I was born to be a supporting role

Chapter 11 Embarrassment is Better Than Losing Your Life

Chapter 11 Embarrassment is Better Than Losing Your Life

In this day and age, there are not many men who care about women's feelings.

Especially for a brothel girl.

Bai Mudan didn't know what it was like.

Glancing at Zhu Ming, Bai Mudan put the monk's robe on the table.

At this time, Bai Mudan was also quite tired, so she just lay down on the bed with her clothes on, and fell asleep after a while.

After an unknown amount of time, Bai Mudan woke up suddenly.

By this time, it was getting dark outside.

Bai Mudan subconsciously glanced at the corner of the wall.

It was found that Zhu Ming was still soundly asleep.

Bai Mudan's heart suddenly relaxed, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

But at this moment, a noisy sound suddenly came from outside.

Bai Mudan's heart tightened, she quickly got up and walked out.

"Have you heard that there was a sudden fire in Weijiazhuang outside the city, it seems that some evil spirits made trouble and were punished by heaven."

The two passing servants whispered, glanced at Bai Mudan, shut their mouths quickly, and left in a hurry.

Bai Mudan only felt that the world was spinning for a while.

Weijiazhuang is her only concern in this world.

It contains Bai Mudan's very vague childhood memories.

It also carries the attachment to parents and family members.

How could it suddenly catch fire?
Suddenly, Bai Mudan was at a loss, and tears flowed down her cheeks.

Hearing footsteps in the distance.

Fearing being discovered by others, Bai Mudan hastily turned and went back to the room.

It's just that when I pushed the door, I was a little panicked, and I used a lot of strength, causing the door to hit the wall directly, making a bang.

Zhu Ming was awakened immediately.

But Zhu Ming forgot that he was still lying on the chair, so he turned over and rolled off the chair.

With a pop, he crawled to the ground.

At this time, Zhu Ming was not fully awake.

Looking at everything unfamiliar around him, he was still a little dazed for a while.

until weeping was heard.

Only then did Zhu Ming discover Bai Mudan.

Suddenly, Zhu Ming suddenly remembered everything.

It turns out that all this is not a dream.

"Miss Peony, what happened?"

Bai Mudan felt a burst of sadness, the worries, longings, grievances, and loneliness that had been pressing on her heart for a long time.

At this point it all poured out.

But Bai Mudan didn't dare to cry loudly, she covered her mouth desperately and let out a sobbing sound.

Zhu Ming was at a loss for a moment.

He wanted to comfort Bai Mudan, but he didn't have much experience in this area.

Besides, Zhu Ming still doesn't know what happened, so he has no way to comfort him.

Ju Ming looked around and found a silk handkerchief hanging by the bed.

Ju Ming went over to take it off and handed it to Bai Mudan.

Bai Mudan was taken aback for a moment, then looked up at Zhu Ming, a little puzzled.

"Wipe your tears."

Zhu Ming is a little embarrassed, isn't that how it is played on TV?
"Thank you sir."

Although Zhu Ming is borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, it is very rare to have such a heart.

After being interrupted by this, the sadness in Bai Mudan's heart has been greatly reduced.

And after crying just now, the negative emotions in my heart were completely vented, and I felt a lot more relaxed.

"Miss Peony, what happened, is there anything I can do to help?"

Bai Mudan's heart warmed up.

"Thank you, my lord. It's just that the old house was burned, and I feel sad."


Ju Ming almost jumped up in shock.

The house is on fire, and I'm still sitting here crying.

This is not a fool, is it?

Even if you are a woman and don't have the strength to fight the fire, you still have to leave the house. Sitting here is not afraid of being burned to death.

Zhu Ming stood up and walked out.

"Where is the son going?"

"Go and help put out the fire."

For Zhu Ming, Bai Mudan took him in after all, and how could he stand by and watch when someone had something to do at home.

Bai Mudan was stunned, put out the fire?What's the meaning?
After a moment of shock, Bai Mudan realized what Zhu Ming meant, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"My lord, stay put. The place where the fire is on fire is more than a dozen miles away. Even if you rush to it, your lord may have already burned it all up."

Bai Mudan quickly explained.

Zhu Ming had touched the door frame with his hands, but now he was extremely embarrassed when he heard the words.

It turned out that the fire was not here.

It's a shame that I'm still anxious, which makes people laugh.

"Young master has a heart, and Mudan will thank you again."

Zhu Ming was even more ashamed when he heard the words. He had an own trouble and asked others to thank him. It was really embarrassing.

"The old house?"

At this time, Zhu Ming was eager to change the topic, and suddenly thought of what Bai Mudan said just now.

"It's the old house where I met the young master yesterday."


Zhu Ming was taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't expect that the fire would be there.

That was the transmission point for me to come to this world.

The house was burned down, so you won't be unable to go back, right?
Zhu Ming felt a little apprehensive all of a sudden.

"No, I have to go and see."

At this moment, Zhu Ming couldn't sit still, he stood up and wanted to go out again.


"I left something in that yard, I have to go and have a look, don't burn it."

"Young master, wait a moment, I will go with you."

Bai Mudan stood up, her heart was extremely firm at this moment.

After all, that place is her longing, even if it burns, she still wants to visit it.

If Bai Mudan was alone, she would still have some concerns, but since Zhu Ming wanted to go, she didn't mind following.

"Then trouble Miss Peony."

Zhu Ming originally wanted to go alone, but he was unfamiliar with this place, and he couldn't even find the place by himself.

If Bai Mudan is willing to go together, that would be the best.

"Young master, please change into this suit first."

Zhu Ming looked in the direction Bai Mudan pointed, and couldn't help feeling a little dazed.


Make yourself a monk?

But Zhu Ming suddenly realized that with his attire, he might be arrested as soon as he went out.

"It's Miss Peony who is thoughtful."

"Young master needs..."

Bai Mudan originally wanted to say to help, it is not uncommon for a rich man in this day and age to not be able to wear clothes.

But only halfway through the conversation, I saw that Zhu Ming had already taken off his coat.

Bai Mudan blushed, turned around and walked out quickly.

But this is fine for Ju Ming, he is still wearing a shirt and long johns.

He just took off the outer suit, and then put the monk's robe directly on the outside.

In the blink of an eye, Ju Ming transformed into a young monk.

Zhu Ming directly opened the door and stepped out.

A painted woman just happened to come up from downstairs.

Seeing Zhu Ming, he was taken aback.

He looked at the white peony at the door again.

These days, monks come to visit brothels openly?
But this place is already mixed with fish and dragons, and there are no strange people.

"Master, you can come to me next time."

As he said that, he waved the silk handkerchief in his hand towards Zhu Ming, and a strong smell of makeup and powder came to his nostrils.

Terrified, Ju Ming hastily stepped back several steps.

The woman chuckled, didn't take it seriously, and walked away.

"This scene seems familiar? Could it be?"

Zhu Ming took a look at Bai Mudan, for a while he couldn't connect Bai Mudan with the brothel girl.

Bai Mudan's face turned pale when Ju Ming looked at her.

"Young master, let's go."

After finishing speaking, Bai Mudan walked towards the stairs first.

Zhu Ming also knew that he was a little rude just now, the key is that he really didn't expect it.

"Peony girl, I'm sorry..."

Before Zhu Ming finished speaking, he was interrupted by Bai Mudan.

"My lord is serious, there is no need to apologize, we are down to business."

The two didn't go through the back door this time, but walked directly through the lobby.

But Ju Ming's monk clothes are too eye-catching.

There was constant laughter and heckling.

"Master, you are quite elegant."

"Master, come again next time."

This made Ju Ming quite embarrassed.

But embarrassment is better than losing your life.

(End of this chapter)

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