The heavens start from beautiful comics

Chapter 36 Turn Sound into Form!

Chapter 36 Turn Sound into Form!

"My lord, Hua Wuque, please enlighten me." Hua Wuque was dressed in a white dress and was elegant.

"Your Majesty, Liu Zhengfeng, please enlighten me." Liu Zhengfeng walked out carrying a pillar full of red and white things. On days without swords, he could only use the iron pillar as a sword.

Seeing this, Xiao Shenghao's eyelids twitched, Nima, isn't this my beam made of steel?Can it be used as a sword?And killed a lot of people?

"What era is it now, fighting soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, playing heads-up? Let's go together, there is no need to talk about morals and morals with this kind of evil heretics! Let's kill him together!"

In novels and animations, the game that could be won by a group is solo and lost. Xiao Shenghao will not make such a low-level mistake. He doesn't want to be like Xiao and capsize in the gutter.

Hua Wuque, who was standing in the field, saw the soldiers take out their grenades, picked up their submachine guns, and pointed them at the opposite side again, the corners of their mouths twitched: "...".

Seeing the soldiers raising their submachine guns, Liu Zhengfeng's figure flickered, and he retreated behind Huang Yaoshi with a strong desire for survival. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with being cowardly if he was a hero.

Everyone: "..."

Seeing Hua Wuque retreating in embarrassment, Xiao Shenghao stood in the crowd and said loudly: "The ones on the opposite side, don't say I won't give you a chance, count to three, if you don't surrender, I'll give you the order to shoot!"

"Let the horse come here if you have the ability. Do you really think I'm afraid you won't make it? Long-winded!" Huang Yaoshi said angrily. If he didn't know the strength of the opponent's reincarnation, Huang Yaoshi would have rushed up and beat Xiao Shenghao. Cheap, I've never seen such a cheap one, I can't bear it!

"Three, shoot!"

Huang Yaoshi, Qu Yang, Liu Zhengfeng: "?????"

"Tut, chug, chug!" The gunshot rang out.

Countless bullets from the submachine gun emerged from the barrel, and the fire snake rose, sweeping towards Huang Yaoshi, Qu Yang, Liu Zhengfeng, and Ouyang Feng who was lying on the ground.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Huang Yaoshi stepped on his feet, and the innate stellar energy rose from in front of him, and a golden light shield enveloped the four of them, easily blocking the bullets and making it difficult to advance.

If you don't use reincarnation, mere small soldiers, he Huang Yaoshi can fight a hundred of them!

"how is this possible?"

Peggy Carter watched the bullets fall on the ground. Huang Yaoshi and the others were not injured at all. She was stunned. Even the soldier who shot was dumbfounded. Is this still human?Their submachine guns were actually blocked?Is he a humanoid tank made of iron?
Steve Rogers was stunned for a moment, then realized after a while, could this be the legendary Chinese Kung Fu again?

He had seen Xiao Yu'er use it before, slapped the enemy in front of him, and the opponent couldn't move, but now this is even more exaggerated, the bullet is useless when he just moves his feet.

"Bang bang bang!" The soldiers unbelieved and fired a few more shots, but these bullets had no effect except to dim the mask for a while!
This terrifying scene made the soldiers at a loss, looked at each other, and retreated one after another. Is this person opposite a devil?

Peggy Carter's face darkened. To deal with this kind of monster, is it necessary to send a signal flare and let the mecha troops drive in with tanks?Or send the air force to carry out high-altitude bombing?But this is the urban area!
"You guys have spoken and the guns have been fired. Now, it's up to me to take action?" Huang Yaoshi smiled playfully, his eyes turned cold.

There is a saying in the art of war, again and again, again and again, and three times exhausted. Now the morale of the opponent is sluggish. If you don’t take the opportunity to defeat them, wait for the enemy to react, and then a few waves of strafing, or grenades, maybe your side will be over. The Tiangang Qi cannot be left open all the time.

"Bi Hai Chao Sheng Song!" Huang Yaoshi put the jade flute to his mouth and played it softly.

"Is this some kind of strange Chinese Kung Fu?"

Steve Rogers frowned, he always felt that the flute sound like the tide of the sea was a bit weird.

Peggy Carter also frowned. Could it be that the sound of the flute was a signal?Are there enemies nearby?Is he asking for help?

"No, the sound is a bit wrong."

"Cover your ears!" Brother Haier's expression changed drastically and he quickly reminded.

However, it was obviously too late, because the sound of the flute was bursting like a magic sound filling the ears.

Except for what Steve Rogers had reacted to, the surrounding soldiers were already dancing uncontrollably to the sound of the flute, and some of them even showed crazy expressions, scratching their ears and cheeks with ferocious expressions, and biting each other, as if the other party was Sworn enemies generally do not hold back at all.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Steve looked at the crazy soldiers around him and was stunned.

Except Haier Brothers, Peggy Carter, Xiao Shenghao and Xiao Nannan who were able to maintain their composure, the rest of the people present were already bewitched by the sound of the flute, immersed in the world constructed by the sound of the flute and unable to extricate themselves.

Even Hua Wuque, Mi Wentian, Chu Wanxin and other people with deep internal energy used their internal energy to cover their ears and escaped by luck.

"Song of the Blue Sea Tide?" The Haier brothers clasped their hands tightly. After closing and opening their eyes, a series of messages appeared in their pupils.

"Bi Hai Chao Sheng Song, on the surface it sounds like imitating the sound of the sea tide, but in fact it contains extremely deadly martial arts. Scratch your face."

"Those who are weak in internal strength will hear this song, and their hearts will be shaken, and they will be drawn by it. The light ones will be injured, and the severe ones will die."

"No wonder the soldiers were all tricked. Is the sound of the flute similar to hypnosis or something?" Peggy Carter asked with a serious face.

As an agent, she has a different mind than ordinary people, so she barely blocked Xiao Sheng's attack.

Looking at everyone present, Peggy Carter couldn't help but glance at the thin Steve Rogers.

Unexpectedly, this skinny boy can also block the magic sound from pouring into his ears. Thinking about it, he is not an easy kid, and his mind is definitely not ordinary.

She remembers Steve Rogers as if he was part of the super soldier project?Looks like he just passed the interview?It seems that we have to focus on it in the future.

If the super soldier project is successful, I wonder if they can compare with these capable people?
The magic sound filled their ears, Brother Haier looked at Huang Yaoshi who was playing the flute, gritted his teeth, and continued to read: "Weaknesses: 1. The sound of the flute interrupts the spellcasting at the beginning. 2. When the song ends, the caster's internal strength Exhausted. 3. Tough, strong crack!"

Everyone: "..."

What kind of weakness is this?
"Oh, is it blocked?"

"It seems that I have to deepen my skills." Huang Yaoshi saw that there were still a few people standing opposite, and increased the output of internal energy in Yuxiao.

"Immersive in the scene, transforming into form with sound!"

"Bihai Chaosheng!"

It was still an intoxicating flute sound, but after Huang Yaoshi increased his internal energy output, the dark night sky slowly began to drizzle.

In the dark and gloomy courtyard, there was a faint tide emerging, and then the tide was gradually getting faster and faster. When it approached them, the waves were rough, white waves and mountains, like a flood, coming surging!

(End of this chapter)

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