Check in from the Peace Elite

Chapter 228 Analysis of Bear Cub

Chapter 228 Analysis of Bear Cub

The secret that Xiong Zai revealed surprised many players, and the list of hidden combat power appeared, which is not a good thing.

Combat power and rank complement each other, hiding combat power is equivalent to hiding the rank.

The most important thing in playing games is the rank. Through the rank, one can roughly estimate the strength of the opponent.

Although sometimes very inaccurate, some water, but this does not affect anything.

No matter how good a God of War player is, he cannot be at the diamond level.

Bear Cub knows what that means better than anyone.

Taking a deep breath and looking at the military base at the foot of the mountain, Xiong Zai felt a little excited. This was one of the most fertile places for supplies. According to Xu Hua's character, he would not let this place go.

"Let's touch it quietly from the left side." Xiong Zai ordered, and everyone rushed to the military base.

They didn't know that the military base at this time was already full of murderous opportunities.

In order not to arouse the opponent's suspicion, Xu Hua and Pingtou deliberately parked the car on the main road.

It did not drive into the military base.

One is to not scare the enemy, and the other is to make the car look more like a brush, so that the opponent can relax his vigilance.

After walking around, Xu Hua and others did not find any trace of their opponent.

It looks like they haven't arrived yet.

Thinking of this, Xu Hua sneered, and asked everyone to pick up as many bullets, drinks, and medical kits as possible, and then looked for a place to cat.

It will take some time for the poison circle to be refreshed. The military base is still a safe zone. In addition, according to the analysis of the current circle, the next safe zone, the military base is likely to still be in it.

Xu Hua and the others were not in a hurry at all, like cheetahs, quietly waiting for their prey to take the bait.

At the guest table, Lu Fei frowned as he looked at the current situation.

He basically already knew Xiong Zai's plan.

I am interested in this polar bear team in my heart.

He knew something about the Polar Bear team. When discussing tactics and analyzing opponents the day before yesterday, the witch mentioned this team to him alone.

The captain is Xiong Zai, who is good at rifles, and he is thoughtful and unyielding.

Through the current situation, Lu Fei found that this bear boy was really unusual.

To be on the safe side, he didn't act like a hero, but carefully analyzed the situation and brought enough people before he dared to act.

Xu Hua, on the other hand, only brought the royal team.

Lu Fei knew that Xu Hua had always been used to being aloof, but being aloof was just a character, and he couldn't take the blame for it.

It's just that Lu Fei didn't know that it wasn't that Xu Hua was cold and uncaring, but that he had offended the witch.

But Lu Fei is not worried that Xu Hua will lose.

The five-star killing god is not so easy to deal with, and besides, there are such strong teammates as Pingtouge and Kugu.

If you can't beat Xiong Zai, there is still no problem in running.

Looking at the Qing City team coming out of Port P, as well as the witch and half-awake who were in City P, Lu Fei smiled wryly.

It seems that this game is not harmonious.

Xiong Zai led six teams and sneaked to the hillside just north of the military base.

Covertly observe the C building and the elevated.

These two places are the easiest places for snipers to hide.

Must not be negligent.

After looking for a long time and finding nothing unusual, he asked everyone to go inside the military base.

"They are here, located in Building C." Withered Bones said through voice.

"How many people?" Xu Hua asked.

"Six teams!"

"Interesting, Xiong Zai is really cautious. With so many people, he is really afraid of losing." Xu Hua sneered.

"What should we do? Should we take action?" asked the M24 in the hand of the withered skeleton.

"Don't do anything, let them in, the cat and the mouse have just begun."

"The bear claw on the opposite side is handed over to you."

Withered Bones hummed.

"Give me the bear's paw." Dionysus smiled.

"Three Xiongs, you've taken care of it, and the little whirlwind is mine." Wangyoucao answered.

Xu Hua said: "Don't underestimate the enemy, I always feel that Xiong Zai has some kind of conspiracy this time."

Not to be outdone, Brother Pingtou said: "Duke, you are good at climbing rooms, find a place for yourself, don't embarrass me."

"Hey, don't worry, boss, I promise to complete the task."

"Brother Feng Sao and Ga Zhen are supporting you, and Lu Fei is watching us outside, don't embarrass me."

Soon the tactics were issued, and everyone dispersed.

Xiong Zai and the others had already entered Building C at this time. Seeing the supplies in the building, Xiong Zai said in a deep voice, "Someone has been here before."

"how do you know?"

Xiong Zai said indifferently: "There are only guns and no bullets here, obviously they have been searched."

Xiongzhang snorted coldly: "They attacked very quickly, I don't know if they ran away."

"They won't run away. In this half of the map, there are only two places with the most abundant supplies. One is Port N where we just stayed, and the other is here."

"We didn't meet them when we came, which means that they must still be here. And it is very likely that they already know that we are coming, hiding somewhere, and they are ignoring us." Xiong Zai analyzed.

"But what if they go to the other side?" Someone expressed his opinion.

Xiong Zai smiled and said: "This is even more impossible. From the perspective of the drug circle, this is probably the next safe zone. The other side will 100% be kicked out. They will go to the other side at this time unless they are sick."

Everyone was silent for a while, and I have to say that what Xiong Zai said made sense.

"Aren't we exposed? I think it's better for us to withdraw first. In case an ambush is set up on the opposite side, we have few people and we can't fight at all."

Some people expressed their concerns, but it wasn't that they were afraid. After all, the opponent was likely to be the KT team that had won the national championship for many times in a row. They were somewhat guilty.

On the premise that there is no absolute advantage in numbers, it is better to be steady.

"Don't worry about that." Xiong Zai said confidently, "They definitely don't have as many people as we do."

"You also know this?" Everyone was surprised. They haven't seen each other for many days. Has this bear boy become a god?Can you just pinch it?
"Xu Hua is warlike. This is something that the entire Peace Corps knows. It's no secret. If they had the same number as us, or more than us, they would have already attacked us when they discovered us. There is no need to let us in." " Xiong Zai said calmly.

Everyone suddenly realized, and secretly admired Xiong Zai, his brains were really extraordinary, and at the same time, their confidence in the victory of this game increased a lot.

"Everyone spread out, don't get too far away, and check the throwing objects." Xiong Zai instructed.

"no problem."

"We're fine."

Xiong Zai hummed softly, "Xiong Claw, you come to find the position of the sniper on the other side, and everyone else should stay still."

Xiongzhuo came to a window in the C-building, trying to find the possible hiding place of the sniper on the opposite side.

Xiongzhuo admired the great god Kugu from the bottom of his heart. Although he was called the number one sniper in the northern province, he was still far behind Kugu.

Bear Claw knows the gap between himself and Dry Bones, so he will not choose to confront Dry Bones head-on. Although the sniper is powerful, it also has a fatal weakness, and this weakness is its hiding place.

(End of this chapter)

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