand was still held tightly by Ju Ming.

Although Bai Mudan felt extremely shy, she didn't intend to let go.

The two turned around and came to the door of a family.

Bai Mudan took out a key and opened the door.

This surprised Ju Ming.

"This is the yard that Peony bought secretly before, and she originally planned to live in it later."

This can be regarded as the escape route that Bai Mudan left for herself.

After all, Lichun Courtyard is not a permanent place.

There are countless brothel women who are old and decrepit, and have a bleak life experience.

Taking advantage of saving some money and buying a house for myself, it can be regarded as having a place to go.

But Bai Mudan never dreamed that this place would become her refuge.

In fact, Bai Mudan would come to this place every now and then.

After all, it's in the city, not far from Li Chun Courtyard, so coming here won't be too conspicuous.

The white peony arranges it in an orderly manner.

Although the yard is not big, it is very clean and tidy.

Although Zhu Ming knew that this place was not safe.

But this is the only place to stay.

You can't stay on the street.


Zhu Ming felt extremely guilty at this time, because of him, a weak woman like Bai Mudan was involved in such a big trouble.

"Young master, why should you be so divided? Peony can follow you, and she will never regret it in this life."

Bai Mudan naturally knew the current situation, and it might be precarious at any time, and her head would fall.

The best result is to be homeless and homeless.

But as long as Ju Ming is with him, this kind of life is not terrible.

Zhu Ming didn't speak any more, but hugged Bai Mudan tightly in his arms.

At this moment, Zhu Ming didn't know how he felt.

There is pity and guilt in my heart.

Zhu Ming has never been in love before, so he doesn't know what it's like to love someone.

But he knew he couldn't love.

Never before had Ju Ming hated the task assigned by the system so much.

(End of this chapter)

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