Check in from the Peace Elite

Chapter 82 Double row meets double row

Chapter 82 Double row meets double row

The two enemies naturally heard the footsteps of Lu Fei and Gao Xiang, and used the smoke to continuously shoot at Lu Fei behind them.

Lu Fei kept using his skills, and at the same time, the 98k in his hand was not idle. He shot quickly and agilely. The enemy was hit by several shots, and he hurriedly used the cover of smoke to treat him.

Hearing the sound of two people wrapping bandages, it was obvious that the enemy who had been knocked down earlier had been lifted up.

"No. [-], you need to spray medicine quickly, your blood volume has bottomed out." No. [-] reminded.

But it was too late, Lu Fei had already seen an enemy rushing out of the smoke.

"Boom! Boom!"

Just when Lu Fei was about to give it a go, two gunshots unique to shotguns rang out, which lifted people's spirits.

Lu Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother, you finally took action. If you watch the show again, I'll feel cold." Lu Fei complained.

Gao Xiang smiled and said: "I just wanted to see how capable you are, haha. I didn't expect that you, Lu... you would also have today." Gao Xiang almost said Lu Fei's name.

Lu Fei said speechlessly: "If it wasn't for cooperating with you, how could I not be in such a mess?"

"Okay, okay, I'm wrong, can't I do it? You spray the medicine and leave the rest to me." Gao Xiang said proudly, as if he was joking.

Only Lu Fei knew that this guy was definitely not joking.

One shot at a child, and after Lu Fei finished his medicine, he danced along the way, and Gao Xiang over there ended the battle.

"Not bad, it took ten seconds, barely passed." Lu Fei commented casually.

Gao Xiangsheng had nothing to love and said: "You think everyone is like you, you are a pervert."

Number four was completely dumbfounded. Listening to the conversation between the two, he didn't take this battle seriously at all. You must know that his palms were sweating and his mobile phone slipped.

"Um, are you all alright?" Number four held back for a long time before saying this.

"Do you look like something is wrong with us?" Gao Xiang asked back.

"It's not like, it's not like, you two can't be students of the e-sports academy."

No. [-] felt that these two people played very strangely, and their skills were really awesome, which was in line with the style of some e-sports lunatics.

And the ace game is considered a relatively high game, and many high school students like to play this game.

Gao Xiang smiled and said, "I graduated from Nantah University, but it's been a year since I graduated."

"Are you really from Nantah?" Lu Fei asked No. [-] one step ahead.

"Yes, a [-] graduate from Nantah University." Gao Xiang asked back, "I don't know where you graduated from?"

Lu Fei smiled and said, "My family is in college and I'm currently studying."

"Squatting at home? Why haven't I heard of it? Isn't it awesome?"

Lu Fei couldn't stop laughing, so he could only tell the truth: "I never went to e-sports academy."

Naturally, Gao Xiang didn't believe it. Seeing that Lu Fei didn't want to say anything, he didn't ask.

Hearing Gao Xiang say that he is from Nantah University, No. [-] excitedly said: "The ones who come out of the college are awesome, no wonder they look down on us rookies."

Gao Xiang laughed dryly.

Now that the opponent was wiped out, Lu Fei and the others continued on the road. The poison circle had already arrived, and they had to run away.

As for No. [-], he had already flown into the safe zone alone, completely ignoring the life and death of Lu Fei and others.

Lu Fei was happy and at ease, it doesn't matter if he doesn't have this kind of teammate.

They did not go to pick up No. [-], but came to P City, which is the center of the safe zone, where Lu Fei and others planned to search for supplies.

At this time, two well-known anchors in P City are in duo.

"Tiger Shark, this kind of game is boring. Just fight casually and there will be no one around. It's not fun."

"Okay, little kitten, stop complaining. I already told you that this is a fan's account. The ace game is already pretty good."

These two anchors are the Five Star God of War Tiger Shark and Cat Starman.

"It's boring, I'm looking for a car and slipping away." The cat star said weakly.


"Fuck, there are still people, my third-level head was smashed." The cat star quickly hid in the room and shouted loudly.

"Report your location, report your location." Tiger Shark said.

"Direction 105, second floor, 98k." The cat star is worthy of being a five-star god of war, and locked Lu Fei's position with just one shot.

It was Lu Fei who fired the shot. He came to the second floor and was about to go up to the roof when he suddenly found a figure 100 meters away from him. , and did not knock down.

"No. [-], there is someone at the spot I marked. You and No. [-] should be careful." Lu Fei also reported the location of the Cat Star.

"How many people are there?" Gao Xiang quickly came to the second floor of another housing area and asked. The two were not far away, right next to Lu Fei.

"I don't know for now, there should be two people."

The six-fold mini in Tiger Shark's hand landed and flew to where several people were hiding.

"Didn't you see anyone?"

"You have a gun, I'll lure him out." After the cat star finished speaking, he threw a smoke bomb and used the smoke to move to the front room.

Lu Fei saw the timing, calculated the amount of advance, and hit the moving cat star with one shot.

The cat star, without any stop, rushed directly into the room area, came to the stairs, and quickly sprayed medicine.

"Damn it, this is too accurate. One shot will kill me."

After wrapping up a few bandages and recovering some blood, he moved to the second floor.

"I found you." The tiger shark six times mini shot twice in an instant, and hit Lu Fei's head, directly knocking out Lu Fei's second-stage head.

"No. 255, No. [-], on the second floor in direction [-], there is a mini. He is a master."

"I'll take care of this." Gao Xiang intends to touch in the direction of 255.

Before taking two steps, Gao Xiang was attacked violently, and Gao Xiang had no choice but to retreat.

"No. [-], can you see it?" Gao Xiang said in a deep voice.

"Well! The ballistic trajectory is stable, the marksmanship is sharp, and the god of war starts." Lu Fei analyzed.

"The one who sniped at me just now, I think it is also a god of war, shot twice in an instant, and the gun shot headshot."

Gao Xiang excitedly said, "This is the most interesting way."

Lu Fei carded the main perspective, but he never found a chance. This player is very good at playing.

It seems that he just used body skills, Lu Fei said to himself.

Lu Fei's agility is to cooperate with standing and squatting to achieve the purpose of attracting the enemy's firepower.

From the appearance, the Shenfa looks like a spring, rising and falling, so it is affectionately called the Spring Shenfa by Teacher Bullet.

Tiger Shark, watching Lu Fei's head appear and disappear for a while, he is going to shoot a dodge shot by observing the rules, so as to avoid being hit back by Lu Fei.

"Now, sit down for me." Tiger Shark was full of confidence. In just a few seconds, Lu Fei could kneel down.


Gunshots sounded.

"How is that possible?" Tiger Shark couldn't believe his eyes.

Looking at his blood volume, he said loudly: "Elvis, this man is a master, and his strength is not inferior to mine."

The cat star gasped, Tiger Shark is a five-star god of war, and the strength of the opponent is almost the same as him, which means that the opponent is also a five-star god of war.

Thinking about the scene where he was beaten just now, Elvis was frightened for a while and secretly felt lucky that he was lucky.

"Tiger Shark, don't charge yet, wait until I join you." The cat star people know the horror of the five-star war god better than anyone else. Except for the killing god, basically the five-star war god doesn't look down on people of any rank.

 Begging for collection, begging for votes, my voice is hoarse again, big brothers, please take pity on me, this little trash!Hahaha, cough cough!
(End of this chapter)

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