Chapter 1
After a busy day, Zhu Ming returned to his rented house exhausted.

Pushing open the door, looking at the small and messy room, Zhu Ming sighed.

Life is so sad.

When he was admitted to college, Zhu Ming was so high-spirited.

It's a pity that it was only a third-rate university, but how could Zhu Ming, who came from the countryside, understand those things at the time.

I thought that I would embark on a broad road from now on, achieve success and fame, and have unlimited scenery.

Unfortunately, after graduation, Zhu Ming suffered a lot in society.

When I just graduated, I was disliked by the recruiting companies because the school was not well-known.

Let Ju Ming's beautiful dream be completely shattered.

It turned out that society was even more cruel.

In the past few years after graduation, Ju Ming has sold insurance, sold cosmetics, and sold houses.

However, the sales industry does not have a high barrier to entry.But it is really difficult to make some achievements in this industry.

This requires talent. Looking at his colleagues whose sales performance has been rising steadily, Zhu Ming feels nothing but envy.

It's a pity that even if Zhu Ming pretends to be a grandson all day long, his performance still doesn't improve, and he spends his days sadly with that pitiful basic salary every month.

Maybe this is fate, the heart is higher than the sky, and the life is thinner than paper.

The moment Ju Ming closed the door.

Suddenly, I heard a sound coming from my ear.

"The system detects that the host's emotional matching degree is highly consistent, and begins to bind."

Zhu Ming was taken aback for a moment.

Is this an auditory hallucination?

Or the sound of the neighbor's TV.

The sound insulation of this building is really bad. Zhu Ming came back late every day and often heard some strange sounds.

Although the voice seemed to be in his ears just now, Zhu Ming still shook his head and walked towards the bathroom.

Hurry up and wash up, you have to get up early tomorrow.

This is life, but you have to fight hard.

Just when Ju Ming turned on the faucet and planned to wash his face.

But heard that voice again.

"The system has started successfully, and the first task is started. The host, please prepare, and the countdown begins."

"Ten, nine, eight..."

Ju Ming was a little silly.

The voice was so clear, it was right next to my ears.

But what does this mean, return the mission?
Who is this kidding me?

Zhu Ming turned his head and looked around, but didn't see anything strange.

Ju Ming even searched for it in his hair and clothes, but didn't find anything there.

At this moment, a white light suddenly lit up in front of Zhu Ming's eyes.

"I'm going, what is this?"

Zhu Ming subconsciously raised his arm to cover his eyes, the light was so dazzling that Zhu Ming felt that his eyes were going blind.

"What are you doing? Who played such a prank on me?"

Feeling that the light had dissipated, Zhu Ming lowered his arms.

But looking at the situation in front of him, Zhu Ming was a little dumbfounded.

"What is this place?"

Are you dreaming?Ju Ming was extremely convinced that he had just returned to the rented house.

But why did he suddenly come here?
At this time, Zhu Ming was standing in the middle of a courtyard. The courtyard was very large and there were many rooms, but the style of these rooms was really too old, very much like those houses where costume dramas were filmed in those film and television cities.

And the rooms are so run down.

Not just dusty.

And some doors and windows are about to fall down.

With the breeze blowing, the door and window also made a creaking sound.

And the yard is full of weeds.

This is a special scene for ghost movies, right?

Now Ju Ming is standing among the weeds.

Suddenly a chill rose from the bottom of Ju Ming's heart.

No matter how stupid Zhu Ming is, he would never think that anyone has the ability to change places in the blink of an eye.

"This must be a hallucination. I must be tired and fell asleep as soon as I entered the door."

Zhu Ming can only comfort himself in this way.

But can my consciousness be so clear in a dream?

Anyway, even if Zhu Ming is dreaming, every time he wakes up, he is still in a daze, and soon forgets what he dreamed.

Ju Ming tried pinching his arm.

It hurts.

In the past, watching TV was the easiest way to check whether it was a dream.

Zhu Ming suddenly felt a little creepy.

If it's not a dream, it's a supernatural event.

But as a five-good young man in the new era, Ju Ming never believed in those feudal superstitions.

But how did this happen?

"God, where did I offend you, I apologize to you, don't you play me? My life is already very sad, don't torment me like this, I have to go to work tomorrow."

At this time, Ju Ming could only pray secretly in his heart.

Looking at the weird scene around him, Zhu Ming didn't even dare to move casually.

Although I often hear people say that in a strange place, it is best to find out the situation first and be aware of it, otherwise there may be unexpected accidents.

But think about those people, they are all highly skilled and bold.

Anyway, Zhu Ming himself didn't have that kind of courage, so Zhu Ming planned to stand like this until dawn.

As long as the sun comes out, I can regain some of my courage.

It's time to find a way out.

At this moment, Zhu Ming could only comfort himself like this.

But at this moment, a bright light suddenly came from the long corridor in the distance.

This made Ju Ming startled.

This is not a good phenomenon.

Any change at this time means that new situations have emerged, and it also means that accidents have occurred.

Ju Ming was in a state of confusion, and his legs were trembling.

This really cannot be blamed on Ju Ming.

In fact, Ju Ming is quite courageous, but as a modern person who has not experienced many storms.

Ju Ming's current performance has already passed the mark.

Zhu Ming really wanted to turn around and run, but in such an environment, where could Zhu Ming run.

See the windows and doors creaking with the breeze.

Ju Ming felt that there were people in those rooms secretly looking at him.

This made Ju Ming tremble even more.

Under Ju Ming's suspicious gaze.

The light in the corridor is getting closer and closer, and a white figure can still be seen faintly.

Ju Ming was so frightened that he quickly held his breath, not even daring to make a sound.

For fear of alarming the other party.

I just hope that the other party is just passing by and leaves without seeing me.

It's a pity that Zhu Ming's hope could only be dashed, and the other party walked straight towards him.

As the other party gradually walks in.

Ju Ming finally saw the other party's appearance clearly.

It was a delicate young girl in a white dress, holding a lantern in her hand, and the previous light was emitted from that lantern.

But after seeing clearly, Zhu Ming was even more afraid.

Because the clothes this girl wears are very retro.

Although in modern society we can often see some people wearing ancient costumes.

But in such a dilapidated old house, in the middle of the night, there is no one around, a handsome girl in white clothes in ancient costume holding a lantern.

Putting it all together, it looks like the situation in Liaozhai.

At this moment, Zhu Ming thought of Nie Xiaoqian and the scenes from countless horror movies.

This made Zhu Ming feel that his teeth were chattering and making a rattling sound.

Although this girl is very pretty, Zhu Ming has no ambiguity in his heart, only fear and apprehension in his heart.

The girl didn't seem to notice Ju Ming's existence.

Just lighting the lantern and looking around.

This gave Ju Ming a glimmer of hope.

It suddenly occurred to him that he had seen it in some movie. Some ghosts could not see people with their eyes. If they did not breathe, the ghosts would not be able to detect them.

Zhu Ming hastily raised his hand gently, covered his mouth, held his breath, and slowly squatted down.

(End of this chapter)

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