Check in from the Peace Elite

Chapter 95 Met the old driver

Chapter 95 Met the old driver
The man lit a cigarette, took two strong puffs, and blew out a smoke ring.

This person is none other than Xu Hua, known as Peace No.1.

Ever since the rise of Peace Elite, Xu Hua has had an indissoluble bond with this game.

The first time he played, he fell in love with this game. The young Xu Hua showed amazing talent in this game.

In just one season, he successfully entered the ranks of God of Killing. He was only 15 years old that year and became the youngest God of Killing on the list of God of Killing at that time.

His good luck did not end. After becoming the God of Death, his love for games reached its peak. He began to challenge himself constantly, and finally at the end of the third season, he successfully scored [-] points for the God of Death .

Became the player with the highest score in the entire network at that time, and was given the nickname Peace No.1.

Xu Hua was staring at the computer screen intently at this time, and the screen playing on it was Lu Fei's live broadcast.

"Lu Fei? That's interesting, you really surprised me. Your strength is very good, no wonder you dared to talk to me like that back then."

There was one thing that Xu Hua still couldn't figure out. He would not miss Lu Fei's strength. He was undoubtedly a murderer, but he had never heard of Lu Fei before.

And from the style of its live broadcast, it is a newcomer.

What Xu Hua couldn't understand was Lu Fei's predicament. After the last time he broke up with Li Yun, he had been silently investigating Lu Fei. This time, he found that things were not as simple as he thought.

Lu Fei is not Li Yun's younger brother, but Li Yun's tenant. What is ridiculous is that Lu Fei has defaulted on rent more than once, and he is an out-and-out pauper.

Compared with his handsome and wealthy self, Lu Fei is an ugly duckling.

But Xu Hua did not give up monitoring Lu Fei because of this, and all kinds of things that happened in the later period made him even more unbelievable.

First, Lu Fei succeeded in joining Dongfeng Entertainment Company, which was the most unacceptable thing he could do. He tried his best to get close to Li Yun because of this, and Xu Hua had to admit that he really fell in love with Li Yun.

Now that Lu Fei has taken his place, Li Yun is helping Lu Fei at all costs.

This dealt a serious blow to Xu Hua's self-confidence.

Now the opportunity has come, just yesterday he learned that Lu Fei has become the trump card of Dongfeng Entertainment Company, the chairman of Dongfeng is likely to use Lu Fei as a bargaining chip against Miaoya Company.

If this is the case, then everything can be resolved by then.

Thinking of this, Xu Hua smiled on his face. I admit that you are very strong, but you are not my opponent yet.



In the game, Lu Fei and others left the prison and quickly moved to the next safe zone.

The next safe zone is the bridge on the side of the military base, near the side of the mine.

The bridge at the military base happened to be divided into two by the safe zone.

"I'll go, what the hell, it's a good chance I didn't go to the military base, otherwise this circle, if I don't get beaten into a sieve, I'll die!"

"That's a good saying. Don't forget your vow and live broadcast eating cooked durian."

"Elvis, do you have a grudge against me? Why are you still thinking about this?" Tiger Shark was a little upset.

"Believe it or not, tomorrow I will visit your house with a durian in hand."

Elvis laughed and said, "Okay, as long as you can do it, I don't care."

Lu Fei smiled and said, "Have you ever eaten durian?"

Tiger Shark said depressedly: "No, I heard that the taste of the thing is good, but it smells a little bad."

Gao Xiang said: "Ang! Durian is actually quite delicious, but it smells a bit unpleasant, so I prefer to eat it."

"You didn't lie to me?" Tiger Shark couldn't believe it. He couldn't trust any of these people.

"Of course, I promise, you will like that smell tomorrow." Elvis Presley smiled cheaply.

After talking, a few people came to the bridge, and they were going to try their luck to see if they could block people.

"Is there anyone else here?" Elvis climbed up to a small two-story building at the head of the bridge, and looked at the other end of the bridge with the magnification lens he licked.

saw nothing.

"The chances of this shouldn't be high. It's been more than ten minutes since the game, and the people in the military base should have crossed the bridge long ago." Gao Xiang analyzed.

"There is also an exception?" Lu Fei said.

"What's going on?" Elvis asked.

Lu Fei replied: "If the enemy is careful enough, they will enter the circle during the poison brush."

After listening to Lu Fei's words, Tiger Shark retorted: "No, this wave of poison is very painful, I don't think anyone will do it."

Lu Fei smiled and said: "This is the God of War game. Everyone is proficient in this game. They will use every condition that is beneficial to them to win this game."

As soon as Lu Fei finished speaking, the poison circle began to spread, and the poison was like a beast, attacking Lu Fei and the others.

"Lu Fei, if it is true as you said, then our bridge cannot be blocked, and our medicines cannot be wasted on anti-drug."

"Come on, let's get in the car and talk about it at the edge of the safe zone." Lu Fei drove out of the car and led Gao Xiang and others to the safe zone 200 meters ahead.

200 meters is not very far, but this wave of poison is already very painful.

Now is the most critical moment. As Tiger Shark said, they cannot waste the medicine on running away the poison.

"Lu Fei, there is indeed a team behind us, and they are right behind us." Tiger Shark shouted, quickly took out his gun, and fired at the back.

Elvis Presley was also cooperating with Tiger Shark on the other side. The car behind did not choose to fight with Lu Fei and others. Instead, he controlled the car and snaked back and forth to avoid the attacks of Tiger Shark and Elvis Presley.

"Lu Fei, bite them to death. They are not in good condition now. Take advantage of their illness and kill them."

Elvis Presley has the same thoughts as Lu Fei, and there are not many people now. Although it is not yet the final round, it is a team that can kill a team.

Lu Fei slid his fingers nimbly on the screen, and the car in his hands was like a wild horse, biting the opponent's car tightly.

After such a long period of practice, although Lu Fei's driving skills have not reached the exaggerated driving skills of Che Shenka, his overall level has improved a lot.

What surprised Lu Fei was that the enemy's driving skills were not bad, even compared with him.

No wonder, facing the attack of Tiger Shark and Elvis Presley just now, they were able to escape the danger. It turned out to be an old driver.

The enemy's car has already rushed out of the poison circle, and quickly drove to Lu Fei's left side.

The gun in the enemy's hand finally opened fire at this time. The shotgun in Gao Xiang's hand did not pose much threat to the high-speed vehicle, which also showed that the opponent had an advantage in firepower.

"Lu Fei, no, we won't be able to fight head-to-head. This wave of enemies is too fierce. If this continues, our car will explode." Tiger Shark said in a deep voice.

Gao Xiang calmly said: "Tiger Shark, Fengyan."

"Okay!" Tiger Shark understood Gao Xiang's meaning and used smoke to cover the car. He had to admire Gao Xiang's calmness.

"Don't you think so?" Lu Fei didn't expect Gao Xiang to be so crazy. This is the center of the circle, and he is likely to be beaten by gangs.

"That's right, let's get out of the car and fight blindly with them." Gao Xiang said in a deep voice.

"What?" Tiger Shark was confused?

 Is Lu Fei about to be beaten by a gang?Ha ha!

(End of this chapter)

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