Check in from the Peace Elite

Chapter 226 The Radical Xu Hua

Chapter 226 The Radical Xu Hua
Lu Fei sat on the guest seat, his eyes were a little empty, and he looked a little bored.

This instead made him look a little calm and unconcerned.

"Look, a big boss is a big boss. In this level of competition, he also looks like he is the only one. His domineering side is leaking. He really deserves to be my idol."

"Have you seen the badge on Lu Shen's chest? It's very unusual at first glance."

"have you seen?"

"never seen it."

"Then how do you know that this chapter is unusual?"

"Oh, you have no brains. I haven't seen it before. It means that this chapter is rare. You think it's Chinese cabbage everywhere."

"Huh? It seems to make sense!"

The guest seat is a separate area, and the location is neither too far forward nor too far back. In terms of viewing experience, this should be a good location for the entire arena.

The people sitting here are all big shots with status and status, and all of them are leaders in the e-sports industry.

In fact, regardless of status and status, it is obviously not enough to sit here with the name of Lu Feiping No.1.

Although he has good influence, he is still not qualified enough and too young. Compared with the other people sitting here, he is a little less stable and courteous.

This created a rather awkward atmosphere.

A group of middle-aged men sat around a young man.

How weird.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to come too?"

Just when Lu Fei was doing nothing, an old voice sounded.

Based on the voice, it was said by an old man who was not angry and proud.

"Grandpa Jiang, are you here too?"

This person is none other than Xiaorou's grandfather, Jiang Wanmin's father, Jiang Shijun.

Jiang Shijun nodded, a kind smile appeared on his calm and prestige face.

"Why did you sit in this position, kid?"

Jiang Shijun has become a human being, of course he knows that with Lu Fei's current strength, he is not qualified to sit here.

Lu Fei smiled and said, "I'm here on behalf of Dongfeng Entertainment."

"So that's the case." Jiang Shijun nodded.

"Elder Jiang, who is this?" A thin but energetic middle-aged man sitting next to Elder Jiang asked.

"Oh, he is the Lu Fei I mentioned to you." Mr. Jiang introduced, his tone a little blunt.

"Are you Lu Fei?" The middle-aged man looked at Lu Fei curiously.

"I am Lu Fei, who are you?"

"My name is Wang Hai. I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to meet a gaming genius in the e-sports world."

Wang Hai?I don't seem to know this person, and although this person looks very enthusiastic, but a stern look flashed in his eyes just now, he is definitely not a good person.

After thinking about it, Lu Fei shook his head. He didn't think he knew this person, but since that was the case, what happened to his attitude when he found out that he was Lu Fei just now?

I can't figure it out in my heart, but I still have to do superficial work.

Lu Fei smiled modestly: "I'm just an ordinary person who plays games, I can't be called a genius."

Jiang Shijun smiled and said: "Don't be polite. You may not know him, but you do know his son."

Lu Fei was taken aback, he knew a lot of people, the ghost knew that it was his son.

Besides, there are only a few people around me that I know very well, and I have never heard of anyone with the surname Wang.

"His son you just met two days ago is Dongzhe."

These words surprised Lu Fei, no wonder he didn't like him, it turned out that he was Dong Zhe's father.

Is this planning to come back to find a place for his son?

Lu Fei thinks it's possible, after all, it's written like this in novels, if a son doesn't become a laborer, he will come, if a laborer doesn't become a grandfather, if he doesn't become a grandfather, a great grandfather will come.

This set of procedures can scare people to death.

I'm afraid that day, I will directly carry a coffin and invite all the ancestors.

After learning that he was Dongzhe's father, Lu Fei lost interest in chatting. Just at this time, the game started. Lu Fei said hello to Jiang Shijun and threw himself into the game.

As for Wang Hai, he simply chose to ignore it.

But what Lu Fei didn't know was that his actions aggravated the stern look in Wang Hai's eyes.

The game started, and it was a route from the ruins on the top of the mountain to Port P.

The team of Haishi's four major teams chose the west side of the map, while the northern province chose the east side.

The two sides avoided each other quietly.

After all, both sides have just landed, and they don't want to lose anything.

The players here are all masters, and if they are slightly behind, they may lose the entire game.

No one dares to take this risk.

On Haishi's side, because of Xu Hua's arrogance, there is no more fighting each other now.

Instead, he became very obedient, which satisfied Xu Hua who had always been alone and proud.

It seems that his prestige in the peace world still exists.

Ever since he lost to Lu Fei, what Xu Hua worried about was not his future, but the dignity he valued the most.

He woke up from a dream more than once, dreaming that he was ridiculed by everyone, dreaming that he fell from the throne of Peace No. 1 and fell into the bottomless abyss.

Every time I wake up, my whole body is soaked in sweat, which can be described as a lot of torture.

But he doesn't hate Lu Fei. He has been at the pinnacle of the peace world for so many years, and he knows that he will have such a day sooner or later.

Games eat the food of youth, and once youth passes, it will be a matter of time before one falls to the altar.

It's just that the person who let him fall from the altar is Lu Fei.

Thinking of this, Xu Hua took a dark and complicated look at Lu Fei, and found that the latter was looking at him seriously, so he quickly turned his head back.

The four major teams of Hai City landed in Port G. Some other teams landed in City P, and some landed in Port P. They were generally scattered, but generally speaking, the positions of each team were not too far apart. .

It is convenient for mutual support, and the overall control of the west side of the entire map.

The Northern Provincial Team is relatively concentrated. Except for one small team that landed in Y City, the others are all located in the nuclear power plant, the location of the M City Prison.

As for the military base and Port N located on the south side of Hainan, no team has landed, making it a true no-man's land.

"After picking up the equipment, let's press to the south. This circle is very likely to be in the south." Xu Hua said.

"Qing City landed in Port P, we can join them." Brother Pingtou added.

Half awake, he analyzed: "I think we can not go to the south for the time being. In the past, Xiongzai's style of play was direct steel, where they steeled and they fell there. I think the military base and Hong Kong Xiongzai may have already arrived first."

The witch said: "We can go to the fishing village first, and try to see if we can block a bridge there."

"Xiong Zai is not at the military base. In this circle, they must focus on the vicinity of N Port and M City. Although Xiong Zai is steel, he is not brainless steel. On the contrary, sometimes he is very smart." Xu Hua sneered, and continued: " Let's find a car and go directly to the military base, I want to see if he, Xiongzi, has the guts to compete with me for territory."

(End of this chapter)

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