Check in from the Peace Elite

Chapter 47 Xiaorou's Birthday

Chapter 47 Xiaorou's Birthday
"Sir, the total is 600 yuan."

Hearing this, Lu Fei twitched his face, took out the unique card from his body, and handed it over.

"Can you show me how much money is in it?"

Lu Fei was curious as to how much the system could send him.

"Sir, you still have a whole million in your balance."


Lu Fei almost couldn't control himself, let me go, this shot is 100 million, he is a little worried now, the money was stolen from the bank by the system, right?Otherwise, how can you just make a shot, 100 million.

With this idea, Lu Fei felt a little uneasy, but he felt that it was impossible. As an extraterrestrial visitor, the system paid great attention to his identity, otherwise it would not rescue him. After thinking about this, Lu Fei felt that he really got Got a baby.

After paying the bill, Lu Fei and the others continued shopping in the snack street. Lu Fei had 100 million yuan, and he also relaxed a lot when walking.

"Miss Xiaorou, there is a jewelry store in front, let's go and have a look."

Yiyi didn't care about Lu Fei, and directly dragged Xiao Rou in.

"Wow, this necklace is so beautiful."

Asking the commissioner to take out the necklace, Yiyi didn't put it on for herself, but got it in front of Xiaorou for comparison, and then nodded in satisfaction.

"Miss Xiaorou, do you like this?"

Xiaorou took the necklace, put it on her fair neck gently, and looked in the mirror.

"Lu Fei, do you think it looks good?"

Lu Fei didn't know anything about jewelry, he was an idiot, but even so, he was shocked when he saw Xiaorou put on the necklace, it was so beautiful.

"It's... very good!"

He didn't even look at it carefully. To be precise, he didn't dare. Before Xiaoya showed him wearing jewelry, he also had this bear look, a typical wood.

Lu Fei's dodging gaze made Xiaorou very happy. Girls know that boys are timid in front of girls they like, and she thinks Lu Fei is the same.

"Miss, you really have a good eye. This is the latest model in our store. It is a limited edition and fits your identity very well."

Lu Fei curled his lips aside, this kind of saying is an old routine in the store, what has a good vision and what suits your temperament, to put it bluntly is expensive, and he has never caught a cold about it.

But if he doesn't catch a cold, it doesn't mean that others don't catch a cold. Xiaorou likes it very much.

Looking at the price, Xiaorou hesitated, but put it back.

Although she is rich, she dare not spend it in front of Lu Fei, for fear of leaving a bad impression on him.

"Sister Xiaorou, why did you put it back? Don't you like it? Don't worry, it's your birthday today. You can buy whatever you like."

Xiaorou glanced at Lu Fei secretly, "No, it's too expensive, let's look at other things."

The counter clerk knew what was going on at a glance, and rushed to Lu Fei's place and said, "Little brother, my sister is from here, her girlfriend is so beautiful, and today is her birthday, you can't be too picky as a boyfriend."

Lu Fei was speechless, he was so like Xiaorou's boyfriend.

Seeing that Lu Fei didn't speak, the counter clerk thought that Lu Fei was moved, "Girlfriends are hard to find nowadays, and a girlfriend as beautiful as yours is even rarer. Little brother, if you don't hurry up, you will regret it later."

Yiyi was smiling flamboyantly, Xiao Rou didn't bother to explain, her face was like a red apple, she lowered her head and dared not look at Lu Fei.

"Today is your birthday?"

Lu Fei walked up to Xiaorou, and he found that Xiaorou was very similar to Xiaoya in many ways.


Xiaorou still lowered her head, fiddling with the corners of her clothes with both hands.

"How much is the necklace just now?"

Seeing Lu Fei asking about the price, Xiaorou didn't hesitate to be shy, "I won't buy it, that necklace is... a bit expensive!"

Xiaorou knows Lu Fei's job, and that necklace is really expensive to him.

"Haha, Lu Fei, you're finally a man, don't worry, as long as Miss Xiao Rou likes it, you insist on giving it to me, and the wallet is on my body."

"Who asked you to pay for it!" Lu Fei glared at Yiyi directly, it was all because of this little girl, she had to go to some jewelry store for nothing.

He managed to get 100 million, and if he continues like this, this little girl will definitely give him a hard time.

"Hmph, what's your attitude, Miss Ben has decided now, I don't pay, I'll see how you buy."

When Miss Yiyi's temper came up, she wanted to eat the powder barrel, and she muttered in her heart, treating her kindness as the liver and lungs of a donkey, it's really abominable.

"Okay, you two stop arguing, today is my birthday, can't you make me happy?" Xiaorou felt a little aggrieved, if she didn't really like Lu Fei, it wouldn't be so difficult.

"This necklace wraps it up for me."

Cut it, continue to pack the garlic, I'll see how you will pay later.

Thinking of this Yiyi is happy again, she just wants Lu Fei to bow his head, for some reason, she especially likes to see Lu Fei embarrassed.

"Lu Fei, shall I pay?" Xiaorou knew that Lu Fei couldn't afford it, but he didn't know why Lu Fei was so calm.

"Today is your birthday, you can be the protagonist happily."

Instead of giving Xiao Rou a chance to speak, Lu Fei walked towards the cashier.

Yiyi smiled and said: "Sister Xiaorou, don't worry, he is pretending to be a boss. He will come back and ask us for help later."

"It's all you little girl, I'll take care of you later." Saying that, Xiao Rou walked towards the cashier.

"Sir, a total of [-]! Are you paying by card or electronically?"

I'll go, this Yiyi really knows how to pick, and he will pick [-] as soon as he comes up, but at this point he has no choice but to accept his fate.

"Swipe your card!"

The electronic payment here is actually similar to payment methods such as Alipay, but there is no Alipay in this world, only WeChat payment.

But it's a pity that there is no money in Lu Fei's WeChat.

It seems that next time I have to discuss with the system and ask him to send the money on WeChat, which is convenient to operate. The most important thing is that I am used to electronic payment, and suddenly I am back to the era of swiping cards, which makes him a little uncomfortable.

" really bought it?" Xiaorou couldn't believe it when she saw Lu Fei carrying the packing bag.

"Ang! I bought it and gave it to you."

"No, this fifty thousand? Why do you have so much money on you?"

"Oh, I saved it all these years, take it."

Xiaorou took the necklace, feeling both uncomfortable and sweet.

"Maybe it's because he spent all his savings for his own birthday?" Looking at Lu Fei's back, Xiaorou knew that she would never fall in love with another man in this life.

"Hee hee, did you borrow money from Miss Ben?"

Seeing Lu Fei walking towards her, Yi Yi was very proud.

"You think you are the only one with money!" Lu Fei said angrily.

Now he has no affection for Yiyi at all.

Xiao Rou walked over with the packing bag in hand.

"Hey! Miss Xiaorou, did you really buy it?"

"You think you're the only one with money!"

On the way back to Sioux City
"What? You said Lu Fei bought it?" Yiyi seemed to have seen a ghost.

"When did I lie to you?"

"That guy Lu Fei rides an antique and is a handyman, how can he afford this!"

Yiyi wouldn't believe it to her death that Lu Fei could afford this necklace.

Xiaorou didn't bother to explain, she decided that she would definitely return the money to Lu Fei later, if a necklace made Lu Fei feel sad in the future, she would rather not have the necklace.

 Please collect, collect, collect!hey-hey

(End of this chapter)

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