Check in from the Peace Elite

Chapter 69 Season Refresh

Chapter 69 Season Refresh
Lu Fei said with a smile: "No matter how powerful you are, you won't lose to you in the end."

"Brother, we really admire you." Then the boy said, "To thank you, we decided to give you the chance to eat chicken."

Lu Fei was surprised: "Don't you want to eat chicken?"

"I think so, but our dream is to go to the e-sports academy to become a real professional player, and the basic quality of a professional player is to help each other, and individual heroism is the most taboo."

Lu Fei said: "But I am your enemy. Real professional players must follow one principle and never show mercy to their enemies."

The little boy smiled and said: "It doesn't matter now, we are not playing professional games, let alone a competition, so these rules naturally do not count."

Lu Fei smiled awkwardly. Thanks to being a professional gamer, he didn't expect that in the end, he was not as thorough as a child.

I often tell myself to put down the reputation of what I have done, and now it seems that I have fallen deeper.

"Brother, goodbye, I hope my bow and crossbow can be like yours in the future."

After waving at Lu Fei, the last two players ran into the vicious circle without thinking.

Lu Fei returned to the game hall, feeling a little inexplicably heavy in his heart.

Although he successfully challenged the bow and crossbow to eat chicken, he knew that he won the game and lost his character.

Knowing kindness and repaying it is equally applicable no matter where it is.

At this time, Lu Fei really understood what Teacher Bullet said. The certificate or the so-called e-sports academy is just a strong proof of vanity, and it cannot express his true love for the game.

If you don't really love games, then even if you become a professional player, it's nothing more than lust.

After calming down, Lu Fei saw that Xiao Rou was still in the game, so he chose to watch the game.

The fans are also very happy, in their opinion, what Lu Fei does is reasonable, even if he plays Tetris, the fans also feel that he is practicing his reaction ability.

Xiaorou is playing against the wild team, and it has reached the most critical time, all his teammates have been eliminated, leaving her alone to stand firm.

The battlefield situation is not bad, there are still six people left, but they still haven't entered the top five.

This shows that the remaining players are all lone wolves.

One player was eliminated, and now five lone wolves are fighting for each other on the battlefield.

On the battlefield, Xiaorou moved her body slowly, trying to lean against the edge of the poison circle, she was not in a hurry to enter the circle.

The final circle was very quiet, and the five lone wolves were all hiding deeply.

Taking out a grenade, Xiaorou tentatively threw it at a big tree not far away.

It actually killed one.

"Not bad, good at technology." Lu Fei praised sincerely, but it was a pity that Xiaorou couldn't hear him speak.

Then Xiao Rou took out the Molotov cocktail and threw it around her.

Another enemy was burned out.

But Xiao Rou didn't shoot. Her purpose was to create chaos. There were only four people on the battlefield, and now one was exposed, and the other two were nowhere to be found.

Lu Fei smiled, Xiao Rou wanted to fish, and used this enemy to attract the other two.

Sure enough, one of the enemies was fooled and fired.

Knowing his location, Xiao Rou imitated Lu Fei's usual method of man-made bombing zone and launched a general attack on that enemy.

After successfully eliminating that player, it was time for one versus one.

At this time, the circle of poison has shrunk, and Xiao Rou must run away from the poison.

She took out the last smoke bomb, threw it directly in front of her, and got up to run away.

Seeing Xiaorou's move, Lu Fei smiled wryly. He couldn't do it like this. If there was enough smoke, he could use it like this. However, using a smoke bomb like this is equivalent to telling the enemy his position.

As Lu Fei expected, the last enemy shot wildly at the smoke when he saw the smoke, and the throwing objects in his hand kept throwing into the smoke.

As a result, Xiaorou was really powerless to fight and was successfully eliminated by the last enemy.

There was a burst of regret in the live broadcast room.

Seeing Xiaorou retreat, Lu Fei sent out an invitation.

"I'm so mad, I almost ate chicken." Xiaorou complained to Lu Fei sullenly as soon as she entered the game room.

Lu Fei smiled and comforted, "It's because you used the wrong cigarette."

"Did you use the wrong cigarette?"

"You only have one smoke, it shouldn't be used to cover yourself into the circle, it should be used to confuse the enemy."

Xiao Rou wondered, "What kind of deception?"

"In that case, you are outside the circle, throwing smoke into the circle, this is a normal practice, but if you are the enemy, what is the first thought when you see the smoke in that situation?"

Seeing Lu Fei's question, Xiaorou replied, "The enemy wants to escape."

"That's right, knowing that you want to escape from the smoke, the enemy will definitely concentrate their firepower on the smoke immediately, even if you can't be killed, it will prevent you from entering the circle."

“Then what’s the right thing to do?”

"The correct approach is to throw it to your left or right, and as far away from you as possible, so that the enemy's sight is attracted by the smoke, and you can find opportunities to enter the circle from the opposite direction of the smoke."

Xiaorou said hard: "That's nice to say. I was so nervous at the time, and I could think of so much."

Lu Fei smiled.

"Lu Fei, the new season will be refreshed tomorrow."

"Just brush it, my rank is not high anyway." Lu Fei said nonchalantly.

"The season is refreshed, and the rankings will also be refreshed." Xiaorou explained.

Seeing that Lu Fei didn't react much, Xiao Rou continued, "At that time, there will be all kinds of great masters competing for the rankings!"

"Great God!" Lu Fei's eyes lit up.

"I feel that with your skills, you can try to reach the rankings, maybe you can get a good ranking."

Lu Fei doesn't care whether he gets the ranking or not, what he cares more about is the great god that Xiaorou said.

He desperately wanted to communicate with these great gods.

Seeing Lu Fei's interest, Xiaorou continued to explain: "Heizi will conduct a random one-on-one match tomorrow for the players participating in the rankings by region, and then score them. Finally, they will be ranked based on their scores."

"Divided into regions? How to divide them?" Lu Fei asked.

"It's based on where you live to divide the area."

Lu Fei understood, no wonder Yiyi is known as Su Shi's duel king, it turned out to be for this reason.

As for one-on-one matching, this is just like the League of Legends ranked match. Ranking is performed according to the rank. As the record gets better and better, the opponents become more and more powerful, so as to select the best players.

It's just that the ranking here doesn't look at the rank, but the score.

"What time does it start tomorrow?"

"It will start at nine o'clock tomorrow morning and last for a week. Do you plan to participate?"

Lu Fei smiled and said: "I really haven't competed in the rankings. I will try to participate this time. Maybe it will be the same as what you said, and I can get a good ranking."

Seeing that Lu Fei really participated, Xiaorou was very happy, and then the two played games together until the next broadcast.

Early the next morning, Lu Fei had a simple breakfast and boarded the game.

Entering the game, Lu Fei first saw a big title "Gold List Title"

I clicked in and found that there are many lists inside.

That is to say, there are the heads-up list, the hegemony list, the top [-] list, the god-killing list, and the chicken-eating list that he is familiar with.

However, judging from the popularity rankings, the hottest one is the heads-up list.

(End of this chapter)

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