Check in from the Peace Elite

Chapter 216 Meat Skewers

Chapter 216 Meat Skewers
Lu Fei's heart was beating wildly, did she discover something?
"What is it more like?" He asked impatiently.

What would she do if she really knew she was a time traveler?
Make your identity public?Or use this to threaten yourself and do something worse than a beast?
If on a stormy night, force yourself to...!
For his own identity, Lu Fei decided to fight, even if he sacrificed his body.

"I think you are more like coming from the planet of fools, otherwise why are you so stupid? You look like a log." Scarlet Witch said playfully.

Lu Fei's face turned dark instantly. He thought he had found a confidant who understood him, and that he could talk about life freely and sell his body in the future.

I didn't expect it to be a fool.

"Hey!" Lu Fei sighed helplessly, now he finally understands Boya Juexian's tragic and heroic actions, it is really hard to find a confidant in this world.

God, you can let me travel through time, but you can pass through my family and Xiaoya together.

It's alright now, you beat up my good mandarin duck, you demolished my good house, and you still let me live?Was labor and capital the Monkey King in their last life, who stabbed your Heavenly Court or something?Such a big hatred?
Lu Fei greeted God over and over in his heart, and the desire for a confidant in his heart became stronger. Now if someone understands himself, there is Bo Ya in ancient times, and now I, Lu Fei, smashed the phone, it is so willful.

Lu Fei's mobile phone was not smashed in the end, and they took the bus, subway, and light rail halfway, and when Lu Fei was about to throw up, they finally arrived.

The most prosperous place in Kyoto, Wulitun in Kyoto.

Lu Fei walked on the street, looking around, trying to find something in common with his own world.

Even if it is a familiar celebrity endorsement, or a brand that you know well.

But after shopping for a long time, Lu Fei was a little disappointed, there was not a single familiar thing.

Just when Lu Fei was extremely disappointed, Scarlet Witch came over with a skewer of meat.

"No, here's a bunch, it tastes pretty good."

Lu Fei took it, and when he saw the meat skewers, Xiaoya's figure came to his mind again.

Xiaoya has few favorite snacks, but meat skewers are one of them.

Especially downstairs in the club, the meat skewers at the roadside stalls are one of Xiaoya's most memorable places.

Like many girls, Xiaoya, who is chanting the slogan of losing weight tomorrow, but munching on meat skewers, is really cute.

Every time she looks like this, Lu Fei will complain.

Xiaoya, who is close to 1.7 meters, has a physique that many girls envy, like a glutton living in her body, no matter how she eats, her figure is always perfect.

In the words of my own mother, this little girl is juicy and upright, and she is a girl who can give birth to a big fat son.

At first, these words scared Xiaoya. She thought that Lu Fei’s family had feudal ideas that favored boys over girls. Later, I found out that they just said casually that as long as she married into their Lu family, they would not have any problems with having a boy or a girl. important.

Scenes of the past hurt the softest part of Lu Fei's heart. He suppressed the tears that filled his eyes and took a bite of the meat skewer. Lu Fei suddenly froze.

this taste?

Lu Fei grabbed Scarlet Witch's wrist and said excitedly, "Where did you buy this meat skewer?"

Scarlet Witch was taken aback by Lu Fei's actions: "What are you doing? You hurt me, can you let go?"

Lu Fei regained his wit, quickly withdrew his hands and said, "I'm sorry, I was too excited."

"I admit that this meat skewer is delicious, but it won't make you so greedy, right?" Scarlet Witch rubbed her red wrist that was pinched by Lu Fei, rolled her eyes and said.

"It's the first time I've eaten such a delicious meat skewer, please tell me quickly, I'll go buy some more." Lu Fei didn't want to explain too much, nonsense.

"Turn right at the traffic light ahead, and an old woman sells it in a small alley."

Just as the Scarlet Witch spoke halfway, Lu Fei had already disappeared.

"This guy is really a foodie."

Looking down, there are still some red wrists, the Scarlet Witch is a little lost, this is the first time she has been raped by the opposite sex...!
"Traffic lights, turn right, in a small alley. Traffic lights, turn right...!"

Lu Fei repeated these few words, and ran towards the destination.

"Lu Fei, we are here!" Coquettish Brother waved at Lu Fei, and they were admiring a newly launched game console.

"Huh? He didn't come to look for us!"

"If you run so fast, you'll either see your loved one or go to hell." The Duke analyzed.

But they didn't pay much attention to it. Seeing that Lu Fei ignored them, they walked around happily again.

When Lu Fei came to the alley, it was very lively inside, and there were many authentic Kyoto delicacies, exuding a refreshing fragrance everywhere.

"Grandma, grandma...!" I kept repeating in my heart.

Although there are many delicacies in this alley, it is not deep, and there are only a dozen food stalls.

Lu Fei looked for a suitable stall owner, but did not find the old lady.

"Could it be that I heard wrong?"

Just in case, Lu Fei walked around again, but still did not find the so-called grandma.

I was about to ask someone to ask, but I saw Scarlet Witch walking over.

"Where's the old lady you're talking about?"

Lu Fei said anxiously.

The Scarlet Witch pointed to a corner at the end of the alley not far away, "It's right there!"

Lu Fei looked around, but there was no sign of the old lady.

"Huh? You were still here just now, why did you disappear all of a sudden?" Scarlet Witch asked in surprise.

Lu Fei ran to the location where the witch pointed. This is the end of the alley. When you leave the alley, you will find the downtown area. The flow of people is astonishingly large. Finding someone is like finding a needle in a haystack.

"It's just a bunch of meat skewers. It's okay to buy it again tomorrow. Since she sells it here today, she will definitely come back tomorrow."

Seeing that what the witch said made sense, Lu Fei nodded, "Let's go, let's go back!"

After a while, the two joined the main force, and seeing that it was getting dark, several people proposed to have a big meal.

Some people asked to try the shabu mutton in Kyoto, and some suggested to eat the most famous Kyoto roast chicken in Kyoto.

Some people even suggested going to a big hotel to eat delicious food.

Everyone was arguing endlessly. Seeing that Lu Fei was a little unhappy, they all gave the right to speak to Lu Fei and asked him to get attention.

Lu Fei was still thinking about the meat skewers, and didn't hear the topic of discussion at all.

Being forcibly pulled back to reality by the witch, the witch repeated the topic of debate, and only then did Lu Fei understand what happened.

"Whatever you eat, I will eat. It's up to you to decide. I'm not picky about food."

"Lu Fei, we just can't pay attention, so I want you to give me an opinion, so don't refuse, just give me a word." The Duke said domineeringly.

"Yeah, boiled mutton, Kyoto roast chicken, five-star hotel, you name it." Gar Zhen stretched her head in front of Lu Fei and whispered: "We are not short of money."

The witch also looked at Lu Fei. She wanted to hear what Lu Fei wanted to eat.

Lu Fei was a little embarrassed to be stared at, and said with a smile: "How about we go eat meat skewers?"

Everyone: "...!"

"What the hell?" Brother Feng Sao was confused.

(End of this chapter)

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