I was born to be a supporting role

Chapter 20 Heroes Are Accompanied by Huge Sacrifice

Chapter 20 Heroes Are Accompanied by Huge Sacrifice

"It's me who was reckless, and I ask Mr. Zhu to forgive me."

Chen Yonghua quickly stood up and apologized.

"President Chen doesn't have to be like this, maybe it's just what he deserves."

Zhu Ming didn't know if the system would be able to bring him back.

But now we can only take one step at a time, and there is no point in blaming others.

Chen Yonghua directly changed the subject to avoid embarrassment.

"I don't know why Mr. Zhu calls me the chief helmsman. What's the explanation?"

Only then did Zhu Ming remember the business.

That is the side mission assigned by the system to assist Chen Yonghua in establishing the Tiandihui.

"The cause of fighting against the Qing Dynasty is like a big ship sailing in the sea, it needs a person at the helm."

Chen Yonghua stood up in shock.

Ju Ming's evaluation was so high that Chen Yonghua, who was so high, didn't dare to accept it.

"Young Master Zhu is really absurd. Chen really can't bear it."

No matter how high Chen Yonghua's status is, there is still the little emperor and the king of Yanping County.

How dare he be the one at the helm.

But Yin Xiaolong didn't have so many worries, he said with a smile.

"Young Master Zhu is right."

For Yin Xiaolong, there are not many people in the world who he can trust, but Chen Yonghua is definitely one of them.

He doesn’t know the prince of Yanping County, nor does he know the young emperor.

And the current Prince of Yanping County is not Zheng Chenggong.

"Shut up."

Chen Yonghua yelled angrily directly, and Yin Xiaolong's statement was equivalent to what he meant.

If he doesn't say anything, it's equivalent to acquiescing.

This made Chen Yonghua both shocked and angry.

I also had some doubts in my heart, could it be that Zhu Ming was flattering and killing himself, and wanted to drive a wedge between himself and Yanping County King.

Although Chen Yonghua is deeply trusted by Zheng Chenggong.

But Zheng Chenggong had died at this time, and it was his son Zheng Jing who inherited the throne.

But Zheng Jing was young, and this was the time when the young master of the country was doubtful.

If it is reported that Chen Yonghua is going to be the helm at this time, it will not be a good thing.

It is inevitable to arouse everyone's suspicion, and the situation that has just stabilized may become turbulent again.

"Director Chen..."

Zhu Ming was about to speak, but was interrupted by Chen Yonghua directly.

"Mr. Zhu, Mr. Chen really can't bear this name, please don't mention it again, Mr. Zhu."

Zhu Ming was taken aback.

This title is originally Chen Yonghua's exclusive title in the future, why does he seem to have not petitioned now.

"However, the great cause of anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty must raise a banner, so that everyone can think in one place and exert energy in one place."

Chen Yonghua glanced at Zhu Ming, feeling very complicated in his heart.

I don’t know whether this Ju Ming is really stupid or just pretending to be stupid.

Why do you have to push yourself to the forefront.

"The banner of the anti-Qing Dynasty and restoration of the Ming Dynasty is the Prince of Yanping County, and there is an emperor on top of it. How dare Chen dare to overstep this point."

Ju Ming suddenly realized that he had not made it clear.

"You have misunderstood. It goes without saying that Prince Yanping and the Emperor are attracting the attention of the world. Who dares to question it?"

Chen Yonghua frowned.

Ju Ming actually put Prince Yanping in front of the emperor, which was a taboo in the court.

Since Zhu Ming came from the royal family, he should put the royal family first, so why would he put the Zheng family first.

Yin Xiaolong didn't notice, but Chen Yonghua heard it clearly.

Chen Yonghua couldn't guess Ju Ming's intention for a while.

Ju Ming naturally did not notice this, he had no awareness of this at all.

"I'm talking about the folks, to be precise, the rivers and lakes, not courts."

"Now the world is in ruins, everything has fallen into the hands of the Manchus."

"But there are still many heroes in the Jianghu, who care about the Ming Dynasty."

Chen Yonghua naturally knew this, but to say that his heart is in the bright room is a bit high-sounding.

These people may not all be grateful for the kindness of the previous dynasty, but more often they are dissatisfied with the Manchus.

However, these people were originally what Chen Yonghua was trying to win over.

But Chen Yonghua alone, even if he broke his leg, how many people can he convince.

"What's your opinion, Young Master Zhu?"

Chen Yonghua sincerely asked for advice.

"Form a gang."

Zhu Ming made a final decision.


This is an unfamiliar concept to Chen Yonghua and Yin Xiaolong.

"How should I put it, it's a bit like a church, but it's not a church."

Both Chen Yonghua and Yin Xiaolong frowned.

They don't understand the gang, but the church is really famous in the history of China, like thunder.

From the earliest Zhang Jiao brothers to the former Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang.

In fact, they all started using churches.

But this thing is actually very difficult to master, and it is very easy to lose control.

It is mainly to use the power of belief to play tricks.

Normally, I can only gather some foolish men and women.

But to truly generate the power to shake the world, it still requires the world to be in chaos and the people to live in dire straits.

Chen Yonghua is actually disgusted with the church from the bottom of his heart.

But Chen Yonghua didn't open his mouth to refute.

Not everything needs to be right or wrong.

If you don't feel good, just don't do it.

Just wanting to refute the other party, instead, it made both parties unable to get off the stage, and finally broke up unhappy.

Zhu Ming continued: "But the gang doesn't respect the gods."

"Disrespecting the gods?"

Now Chen Yonghua and Yin Xiaolong were a little surprised.

Is this still a church?

The church is often messed up because of the belief in gods.

I feel neurotic from top to bottom.

And there are often people who make trouble in the name of gods.

Let everything become chaotic and uncontrollable.

But if there is no god, how can people be brought together?
"Prestige and profit."

Chen Yonghua's eyes lit up, and he suddenly understood.

This is the way Chen Yonghua will go in the future, so for Chen Yonghua, it is actually a layer of window paper, which can be broken as soon as you poke it.

These anti-Qing and Ming-ming forces now have more or less their own ideas and interests.

But ignoring these things and only thinking about everyone's dedication to righteousness, then nothing can be done.

That's what nerds think too.

"So we need a person with high prestige to take the helm, who can take care of everyone's interests without making the general direction go wrong."

Zhu Ming's words made Chen Yonghua's eyes brighter and brighter.

"To put it bluntly, the person at the helm must have extremely high prestige and must be able to convince everyone. Only then can he gather everyone together."

Zhu Ming's explanation is quite clear, even Yin Xiaolong understands a little bit.

But for such a big matter, Chen Yonghua naturally did not dare to make a decision lightly.

There are some things that need to be reconsidered, and decisions made on the spur of the moment must be full of mistakes and omissions.

But at this moment, Chen Yonghua felt that this path was very feasible.

"Mr. Zhu is a talent of the heavens, and Chen is taught."

There is no need to continue the matter at this point, and it would be superfluous to say anything else.

Chen Yonghua also needs to calm down and think about it.

Moreover, this matter must be reported to Yanping County King, and Chen Yonghua must go by himself.

Otherwise, if the others didn't explain clearly, and there would be a gap between Chen Yonghua and the Zheng family, then the loss outweighs the gain.

The next few people chatted casually.

The main thing is that Chen Yonghua talked about his experience of following Zheng Chenggong to beat the Dutch in Baodao.

It was also the first time that Yin Xiaolong heard about that part of the past. He was so excited to hear about that part of the past that he wished he could join in it.

For Ju Ming, this is a familiar history.

But what I heard from those who experienced it was obviously different.

There is not only heroism and passion, but also sacrifice and tragedy.

When Chen Yonghua talked about that year, he also burst into tears.

Heroes, that all comes with great sacrifices.

To outsiders, it was just a story that sounded passionate.

But for those who witnessed it, it was brothers fighting, bleeding, and dying.

(End of this chapter)

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