Chapter 63
"Tang San! You don't want to be a woman again! If you lose such a good opportunity, you and I will regret it forever! The chance of success is right in front of you! Kill Chihiro and you can get everything! The road ahead will change." It's unimpeded! What are you still hesitating about?" Xue Beng was in a panic at the moment, regardless of Tang San's dissuasion, and immediately asked everyone to do it.

Tang San shook his head helplessly, thinking that this pig teammate really couldn't be moved, so at this moment he quietly backed away, taking advantage of the chaos and running away!

And Xue Beng didn't even know that Tang San had run away, and was still excitedly asking his soldiers to shoot arrows, wanting to directly shoot Chihiro Ji into a hedgehog!

However, Qian Xunji put his two fingers together and released a sword energy to sweep away. The soldiers in front of him fell down a lot, which made Xue Beng dumbfounded all of a sudden!

"See, this is the gap between us, you arrogant guy still can't recognize the reality?" Qian Xunji said with a sneer.

"Why are you all staring blankly! Let's go together! What do I feed you masters! Hurry up!"

Xue Beng yelled at several Contras, but these Contras were still reluctant to make a move, because they all knew that even if everyone besieged Chihiro Ji together, there was no chance of winning!
"Dugu Bo! You are a titled Douluo! Take action! As long as you kill Chihiro Ji, I will give you whatever you want! The national teacher lets you be! You can choose whatever you want to be a marquis and a minister! Quick! Kill him quickly!" !"

At this moment, Xue Beng pinned his hopes on Dugu Bo, because Dugu Bo is a title Douluo, if Dugu Bo leads everyone to fight together, there must be a great chance of winning!
But at this time Dugu Bo said unhurriedly: "Fourth prince, I'm really sorry, my granddaughter Duguyan married Qianxunji, so I'm Qianxunji's grandfather, you said I can bend my elbows out Abduct?"

"What! You! You! Rebelled! All reversed!"

Xue Beng thumped back a few steps, the whole person was already stupid, at this moment, there was really no way to end it!
"Hey, what did you just say, Fourth Prince, your name is too appropriate for the occasion. Why do you think you are called Xue Beng? I am really sorry for your name if you don't Beng!"

Qian Xunji walked up step by step, Xue Beng was so scared that he knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"Don't kill me! I admit defeat! I surrender! I submit to you! Can I change my name in the future? I can do whatever you want me to do! Can you let me live? I will be your cow and horse in the future! I I don't want to die!"

Xue Beng was really scared at this moment, he was so frightened that he was trembling all over, crying tears were streaming down his face, he hadn't really become emperor in this life, even if he died, he wouldn't be reconciled!
However, Chihiroji did not intend to let the other party go, because this guy is a fool, and staying is a disaster, and only by killing him can he deter the young people in the royal family and make Xue Qinghe's throne more stable. Tang San's future development can be better restricted!


Hearing a muffled sound, Chihiroji's fingertips released a sword energy, piercing Xue Beng's head in an instant, and the other party's eyes widened. It was really a death, he thumped on the ground like a carp several times before Completely cut off the breath!

Everyone around saw this scene panicked, and hastily put down their weapons and raised their hands to surrender.

At this time Chihiroji said to the crowd: "The emperor's grace is great, those who surrender will not be killed. From today on, you all must swear allegiance to the emperor to the death. If you dare to violate anything in the future, you may punish the nine clans, and everyone will be executed!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for not killing me! Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

All the soldiers hurriedly knelt down to thank him, and Xue Qinghe finally regained control of the army.

When Tang San escaped, he knew that the situation was over, he had to return to the Tang Sect to plan well, and there must be no other troubles!

Qian Xunji didn't let Tang San be hunted down anymore, because he had no intention of killing Tang San at all, the only way to be perfect is to keep him alive.

But Xue Qinghe doesn't understand this, she thinks cutting grass and roots is the most important thing!
"Husband, why did you let Tang San go? Isn't it good to cut grass and roots?"

"What's the use of killing Tang San? At that time, Zhang San and Li Si will jump out one by one to rebel! What we have to do is to show both kindness and power, and gradually plan it, so that the entire empire can develop for a long time."

"Why? Isn't it good to unify?"

"Great unification is of course very good, but to be born in adversity and die in peace is like the truth that the world must be divided for a long time. If you just want to create a prosperous world, you can choose a great unification. But if you want the Heaven Dou Empire to grow If it is not prosperous, then there must be a rebel like Tang San, otherwise it is impossible for the empire to prosper for a long time."

What Qian Xunji talked about was the way of yin and yang, it was difficult for Xue Qinghe to understand for a while, because her vision and experience could not be compared with Qian Xunji's.

However, out of trust in Qian Xunji, Xue Qinghe still agreed with this approach, because from the current point of view, the appearance of a rebel like Tang San is really not a bad thing, at least it can let her distinguish right from wrong, and always be on the lookout. With these enemies!

Then Chihiro and Xue Qinghe talked about the industrial reform. This is not something that can be done in a day. It needs to be improved over time, and it also needs the training of a large number of technical personnel and financial support.

After discussing and communicating with Qianxunji, Xue Qinghe felt more and more that the other party was not only a master soul master, but also a capable minister of governing the country!If we can cooperate with Qianxunhe, then there will definitely be great achievements in the future!
So Xue Qinghe admired Qianxunji more and more in her heart, but she knew that Qianxunji's heart was not in governing the country, what the other party pursued was even more out of reach, at least for her, it was an unattainable dream !
Therefore, it is impossible for Xue Qinghe to fetter Chihiro and Chihiro because of herself, she just hopes that she can have a small space in the other party's heart, so she is already very satisfied!

In the next few months, Xue Qinghe gathered many skilled craftsmen, and Chihiroji taught everyone the most basic industrial reform and manufacturing technology.

For these craftsmen, steam engines, electric currents and other things are magical skills, which are completely unimaginable!But it's amazing that ordinary people like them can control it!

After Qian Xunji's guidance and training, the Heaven Dou Empire completed the foundation of the industrial revolution in less than half a year, and the rest only needs time to improve!
The industrial revolution has greatly boosted all aspects of the Tiandou Empire's industries and increased the value of the labor force. As ordinary people live in abundance, naturally not many people are willing to join the Tang Sect.

Moreover, with the industrial foundation, the weapons and equipment produced by craftsmen are becoming more and more sophisticated, and it will be a matter of time before they surpass Tangmen!
(End of this chapter)

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