Chapter 353

"I'm going to hide from the sun
I run like hell
but why the sun

always on your head
I really want to forget about you
but you are in my heart
Nothing can be erased"

12. On the day we broke up, I was drenched in the rain for more than 40 minutes and walked to the subway station lonely. My mind was blank and chaotic. In the night when I was awakened by a dream, I waited for you to come back downstairs. Let me live in this loneliness You can learn to be calm, and learn to think about problems, thinking about the ignorance and ignorance of the past, the happy past of you and me, and you fell in love with someone in just a few days. Is it because I don’t want to believe it, or do I not accept the reality? --- Xiao Tong
"Is that 'other' she mentioned me?" Feng Baobao sniffled his nose in doubt.

"Probably, maybe." Xiao Shenghao felt a little uncomfortable.

"She misunderstood." Feng Baobao said.

"Yeah." Xiao Shenghao nodded: "She took Nannan as our child. We misunderstood that we were together."

"But, brother and sister Bao'er are indeed together." Little Nannan said while holding the angel beast and blinking her big watery eyes.

"....." X2
"By the way, she said to send me a text message, but I obviously didn't receive the text message and still have a call." Xiao Shenghao scratched his head, expressing his doubts.He recalled it for a long time, but there was no impression in his mind.

While Xiao Shenghao was talking, Nine-Tailed Fox Xiaobai came out with a mobile phone in his mouth, and then called out a few times.

Xiao Shenghao: "..."

"Xiaobai said, you threw the phone away when you came back. It thought it was fun and picked it up secretly." Xiaonuan glanced at Xiaobai and said.

"I understand." Xiao Shenghao said with a dark face. As the patriarch of the Tushan fox clan, he certainly understood the fox's language.

Xiao Shenghao turned on the phone with ease, and a projection popped up, which contained hundreds of missed calls and text messages.

He has two mobile phones in total, one was issued by Zhutiancheng when he joined the army, and the other was for private use before.

He has been using the one issued by Zhutian City until now, and he has not used this private one when he crossed to Zhutian City, so it is understandable that Xiaotong could not contact him.


"My friends think I've forgotten about you

But I'm about to break myself
want to forget you

want to erase memory
but powerless

like stuck in the meat

one needle at a time"

Xiao Shenghao opened the text message.

Xiao Tong: Hiding in my own world alone, licking my wound alone, let the wound heal bit by bit, but there will still be a scar after it heals, let me remember the happiness and pain in the scar, and also let me remember I understand, some things have to be learned to accept, and some fate will not bear fruit, you don’t have to have someone to love, but you must love him well if you have someone, even though it’s not good to love you, I did it , but I'm trying to make it perfect, but after all, I can't compare to a girl who is more mature and beautiful than me to give you the warmth you need.

When Si Lingsi and He Xie thought I had forgotten you, when I talked about you, I realized that her name is Feng Baobao and your child is Xiao Nannan.

Girl, doesn't that mean baby?

Brother Sheng Hao said before, take my surname as your name.

Now, brother Sheng Hao has done it, but that person is not me.

Your surname is Xiao, and you call her baby, so the child is called Xiao Nannan.Really happy.Happiness makes me jealous.

I was thinking that she looks expressionless and cold, she must not be pestering you every day like me.

I thought you called me Xiao Tong, meaning Xiao Tong.The result is just wishful thinking on my part.

It's really hard to learn to let go of you. The previous calls and text messages have turned into refusals. I don't know how Brother Shenghao is so ruthless that he doesn't read my messages or return my calls.

It's not painful to give up someone who loves you very much, but it's painful to give up someone you love very much, and it's even more painful to fall in love with someone who doesn't love you now.If there is a destiny, time and space are not distances. If there is no destiny to meet each other all day long, you can’t understand it. You don’t need to care too much about everything, let alone force it. If you think this way in your heart, the pain in your heart can’t be offset.

"sprinkle salt in the wound
numb yourself in pain
But your name still lingers
memories of dead love

as if we are still together

If tears can be your shadow
even if i
I'd rather cry like this all the time

Even if the sea water tears merge into sea water

I will also choose to forget
continue to live well"

14. How important a beautiful love is to a person. It can make a boy work hard to realize it. Like Brother Sheng Hao, he can serve as a soldier for Zhutian City...
Love can make a person, and it can also completely destroy a person when it is lost. My heart is dead, so it is considered destroyed. A person has only one heart, and one person lives in one heart. If, love each other, Then, please hold your lover's hand tightly, and it may be a lifetime regret to let go.Life is full of too many regrets, let go of each other's hands, let you and I lose each other, your departure is my regret, I feel sorry, and it is the persistence of loving you that hurts the fragile me Heartfelt.

15. We yearn for ordinary love. We shop together and eat street snacks. We buy enough fruit, yoghurt and cakes in the supermarket. We are all growing up, but this depressive war and the constant death of people have affected us. , I will continue to work hard, not saying but doing it every day, I am changing, I am growing every day, Brother Shenghao, do you understand?
I still wake up at night, and sometimes I don’t sleep at all, and I get used to looking at our photos and memories on the phone next to me.My brother Shenghao and I have gone from romance to reality, from the joyful love you and me to the unwillingness and pain after the change of love. I am still obsessed with the surprises it brings. Both parties carefully care for this love and satisfy each other as much as possible. Show the best side, but after you met her, my shortcomings were infinitely magnified, did you find from him the feeling of being with me before and the joy and freshness that you have never encountered before?It used to be so beautiful, why did it suddenly become empty?

"Actually, I want to continue singing like this
But I can't bear it anymore
I want to say Panpan

I really love you
I really can't forget you

要 我 怎么 做

you can come back to me
you said you wouldn't give up on me

You said you would love me forever"

16. You once said that you would love me forever, but now I spend my whole life thinking about you and wishing you a happy life. Sometimes I think that Brother Shenghao is used to my carefulness, consideration and companionship, so let Brother Shenghao treat me Brother Shenghao’s method was compared with his, and Brother Shenghao began to wonder why he fell in love with me now. Brother Shenghao became angry and felt that I was not as good as a good friend who understands her, cares about her, loves her, loves her, and loves her. Not as cold as ice, she is mature, stable and knows how to take care of others.

17. I enjoy the loneliness, emptiness and heartache of Sheng Hao's absence. Either I can't let it go or I don't want to let it go. The price is that I wake up every night when I can't sleep. I take a lunch break and my spare time is full of your figure and your goodness. This is doomed I will love you forever, I lock you in my heart and don’t want you to come out. After getting off work and reading books every day, I just want to send you a message to say good night, and tell myself that today is better than yesterday. , Occasionally go to the places I have been with you, the world of two people traveling alone to places we have not been to at that time, it is also a joy to have you accompany me in my heart, come on, tomorrow will be better.

18. Brother Sheng Hao doesn't love me anymore, maybe the sense of security, being unhappy, immature, and not strong in heart are just excuses, because you fell in love with her, I remember you said when you held me in your arms that you would never be apart for the rest of your life, You like to lie on top of me and let me nestle in your arms. You always like to hug and kiss greedily. No matter how deep your relationship is now, you will eventually feel like a stranger.

And only I am waiting for you here, in our space and our memory retains that innocence, I am a stubborn person Brother Sheng Hao is a stubborn person, when I fell in love with you, I never cared about other people.

"Why in the end

you still chose to leave

i said i can change for you

You didn't even give me a chance"

Xiaotong: Now I give my heart to you but I will never come back. I thought that I would love you vigorously, I thought I would find the destination of love, I thought you were the other half of my life, but in the end it was nothing but you. The figure lingers in my mind.

If you come back to see me one day, you will find that my world is full of you.

Sometimes happiness is to find a warm person to live a lifetime: Cherish the person who loves you, cherish the person who is always by your side to protect you, and always treat you as a treasure, because that person is really precious, but unfortunately I lost him.

Brother Sheng Hao, when you are not by my side, you don’t know that I really miss you, and sometimes you feel that you lack passion, but when no one is nagging by your side, no one cares about you, no one cares about you When I was sick, I suddenly realized that I had lost the person I had always loved the most.

Brother Sheng Hao, have you ever felt this way? Now when it rains, when I catch a cold, when I can’t sleep, I can call and text you when I can’t sleep. It’s my courage to keep going.

Seeing this, Feng Baobao: "..."

"I don't know where to start with an old saying." Feng Baobao said.

"Well, I think so too." Xiao Shenghao said.

"...." X2
"You said you liked kids

I promise you……..
You say I'm ignorant, I can change
why did you say break up

is so firm
i cry so sad

You don't even care about me anymore"

19.17. When you were [-] years old, you kissed my face and my mouth. You told me that you only loved me in this life, but I spent my whole life waiting for you.

Now I let go of the string holding the kite, without the shackles of the string, you fly higher and higher, and fly into the embrace of the sky. I want to chase you back, but I find that I can't reach it.

Maybe one day the kite will be bruised when it falls, but can I find it?Follow it from below when it is falling, or can you just watch it go away, look into the distance and say whether it is all right?
"She implied that I'm a kite? Does flying higher and higher mean that I crossed over? There are also scars, do you think I will be hurt by white lotus and green tea bitch?" Xiao Shenghao said.

"..." Feng Baobao: "What she means is that she wants to be a spare tire. She has been waiting for you."

Xiao Shenghao: "..."


touch the scar on the hand

think back to our old days
yesterday everywhere

I really miss you
when i want to call you

take it and put it down take it and put it down
can't sleep every night

please don't leave me

i really love you
22. I have stayed in Brother Shenghao's heart for four years, but you have been in my heart for a lifetime.I should be good at listening when fighting with Brother Shenghao, instead of following my own ideas and then admitting mistakes, Brother Shenghao said that being with me is more sad than joyful, and with me I can’t see hope or the future, When I broke up with Brother Sheng Hao, it was the most failed and incompetent thing I did in my life and the most regrettable sentence. Brother Hao said afterwards that I broke my promise again, and every time I said whether to fight or not, I always quarreled and then asked Brother Sheng Hao to forgive me, but this time it is unforgivable, right?

On the day we broke up, a girl asked our brother if he wanted to buy flowers. If you said no, then I knew we would never go back.

After the war, I came to the door of Brother Shenghao’s house in the morning. Brother Shenghao hadn’t woken up yet. Seeing Brother Shenghao fell asleep, he looked up at me and continued to sleep. I covered Brother Shenghao with a blanket. For the last time, put my arms around Brother Shenghao, Brother Shenghao got up, went to brush my teeth and watched, Brother Shenghao was unhappy, seeing me, I didn’t know what to say, I could only watch, and put my arms around Brother Shenghao Shenghao Brother dodged and hugged him hard, Brother Shenghao struggled, and finally I cried, I hugged Brother Shenghao tightly, Brother Shenghao still broke away.

I cried, I cried so sadly, it turned out that when I cried, Brother Sheng Hao would wipe my tears for me, and then hugged me in his arms with distress and comforted me in a low voice.

But now I just watched impatiently. At that time, I knew that we could not go back to the past.

You said that you fell in love with someone else, you said that there are many people who love you, I am just one of them, and I am not the worst, you said that you were too innocent and naive before, that's why you fell in love with me like a ghost.

I loved it before, but now I don’t love it anymore, I really don’t understand how I fell in love with me before.

I can only bow my head and cry, my heart hurts so much, you told me not to come to you again without your consent, you said you have let me go.

You said that you have been to her house and spent the night with her, and you will tell me when you get married, can I hold you, can I invite you to dinner in the future, as a friend, you said that you want more than just Friend, yes, I am guarding you and waiting for you. How could I just be willing to be a friend? After speaking, I hugged Brother Shenghao tightly and did not push away this time. I hugged Brother Shenghao tightly and kissed Brother Shenghao. For the last time, Brother Sheng Hao said that he could not kiss anymore, so he held Brother Sheng Hao's hand and folded his hands together. When walking, Brother Sheng Hao said that he should hold his head up when walking. Brother Sheng Hao was very happy because he could be with her Are you happy together or are you getting rid of me?

I said I lost weight, brother Sheng Hao said it has nothing to do with me, yes, it has nothing to do with him how I live, he has his own life, someone he loves loves him, I have nothing to do with passers-by What qualifications do people care about?
I will still wait for you, work hard, and hope you are happy.

I also don’t understand why I can’t be interested in other boys. Brother Sheng Hao is the reason why I don’t love others. I really want to tell you: “Good night” is just two words, every day Wananan good night, I love you love you love You have to say your important things three times, but this is the reason and love words I want to tell you for a lifetime.

I dreamed of you all night again. In the dream, Brother Shenghao hated me. My heart was really broken. It hurt so much. I love Brother Shenghao. This kind of love is called lovesickness, but I have no choice but to meet you and fall in love with you You, let me miss you day and night, but it’s a pity that there is no chance, so I have to use this life to repay Brother Shenghao’s love for me. I am not sure, pamper and love Brother Shenghao for the rest of my life, work hard, Be kind to others, treat others with sincerity, be positive and optimistic, come on.

I really can't do it without you, I'm already lost in your world, how can I get out?I can only hide my love in my heart and not bother you, let me miss you silently.

Love is only for two people, one heart.I don't love you who can I love?I can only love you from a distance and bless you.

After so long, I still only love Brother Sheng Hao.When Brother Shenghao was around, I fell in love with Brother Shenghao.After Brother Shenghao left, I fell in love with memories... If Brother Shenghao loves me, I will accompany you for the rest of my life, if Brother Shenghao leaves, the Brother Shenghao in my memory will be with me forever
Brother Shenghao's memory can be without me, but my memory can't be without Brother Shenghao. I keep all the couple clothes you bought. To love you is to love you.

By the way, I went to see my cousin today, and I learned a lot of new skills from him. I heard from Si Lingsi and He Xie that you are now working for Zhutian City, and she is the one you met in other worlds of.

How I wish I could meet you when I travel through...

Brother Shenghao can miss me, but I can't miss you. You can have him in your world, but you are the only one in my world.Brother Shenghao, please be happy, love you my husband, Brother Shenghao...

Brother Shenghao, I dreamed that we got back together and we kissed so deeply, but we separated because of a misunderstanding. I followed your footsteps for more than ten years and found it. At that time, we became so vicissitudes...

Logs, text messages, that's it.

"Bah, scumbag!" Feng Baobao couldn't bear it when he saw this.

Xiao Shenghao: "..."

 In fact, avoiding love, the 2 words in these [-] chapters can be skipped or not written.But... I still chose to write.

  Suppressing discomfort.

(End of this chapter)

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