Chapter 14 Dare to peek at me
Noon today.

After Ye Feng beheaded another soul beast, and then used his special skills to cook an extremely delicious barbecue for Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue was fed up again and burped a few times.

She basically doesn't care too much about her image in front of Ye Feng now.

Lying very lazily on the grass.

Simply put on any posture that is comfortable, and eat timidly.


Seeing Qian Renxue in such a state, Ye Feng couldn't help sighing.

no way.

There is really no way.

In the past few days, he has really served Qian Renxue so well, he doesn't treat himself as an outsider at all now.

It turned out that the noble, dignified and glamorous goddess would show such a "down-to-earth" side when no one was around?


Ye Feng felt that his relationship with Qian Renxue was much closer, and getting along with him was much more comfortable.

of course.

Originally, the noble and glamorous image of Qian Renxue in his heart has naturally collapsed a lot...

At this moment, Ye Feng was sitting on the grass next to Qian Renxue.

He admired Qian Renxue's elegant figure.

The figure is really good to burst!
The appearance is indeed bubbling! !
The temperament is really good and makes the heart pound! ! !

Ye Feng couldn't help but praise in his heart.

Staring at her graceful figure intently, I couldn't take my eyes away at all, and I couldn't help but dream about it...

Generally speaking.

When the beautiful girl is lying down, if her neckline is not completely covered.

So if you look at it from a special angle, you can more or less see the scenery inside her neckline.

And this time is very unfortunate.

Ye Feng's angle is not good.

Because he was sitting below Qian Renxue's waistline.

In this position, although he can appreciate Qian Renxue's big beautiful legs.

But the neckline scenery is absolutely impossible to see.

Seeing Qian Renxue lying in this position, Ye Feng couldn't help scratching his ears and cheeks.

He really wanted to sit on the other side of Qian Renxue's body to have a look.

So ever.

He began to move his body step by step, but his eyes never left a certain area of ​​Qian Lixue's body.

"What are you looking at?"

Qian Renxue suddenly realized Ye Feng's treacherous gaze.

"Uh, this..."

Ye Feng blushed.

It's really embarrassing to be caught by her when you want to peek at her.

"You are in a panic, right? How dare you peek at me???"

Qian Renxue sat up, her pretty face showing a cold expression again.

"Do you know that there used to be many people who had the same idea as you. But they didn't take any action on this idea, and they lost their lives as a result?"

"No way?"

Ye Feng's face froze, "I can't, just because I peeked at you, I will lose my life in the end?"

"What do you say?"

Qian Renxue was cold, staring at Ye Feng with a smile that was not a smile.

"This... this doesn't have to be like this..."

Ye Feng hurriedly laughed, "Actually, I just glanced at you, there's no need to do this, and it won't make you lose a piece of skin or a piece of meat..."

"And because you are so beautiful, everyone just because... because of admiring your beauty..."

"If I beat you up now, it won't make you lose a piece of skin or a piece of meat..."

Qian Renxue smiled lightly, so she clenched her fist, and traces of soul power flowed around the fist.

(End of this chapter)

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