I was born to be a supporting role

Chapter 110 How did you practice the formula of longevity?

Chapter 110 How did you practice the formula of longevity?
At this time, Ning Daoqi and Song Que had already consumed nearly half of their internal energy.

It was almost unthinkable for the duo.

These two are the top existences in the Legend of Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty.

It is rare to have a situation where people are fighting to the death.

The current situation is even worse than the situation of fighting with others.

If there is a person with comparable strength, or even a slightly weaker person.

If you want to kill two people, those two people will really fall here.

And there is indeed a person who meets this condition.

Yuwen hurt.

Although Yu Wenshang usually behaves aloof from the world.

But Ning Daoqi and Song Que didn't dare to gamble.

"Little friend's ability is really amazing, it opened Ning's eyes."

Ning Daoqi was amazed.

At this time, Ning Daoqi didn't dare to show any abnormalities.

After finishing speaking, Ning Daoqi cupped his hands.

"I have seen Xiaoyou Shi's ability today, and I will understand it a little bit later. When I get something, I will discuss it with everyone."

Ning Daoqi bowed his hands to everyone after speaking these scenes.


Ning Daoqi didn't wait for Yu Wenshang to respond, he turned around and disappeared into the distance within a few steps.

Song Que immediately cupped his hands and said, "Song doesn't bother me anymore, so I'll leave."

After speaking, Song Que also turned and left.

Yu Wenshang was a little startled.

Naturally, he didn't know that Ju Ming's martial soul skill, Golden Holy Dragon, would have such a terrifying effect after being used.

But Ning Daoqi and Song Que suddenly left, which was also a good thing.

Yu Wenshang also didn't want the two to get entangled.

Yu Wenshang has been obsessed with martial arts all his life and doesn't care about worldly affairs.

After all, I still lack some experience, so I didn't notice the weirdness in it at this time.

If it was Yu Wenhua and here, maybe Ning Daoqi just said that he wanted to leave.

Yu Huaji would become suspicious.

If given the chance, Yu Huaji would definitely keep Ning Daoqi and Song Que.

These two are at the top.

If Yu Wenhuaji wants to dominate the world, he must have conflicts with these two people.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

But this may not be the case for Yu Wenshang.

Yu Wenshang only wanted to improve his martial arts, and had no interest in dominating the world.

Even if they knew there was a flaw between these two people, they might not take advantage of it.

Zhu Ming is clear in his heart.

Because the internal strength of these two people was consumed by him.

If Ning Daoqi and Song Que were that kind of hypocrites, or scum.

Maybe Zhu Ming would push Yu Wenshang to make a move.

However, the reputation of these two people is not bad, and in the world of "Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty", these two people still helped Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling a lot in the later stage.

Zhu Ming simply pretended to be deaf and dumb.

Every time Ju Ming used the martial soul skill Golden Holy Dragon before, he ended up exhausting his internal energy.

Therefore, unless you are forced into a desperate situation, you will definitely not dare to use it easily.

But today, because of Ning Daoqi and Song Que, Zhu Ming discovered another use for using the golden holy dragon.

While it works well, it doesn't really do much in practice.

Because if you want to really display it, you need the cooperation of the other party.

Earlier, when Zhu Ming grabbed Ning Daoqi and Song Que's shoulders, they were shaken away by the other party, which explained everything.

His martial arts are higher than Ju Ming's, and Ju Ming can't make him cooperate obediently.

Martial arts are inferior to Ju Ming's, so naturally there is no need to use them.

Otherwise, Zhu Ming's own internal strength will be exhausted, and he will not be slaughtered by others.

This move is only suitable for the last desperate fight.

Ju Ming cupped his hands towards Yu Wenshang.

"Senior Yuwen, I exhausted my internal energy just now, I have to recover, excuse me."

Looking at Ju Ming's back, Yuwen Shang realized something.

It seems that Ning Daoqi and Song Que must have consumed a lot, so they left in a hurry.

Are you afraid of taking advantage of others?

Yuwenshang is just obsessed with martial arts, so he doesn't pay much attention to ordinary things, and he is not a fool.

Looking at Ju Ming's performance at this time, how could Yu Wenshang still not understand.

But Yu Wenshang was not interested in killing Ning Daoqi and Song Que either.

The two of them just consumed a lot of internal energy, and they weren't dying.

Even if he could kill these two in the end, Yu Wenshang would definitely not be able to easily.

Yu Wenshang has no interest in such a thankless task.

After Fu Junmai spread the news, she waited for a few days.

Then I returned to the island with something to eat.

As soon as he returned, he saw Xu Ziling lying there soundly asleep, while Kou Zhong was walking back and forth with his eyes closed.

This made Fu Junmao startled.

I thought there was something wrong with the two of them.

Fu Junma quickly went up and grabbed Kou Zhong.

Unexpectedly, Kou Zhong subconsciously slapped Fu Junmao with his palm.

Because Fu Junmao only left for two or three days, before leaving, these two people barely know martial arts.

So Fu Junmao just waved his hand to push Kou Zhong's palm away.

But this carelessness almost made Fu Junmao suffer a big loss.

Kou Zhong's arm was pushed by Fu Junmao, and it was slightly deflected.

But still shoot towards Fu Junmao.

At this time, Fu Junmai felt that something was wrong, and wanted to dodge to avoid it, but there was no time.

Kou Zhong slapped Fu Junmao on the shoulder.

Fu Junmao groaned and pushed back a few steps.

I just feel the whole body's blood churning.

Fu Junma was immediately surprised.

If it wasn't for meeting Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling just two days ago, and personally investigating their cultivation.

Fu Junma thought that these two people had ulterior motives and were hiding their martial arts skills.

But what kind of person can go from not knowing martial arts at all to stepping into the level of a third-rate martial arts master in two or three days.

Although the third-rate standard is nothing to Fu Junmao.

But in fact, most people in the arena are at this level.

In Fu Junma's original understanding, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling missed the best grade for training.

Even if you can learn some advanced martial arts now.

In this lifetime, he will only be able to reach a level slightly stronger than this at most.

But I didn't expect Kou Zhong to reach it in a few days.

In this case, it is really possible for Kou Zhong to step into the realm that even Fu Junmao dreamed of.

Fu Junmao was amazed.

At this time Kou Zhong also woke up.

Looking at Fu Junma not far away.

Kou Zhong was very happy and shouted: "Master, Xiaoling and I have both practiced the art of longevity."

Fu Junma was not surprised. In just a few days, a person with little knowledge of martial arts could reach such a level. Apart from the Secret of Immortality, Fu Junma could not think of the second possibility in this world.

Fu Junmao pointed to Xu Ziling and asked, "What is Xiaoling doing? Is this practicing?"

Kou Zhong nodded.

"The longevity formula I practiced is completely different from Xiaoling's. I walk around while he sleeps."

Fu Junmao couldn't help being a little stunned.

How could the practice of this longevity formula be so weird.

Anyway, Fu Junmai has never heard of it, nor seen it.

"How did you practice the longevity technique?"

As soon as Fu Junmao finished asking, she felt a little regretful.

In Fu Junmao's cognition, the practice rules of this kind of powerful martial arts are all untold secrets.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling can learn it.

It must have been taught by Ju Ming.

(End of this chapter)

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