I was born to be a supporting role

Chapter 13 I have a close relationship with Mr. Zhu

Chapter 13 I have a close relationship with Mr. Zhu
This made Bantou Wang extremely entangled.

If you do it now, there is still a chance, but there will definitely be a risk of exposure.

However, if Zhu Ming is not one of his own, but he acts without authorization, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Moreover, Bantou Wang has married wives and had children in order to hide these years.

Bantou Wang himself is a loner, but his wife has a large family with many relatives and friends.

If Bantou Wang is exposed, then there will be a lot of involvement.

But what if Ju Ming is one of his own.

If I don't rescue him now, I will wait until Zhu Ming is taken into Yangzhou City.

At that time, it will be impossible to rescue them.

And it’s unclear whether Ju Ming knew about the others.

If it gets involved, I don't know how many brothers will die.

Bantou Wang doesn't even have anyone to discuss with now.

It can be said that Ju Ming's life and death depended on his thoughts.

This put Wang Bantou in a dilemma.

But one thing Wang Bantou can be sure of is that Zhu Ming is definitely a person against the Qing forces.

Team leader Wang gritted his teeth and secretly made up his mind to rescue.

But rescue also needs to pay attention to strategy.

"Come here a few people, and take this traitor back with me first."

The yamen servants who held down Zhu Ming just now burst into smiles.

As long as you bring Zhu Ming back, it will be a great contribution, and rewarding silver must be indispensable.

Others are reluctant.

But who told Bantou Wang to make the first move just now, and the few people who were close to Bantou Wang were all affected.

"Then what do we do?"

A yamen servant was very unwilling and asked Bantou Wang.

"You continue to ambush here, maybe someone else will come."

The other yamen servants pouted.

It's a lie, before there was a fire here, no one thought that someone would barge in foolishly.

I don't know how many lifetimes of blessings I have saved.

And this is the only rebel who was revealed by those scoundrels before.

How could anyone else come and treat those rebels as fools?

But who can let himself be slow?

The other yamen servants could only watch as Bantou Wang led four yamen servants and escorted Zhu Ming away.

This made Bai Mudan want to cry, feeling at a loss.

Ju Ming's behavior just now has left an indelible impression on Bai Mudan's heart.

But Bai Mudan is a weak woman.

Even if he catches up now, there is nothing he can do.

But Bai Mudan still took steps to chase in the direction where Zhu Ming was going.

At this time, it was completely dark, and the leaders of Ban Wang escorted Zhu Ming to Yangzhou City.

Although the city gate is closed, as a government official and on official business, I can definitely be open to the public.

Several yamen servants were extremely excited, chatting and laughing loudly all the way, the feeling of being hit by a pie is really happy.

At this time, they didn't realize that Bantou Wang had quietly attached to the back.

Bantou Wang carefully observed the surrounding area until he confirmed that there was nothing abnormal.

Bantou Wang quietly pulled out his waist knife, directly covered the mouth of the nearest yamen servant, and wiped the waist knife directly from the man's neck.

The man's eyes were wide open, and there was only a humming sound from his mouth.

The other three didn't notice it at all and continued talking and laughing.

Bantou Wang quietly put the man down, and then quickly chased after him.

In the same way, he knocked down one person again.

But this time the other two government officials noticed something unusual instantly.

After all, there are two people missing suddenly, no matter how dull they are, they will still notice it.

The two yamen servants suddenly turned their heads, just in time to see Bantou Wang knocking down the second yamen servant.

The blood on the knife was dripping down the tip of the knife.

Wang Bantou's clothes were already stained red with blood, and standing in the dark at this moment, he looked like a ghost seeking his life.

The two yamen servants were stunned for a moment, unable to react to what happened.

The two of them were in a daze, but Bantou Wang rushed over with a knife.

The legs of the two yamen servants were so frightened that their legs went limp at this moment, but they turned around and ran away when they saw this.

This may be the instinct to escape.

However, in this case, they may still have a way to survive if they go forward to fight. If they simply want to escape, there is no way they can escape.

He just gave up his back to Bantou Wang.

Bantou Wang chopped down the two of them with one knife.

Ju Ming was frightened at this time.

Although he thought of death before, he also thought of desperately, and he also had the consciousness of being wiped out by the system.

But he had never seen such a bloody scene.

Smelling the pungent smell of blood, Zhu Ming's chest felt as if the river was overwhelmed, and his mouth felt sore.

Watching Bantou Wang walking towards him with a knife in hand.

Zhu Ming had the urge to turn around and run.

However, Bantou Wang stopped suddenly when he was about two meters away from Ju Ming.

I saw Bantou Wang handing the knife from his right hand to his left hand.

Then he suddenly raised the knife and slashed down fiercely.


With a scream, Bantou Wang's right arm fell off.

"This is?"

Ju Ming was dumbfounded.

How did this person do it, how did he kill his companion first, and then cut off his own arm.

"Let's go, son."

Bantou Wang suddenly raised his head and roared at Ju Ming.

Zhu Ming was stunned for a moment.

No matter how stupid he was, he knew Bantou Wang was trying to save himself.

However, in order to save himself, four people died instantly, and Bantou Wang also lost his right arm.

This made Zhu Ming suddenly feel mixed feelings in his heart.

He had never known these people before, but he never thought that their lives would be ruined because of him.

It's not that Ju Ming is a saint.

It is the minimum awe of life for a person who has never experienced a bloody storm.

The most unacceptable thing for Zhu Ming is that Bantou Wang lost his right arm because of him.

This made Zhu Ming not know how to react for a while.

"Don't say thank you for the great kindness, Zhu Ming will always remember the kindness of saving his life."

Zhu Ming really didn't know how to express his gratitude, so he just choked out these few words.

"Your name is Zhu?"

Wang Bantou was sweating coldly on his painful forehead, but he couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, and asked quickly.

Ju Ming nodded.

This made Bantou Wang feel relieved.

Zhu is the surname of the country, and people surnamed Zhu these days are basically big shots.

Just like Zheng Chenggong, the king of Yanping County, because he was given the surname Zhu by the emperor, so everyone also called him the surname of the country.

It can be seen that the surname Zhu is noble.

Wang Bantou suddenly felt that his right arm was worth breaking.

"Master Zhu, hurry up, don't go in that direction later."

After finishing speaking, Bantou Wang threw the knife in his hand beside the broken arm, then turned around and ran towards Weijiazhuang.

Not long after running out, he started shouting.

"Come on, there are rebels."

Zhu Ming knew that he couldn't delay any longer, and running away by himself was the greatest protection for Bantou Wang.

Zhu Ming turned around and walked quickly to the other side.

Bantou Wang was also ill-considered. He originally thought that Zhu Ming would appear here, so he must be quite familiar with the neighborhood.

But I didn't expect that Zhu Ming was completely unfamiliar with the place.

Bantou Wang just ran halfway, and felt that his blood was running out, and his eyes were a little black.

But he didn't dare to bandage rashly.

At that time, how to explain how to be able to bandage when being chased by the thief in a panic.

Seeing the figure appearing in front of him, Bantou Wang stopped suddenly.

After a closer look, it was discovered that it was a white peony.

At this time, Bai Mudan also saw Wang Bantou's tragic situation, and was shocked.

I quickly looked behind Bantou Wang and found that there was no one there.

Bai Mudan became anxious immediately.

"Where's the son?"

Bantou Wang was speechless for a while. Fortunately, he and Ju Ming were in the same group.

Otherwise, with Bai Mudan's words alone, all the efforts made by Zhu Ming before will be in vain.

But it seems that this brothel woman has a very close relationship with Mr. Zhu.

Bantou Wang didn't say a word, and rushed directly in the direction of Weijiazhuang.

(End of this chapter)

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