Chapter 72 Absolute suppression
Ye Feng sat beside him, crossed his legs, and looked at Hu Liena with a smile.

At this moment, Ye Feng felt very relaxed.

Now that the contract has been successfully concluded, at this moment, Hu Liena is his servant.

What is there to be nervous about in front of your own servants?

Hu Liena sat on the ground, her chest heaving violently.

After resting for a while, I felt my physical strength improved slightly.

Then she took a deep breath and stood up.

"Boy, what kind of sorcery did you use just now?"

Hu Liena looked at Ye Feng with a cold face and asked.

While saying this.

Hu Lina was beside Ye Feng, searching for the black brick just now.

But she looked around, but she didn't see where the black bench went?

In Hu Lina's heart, she felt a little strange.

In the depths of her heart has been determined.

The reason why Ye Feng was able to exude such a strange suppressing ability just now.

It should be that black brick, it is definitely an unimaginable peerless treasure.

This kid should rely on that peerless treasure to press himself down firmly on the ground, unable to get up.

At this time, Hu Liena's heart was filled with shame and anger.

Since she was a child.

She has never lost to a peer in such embarrassment like today.

And still in such a mess, kneeling on the ground suppressed by the other party, unable to get up at all!

She was ashamed and indignant in her heart, and she wanted to severely suppress this bastard on the ground and teach him a lesson.

However this time.

For this peerless treasure in this kid's hands, she had to be very jealous in her heart.

So she didn't find out where Ye Feng's black brick was placed.

Even though she was very angry with Ye Feng in her heart.

For a while, he didn't dare to make a move.

"I've said it all, this is not a sorcery, but a very special strength."

Ye Feng crossed his legs and said with a smile:
"You should be thankful that I have exerted such a powerful strength that I can't even move you on the ground, but I haven't done anything to you..."

"You...what strength? If you didn't rely on that weird treasure, how could you suppress me?"

Hu Liena stared at Ye Feng coldly, gnashing her teeth for a while.

"What attitude? How can you talk to me like that?"

Ye Feng smiled slightly, his eyes swept over Hu Liena's graceful figure.

"Little girl, now that I am your master, shouldn't your attitude towards me be more respectful?"

"What master, what did you say?"

Hu Liena stared beautifully.

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, I..."

"What are you, I am your master now!"

Ye Feng smiled and said:

"I advise you to be more polite to the master, otherwise, believe it or not, I will punish you severely?"


Hu Liena finally made it, she couldn't bear it anymore.

She really can't control whether the strange treasure in this kid's hand can be used again at this moment.

She gritted her silver teeth.

Faint ripples of soul power surged in her palm.

Then she slapped Ye Feng hard on the cheek!
At the same time, he shouted:

"Boy, if you are a man, don't use that weird baby just now, and have a fair fight with me!"

"Hehe, weird baby????"

Ye Feng secretly laughed in his heart, shook his head lightly and said.

"Okay, I don't need any treasures, let's see what you can do to me!"

As he spoke, he still crossed his legs and sat there leisurely.

Facing Hu Liena's lightning-fast slap, he didn't even move to block.


After Hu Lina rested just now, almost three-tenths of the soul power in her body recovered.

So her slap was as fast as lightning, frighteningly fast.

Seeing Ye Feng face the slap of himself, he didn't make any movement to block the fight.

There is also no sign of continuing to use the weird treasure just now.

Hu Liena was overjoyed.

"Stinky boy, it's no wonder that this slap doesn't make you rotten!"

As long as this slap is real.

Hu Liena is confident.

Ye Feng's mind must be in a daze, he must lie on the ground, and he won't be able to get up within half an hour.

by that time.

This kid can only be at the mercy of himself.

Then the task assigned to him by the master may be able to be completed...

thought here.

Soul power surged in her body.

Intensified some strength in the palm of the hand.



Just when Hu Liena's soul power was about to touch Ye Feng's cheek.

Hu Liena suddenly involuntarily "surprised".

An extremely strange energy suddenly surged in her body.

In an instant, her body felt numb.

All the soul power condensed on the palm suddenly collapsed.


Hu Liena said "Oops—"

The body is sore and limp.

He fell directly beside Ye Feng.

"Hehehe, little girl, and I've already said that I'm already your master, yet you still want to hit me?"

Ye Feng looked at Hu Liena, who just fell beside him, and smiled even more proudly.

"Let me just say it. I am your master now. You can only show your loyalty to me. If you dare to have any second thoughts about me, I will punish you severely... Tell me, what do you want?" What punishment did you get?"

" kind of magic did you use?"

Hu Liena fell to the ground, her whole body limp and gritting her teeth.

"Hey, you actually said that I used sorcery????"

Ye Feng sighed slightly and said with a smile:
"It seems that you little girl, you really can't do without a lesson!"

As he said that, he slapped Hu Liena directly.

"Little girl, please remember that I am your master, and I am teaching you a lesson now, relying on absolute strength, do you understand?"

"you you……"

Hu Liena's beautiful eyes widened, and she couldn't believe her eyes.

She couldn't imagine it.

How dare this guy in front of him slap her?

Hitting her part is still...

Hu Liena was ashamed and angry.

He opened his eyes wide and stared at Ye Feng intently.

The icy chill in the beautiful eyes was almost about to freeze.

"What's wrong with me?"

Ye Feng smiled lightly and said:

"I told you in advance, I'm your master now, how can a servant try to misrepresent your master? If you don't want to suffer, I suggest you be more respectful to me now, otherwise, hum..."

As he spoke, he gestured and raised his hand.

Aim at Hu Liena's body.

" tell me first, what is going on?"

Hu Liena gritted her silver teeth.

She now knows that she is indeed not Ye Feng's opponent.

But she really didn't understand.

Why was he so suppressed by Ye Feng.

Why can't I beat this kid even though he doesn't have much soul power fluctuation?

(End of this chapter)

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