Chapter 48
Two swords.

One nameless, one famous.

Two people.

One nameless and one famous.

The sword is nameless because people are nameless, and the sword is famous because people have life.

Chen Feng's sword is named Jingzhe, it is an unknown sword, because Chen Feng is an unknown person.

The opponent's sword is named Zhaixing, this sword is very famous in Jianghu, because the opponent is a very famous person.

But no matter the famous sword or the unknown sword; no matter the famous person or the unknown person, they are all the same at this moment—they are just swordsmen.

Their identities are also the same - opponents.

They are swordsmen, they are opponents of each other, and they are qualified to be opponents of each other, so this battle is still undecided.

With the swords in their hands, their murderous aura was gathering, their sword intent was gathering, but they didn't make any moves yet. When the battle was in full swing, they suddenly stopped. Why?
No one knows why but themselves.

The old man's gaze was as sharp as a torch, and as sharp as a sword, he stared at Chen Feng: "Are you really Xue Yiren's disciple?"

"Senior think I am not?"

The old man said: "If you are Xue Yiren's disciple, why don't you use Xue Yiren's Xue family's sword technique?"

What Chen Feng used was indeed not the Xue family's sword technique, but a fast sword, where the swords were linked together, and one sword was faster than the other.

"Because the Xue family's swordsmanship is powerful, but the Xue family's swordsmanship cannot defeat Xue Yiren."

The old man looked horrified and moved: "Do you use this kind of swordsmanship just to defeat your master?"

"Yes." Chen Feng said: "The old man is recognized as the number one swordsman in the world. To become a swordsman, you must become the number one swordsman in the world. Naturally, I want to defeat him, not to mention that I don't want to beat him."

The old man shouldn't have asked, but he started asking: "Why?"

Chen Feng said: "Because if I don't defeat him, he will kill me, so I have no choice but to defeat him."

The old man was shocked: "Why did Xue Yiren want to kill you?"

Chen Feng said: "Actually, senior shouldn't ask this question, because senior should understand what I mean."

Of course the master will not kill the apprentice, but the opponent is different, because you are the opponent, so I will kill you.

How could the old man not understand that Xue Yiren had already regarded Chen Feng as an opponent and was already cultivating opponents for himself?Therefore, once the opponent makes a move, there is naturally no room for mercy under the sword.

Chen Feng looked at the old man and said, "To be honest, I really never thought that senior would take action against me?"

The old man said: "Do you know who I am?"

"Before you drew your sword, I didn't know. As soon as you drew your sword, I had to know."

"who am I?"

"As far as I know, the only one who can fight me with a fast sword is Shuai Yifan, a Taoist priest who picks the stars." Chen Feng said, "Senior is naturally Shuai Yifan."

The old man looked at Chen Feng with a sneer: "Do you think that apart from Shuai Yifan, no one's swordsmanship can be faster than yours?"

Chen Feng said lightly: "I don't think anyone in the martial arts world can have faster swordsmanship than me, even seniors, everyone."

"What a crazy boy." Shuai Yifan smiled: "Then let me learn how to use your fast sword."

After the words fell, Shuai Yifan raised his sword.

This sword didn't stab out, but swept out.

When the sword was issued, it turned into a little cold star, and then became a shooting star piercing the sky.

This sword is indeed very fast. When many first-class swordsmen saw Han Xing, they had no time to draw their swords and could only resent their swords. The shooting star piercing the sky was the last scene many people saw.

But Chen Feng was no one else.

Shuai Yifan's sword is even faster than the sword that Shuai Yifan used when people were coming and going.

At that time because there were too many people, although Shuai Yifan's sword was fast, he had to restrain himself, and he had to be able to change the direction and angle of the sword in time, so as not to hurt the people around him, but now Shuai Yifan didn't have to restrain himself.

The sword he made was much faster than before.

I don't know how many people died from this sword in Jianghu, but it's a pity that the opponent of this sword was Chen Feng.

Anyone who is proud of Kuaijian will have a feeling of what Kuaijian is when they meet Chen Feng.

Xue Xiaoren thought this way after Chen Feng mastered his swordsmanship in the past.

In the first battle when he first came out of the rivers and lakes, he played against Zhongyuan Yidianhong, and Zhongyuan Yidianhong thought so.

Later, when Wu Hua, Chu Liuxiang and others saw Chen Feng's sword, they all had the same thought.

They all understand what a fast sword is - Chen Feng's sword is the real fast sword.

Although Shuai Yifan's sword is faster than the swords of most people in the world, he saw that Chen Feng's sword was no exception.

A sword was extended and hit the meteor before it fell.

In the sparks flying everywhere, the meteor is no longer a meteor, but a sword.

A sword that was knocked back.

Shuai Yifan's expression was moved, he never imagined that there is such a fast sword in the world, he never imagined that someone's sword will not change at all, and will not leave any escape path - if the opponent sees through this sword, wouldn't it be death?

But Shuai Yifan quickly understood - even if the opponent sees through the sword issued by Chen Feng, Chen Feng will not die, because after the first sword is the second sword, after the second sword is the third sword, this is the sword Connected, one sword is faster than one sword, this is a fast sword that does not need to be accepted.

Shuai Yifan couldn't see the fight in the crowd just now, but now that there is no crowd, Shuai Yifan finally learned about Chen Feng's fast sword.

He also finally understood what a quick sword is.

The past of the first sword is the second sword, and the past of the second sword is the third sword.

Unnecessary fast sword.

A sword that is incredibly fast and indescribably sharp.

Shuai Yifan dismantled seven swords in a row and attacked three times in a row, but he still retreated without success.

He couldn't break Chen Feng's quick sword.

It couldn't even disintegrate Kuaijian's offensive.

Therefore, Chen Feng still struck faster with one sword than with one sword.

No.13 sword, Shuai Yifan has retreated seven zhang from the confrontation.

Shuai Yifan's hands were already trembling, and the sword was trembling in his hands.

He couldn't grasp the sword, couldn't hold it tightly.

In fact, with Shuai Yifan's physical and internal strength, he wouldn't be so weak. If the opponent was someone else, he would still have plenty of physical strength, but because his opponent was Chen Feng, his physical strength was exhausted too much.

Chen Feng's sword is not only incredibly fast, but also unspeakably sharp.

Shuai Yifan had no way to block Chen Feng's fast sword in a clever way, so the force from the sword pouring down like a waterfall poured into his body.

A sword is faster than a sword.

A sword is sharper than a sword.

Speed ​​is power, and strength also makes speed. Because of this, facing this kind of swordsmanship that is faster than one sword, and does not stop at all, the aged Shuai Yifan naturally exhausted his physical strength, and eventually he could not even hold the sword steadily. .

If a person can't even hold a sword firmly, how can he draw a sword.

Chen Feng is a master of swords, and his understanding of swords is not inferior to anyone in the world.

He could see that only one sword was allowed, so Shuai Yifan had to give up the sword?

Abandoning the sword means defeat.

No.14 sword fell immediately.

This sword will definitely force the peerless swordsman of the previous generation to give up his sword.

But at this moment something happened.

What Chen Feng didn't expect, Shuai Yifan actually gave up his sword ahead of time.

Could it be that Shuai Yifan has resigned himself to defeat?
(End of this chapter)

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