Check in from the Peace Elite

Chapter 56 The Power of Airdrops

Chapter 56 The Power of Airdrops

Lu Fei was also very nervous. In fact, he could use the room to avoid the sniper's hunting, but he couldn't do this.

Although the housing area is safe, it is a detour, and the rooms are surrounded by walls, so it is too time-consuming to climb over.

Should be in time.

Looking at Xiaorou who is close at hand, Lu Fei is holding the Uzi in his hand, today I will show you what is a bloody anti-kill.

"Lu Fei, your blood volume is too low. You may not be able to defeat the two people on the opposite side." Sister Yun ran downstairs as she said, preparing to support Lu Fei.

"Sister Yun, don't come down, you cover Miss Xiaoyan, she is very dangerous now, that sniper is a master."

"But, what do you do?" Li Yun asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, this amount of blood is enough."

Lu Fei's words were like a reassurance, and Li Yun gradually calmed down after hearing this.

"Okay, be careful."

"Sister Yun, don't worry about Lu Fei, if you don't help me, I'll be cold." Xiaoyan said, "What time is it, you two are polite."

"Sister Xiaoyan, try your best to report the location of the enemy to Sister Yun so that she can help you."

"Report the thread, if I knew the enemy's location, I would have found a chance to slip away."

Lu Fei "..."

He is a little lucky now, fortunately Sister Yun and Xiaorou are more reliable, if they are all like Sister Xiaoyan, this game will be impossible to play.

Sure enough, it is hell-level difficulty, well-deserved reputation.

Withdrawing his mind, Lu Fei's agility and Samsung's hearing were brought to the extreme.

"Damn it, shake your head and walk, and reappear in the rivers and lakes."

"Brothers, God Lu is ready to do it, and get ready to save it soon."

"Stop pretending, I'm Lu Shen's number one disciple, I'm at a showdown."

"In order to learn this stunt, I spent two nights in the bar, let alone, the doctor came to make rounds."

In the live broadcast room, gifts were overwhelming.

After 1 minutes, the battle is over.

But for Xiao Rou, this minute is longer than an hour.

In just one minute, her heart went from nervous to excited to moved.

No thanks, no hypocrisy, only plain.

"I have a medicine bag here, you fill the medicine quickly, and I will help Miss Xiaoyan."

Seeing that Lu Fei didn't have time to spray medicine and continued to rush towards Xiaoyan's position, Xiaorou hummed angrily.

A few minutes later, Lu Fei successfully rescued Xiao Yan, and the poison circle came, and they began to move to the next safe zone.

But Lu Fei always felt that the mysterious sniper was probably still near them.

After finding a car, Lu Fei and the others started running drugs.

The next step was relatively smooth. I received a few Tiehanhan heads, but I didn't meet any powerful players.

Time flies, and before you know it, the game is coming to an end.

It's just that in the drug circle, there is a player who claims to be an old monk, driving a pickup truck with a flat tire, and running poisonously.

"His grandma, how dare he play with me, which made me more than 1000 meters away from the safe zone." Looking at his energy bar, Lao Na jumped out of the car, drank a bottle of painkillers, and continued to play with his own drift.

The last safe area is a bit interesting, including two hills.

Moreover, the number shows that there are nine more people.

There is a full formation on the opposite hill, and Lu Fei has a full formation, but the last person has not shown up for a long time.

The two hills are easy to defend and difficult to attack. Everyone present knows that as long as they guard their own hills, they will be sure.

"Lu Fei, look quickly, the opposite mountain is firing a signal gun." Xiao Yan exclaimed, with a hint of envy in his tone.

"They did it on purpose. They wanted to use flare guns to lead us there so they could easily eliminate us."

"Lu Fei, these two hills are very suitable for sniping. If the opponent successfully obtains the supplies in the airdrop, then we will have a hard time fighting." Li Yun analyzed.

Lu Fei smiled lightly: "What are you afraid of, they have airdrops, and so do we."

Lu Fei looked at the super airdrop experience card in his backpack, clicked to use it, and then he opened his mouth wide.

There was an extra flare gun in the backpack, with four flares.

The corner of Lu Fei's mouth twitched. It really was a super airdrop, but the weight was different.

"Come here, fire the signal gun."

"You also have a flare gun?" Xiao Yan asked in surprise.

Lu Fei said calmly: "You said it wrong, not one, but four."

Everyone was stunned.

Four handfuls, how is that possible?

In fact, it is not that Lu Fei really has four flare guns, but one flare gun with four bullets.

Four flares were fired.

"Damn it, it's true, God Lu is Heizi's son-in-law."

"Fuck, it's so unreasonable. Four flare guns. I met one of the four flare guns in the first game, and they were snatched by others."

Lu Fei and Xiao Rou's live broadcast room was filled with flare gun barrage.

If one shot of the flare gun is normal, two shots are envious, and three shots are shit, what are the four shots?
From the frantic strafing of the four enemies on the opposite hill, it can be seen that they are close to collapse.

However, what is even more frustrating is that just after the four flares were fired, the final airdrop also fell on Lu Fei's side.

Four people, five airdrops.

"Hehehe, it's so cool. After so many years of playing games, it's the first time I feel that there are too many airdrops, which is also a burden." Xiao Yan smiled forgetfully.

Xiaorou also giggled excitedly, and even Li Yun laughed very happily.

Only Lu Fei listened quietly to their laughter. He liked this feeling, the feeling of airdrop.

Lu Fei and others each had an AWM that was multiplied eight times, each had a large pineapple, and each of them had a polar suit. The other set was thrown on the ground, allowing others to trample on it.

The four-person team on the opposite side couldn't take it anymore, and they ran towards this side one by one with all their strength. It seemed that they were airdropped, but in fact they were about to run away with poison.

"Get ready, the guests are here, let them listen." Lu Fei gave the order and swept four big pineapples randomly.

Seeing the four puffs of green smoke rise, Lu Fei smirked but said seriously: "They are real warriors, but it's a pity they lost to the airdrop."

"Huh! There is another enemy, where is it?" Xiaorou looked at the safe zone, but did not find the last player.

At this moment, a pickup truck with a flat tire rushed out of the drug circle.

Lu Fei was stunned, he really wanted to know what this brother went through?
"Hahaha, I finally came back to life."

"Eh!" The old man just got out of the car, looking at the four stalwart figures standing on the top of the hill, he was confused for a while.

"It's a big joke."

He looked at Lu Fei and the others, and Lu Fei and the others were also looking at him.

Ten eyes met, and the atmosphere was once awkward.

After watching for more than ten seconds, none of the five made a move.

"Lu Fei, what's going on? Why is there a drug runner?" Xiaorou asked blankly.

"This man is so pitiful. You can see that one of his tires blew up. He must have come from a very far away place." Xiaoyan said seriously.

After confirming his eyes, Lu Fei said lightly: "It should be a tough guy."

"Why don't we let him eat the chicken? It's so pitiful."

"Xiaorou is right, let him."

"I have no opinion."

"I have an opinion." Lu Fei protested, jokingly, if he didn't take them to eat chicken, he would be shocked by electric shock.

But what does this electric shock feel like?Lu Fei suddenly had this strange idea.

 Second update.Asking for collection, asking for votes, my voice is hoarse!
(End of this chapter)

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