Check in from the Peace Elite

Chapter 206 Increased Lucky Value

Chapter 206 Increased Lucky Value

Hu Ge is usually inconspicuous, but unexpectedly he turned out to be a super rich second generation.

Not bad, low-key, humble, very similar to myself.

With these fleets, Lu Fei felt that it was nothing to drive a Koenigsegg to eat barbecue.

Such a luxurious convoy, wherever it went, naturally aroused people's exclamation.

It is estimated that ordinary people will hardly see so many luxury cars in their lifetime, and there are many people who take pictures with their mobile phones.

As for the place to eat, except for the food city, Lu Fei is familiar with it, and he doesn't know anything else, so he is an idiot.

Fortunately, Chen He and his group of honest people were there, and they quickly led Lu Fei to the bar.

"Didn't we agree to go to the barbecue? Why did you come here?"

Lu Fei doesn't like the atmosphere of bars. He neither likes nor rejects bars. When he is bored, he will come here to sit and sit. Under normal circumstances, he will not come in.

Xiaomeng frowned slightly, obviously, she didn't like this place.

Lu Fei felt that as a teacher, he had lost his status by coming here. If he met an acquaintance, the impact on him would be fatal.

How to say that I am also a senior teacher, it is very exciting to think about bringing my students to the bar.

He directly kicked Chen He's ass which was swinging.

"Take everyone out of here, we agreed to eat barbecue, you take me to the bar, and we will meet at the playground tomorrow."

Chen He is so depressed, he just wants to let everyone have a good time, now it's over, it's completely fun.

Lu Fei uttered harsh words, Chen He honestly led everyone to have a barbecue this time, and they ate until eleven or twelve o'clock at night before going back to their respective homes.

Back in the hut, Lu Fei found that the light in his room was on.

"Is sister Yun in the house?"

Lu Fei quickly climbed up.

When he came to the house, a beautiful figure was busy, Lu Fei walked in and out, and smiled softly.

"Why did you run away again?"

Xiao Rou was taken aback by Lu Fei, and when she saw it was Lu Fei, she patted her chest in fear, "I'm scared to death, why are you walking so silently?"

Lu Fei was a little moved when he saw that the room was cleaned up spotlessly.


Xiao Rou shook her head, "Not tired!"

Lu Fei poured a cup of hot water and handed it to Xiaorou. Seeing the clothes on the balcony, he asked, "Did you do the laundry?"

Xiaorou nodded gently, "I don't know where you went, I was bored by myself, so I washed your clothes."

"I invited friends to dinner today, so I came back late."


The two fell silent.

"By the way, are you hungry? Let me buy you something to eat?"

Xiao Rou rolled her eyes at Lu Fei, "You treat me like a pig, and ask me if I'm hungry as soon as we meet. I've been fattened up by you recently, and you have to be responsible."

Lu Fei laughed dumbly.

"Then I'm leaving." Xiaorou said softly.

"It's so late, where can you go? Don't go." Lu Fei turned his head away.

Xiaorou smiled sweetly, "It's so late, aren't you afraid that Sister Yun will think too much if I live here?"

Lu Fei said speechlessly: "Sister Yun has misunderstood me a long time ago. She even called me a beast because of you."

Said that when Lu Fei walked into his bedroom, he found a very serious problem.

My own quilt is not enough.

Let me go, Lu Fei, Lu Fei, you have been such a loser in this life. Let’s not talk about not having a girlfriend. You even only have one quilt. I’m really convinced.

For the previous Lu Fei, Lu Fei felt that this guy was definitely a top-quality single dog, and it was a limited edition.

It seems that I can only ask Sister Yun for a quilt.

Lu Fei came downstairs and knocked on Li Yun's door.

When Li Yun saw Lu Fei coming to find her, she thought there was something urgent, but she didn't expect to borrow a quilt.

"Xiaorou is a good girl, don't mess around tonight." Before leaving, Li Yun glanced at Lu Fei and said.

"Sister Yun, if I really wanted to do something bad, I wouldn't come here to borrow the quilt."

Li Yun smiled and closed the door.

As before, Lu Fei slept on the floor and Xiao Rou slept on the bed.

Sioux City.

"It's so late, where can Xiaorou go? Will it be in Yiyi's place?"

"No, I have to call and ask?"

"What call did she make? She must have gone to Haishi to find Lu Fei."

Lu Fei?It was Lu Fei again.Dongzhe was furious, he went to look for Lu Fei at such a late hour, which means...!
Lu Fei, I want you to disappear forever.

At this time, Dongzhe has stepped into a very dangerous situation. Yesterday Xiaorou kissed Lu Fei in front of him, which has already deeply stimulated him.

Today, Xiaorou spent the night with Lu Fei again, which has crossed his bottom line.

Qin Lan believed in her daughter, she had always been very strict with Xiao Rou, it was impossible for Xiao Rou to do such a thing.

To prove it, she dialed Yiyi's phone number.

Yiyi, who was watching the video, saw that it was Qin Lan's call, and knew that she was looking for Xiaorou.

"Auntie, it's so late, you still haven't slept?" Yiyi tried hard to keep calm.

"Not yet, Yiyi, Xiao Rou asked me to tell you to come to our house for dinner tomorrow."

Yiyi knew that Qin Lan deliberately deceived her, so she took advantage of Xiaorou to greet her in advance, otherwise the secret would be exposed.

"Auntie, I already know, Xiaorou, I told you, she is by my side now!"

Qin Lan was overjoyed when she heard this, "That's it, then I can rest assured, don't forget to come tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Lan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Since it's with Yiyi, there's nothing wrong with it. Hehe, Dongzhe, don't think too much about it. You should know who Xiaorou is better than anyone else."

"Hehe, what does Auntie say, I naturally believe in Xiaorou, it's getting late, I should go back."

Said and walked out of Jiang's house.

Early the next morning, Lu Fei slept until noon, and Xiao Rou had already woken up, but she didn't wake Lu Fei up.

Instead, he imitated Lu Fei, went out to buy breakfast, put it beside Lu Fei, and just sat and looked at Lu Fei.

He was motionless, as if Lu Fei had some magic power on him.

Lu Fei opened his eyes and found Xiaorou staring at him, feeling a little embarrassed.

"You're awake. You've bought breakfast. Can you eat it quickly?"

Lu Fei smiled and said, "I'll go wash up first."

After breakfast, Lu Fei took Xiaorou to watch a movie, then went to the amusement park and strolled around the pedestrian street, before Xiaorou went back satisfied.

At the end of the day, Lu Fei was really tired. After returning to school, he simply released the task and returned to the hut.

I've been so busy these days that I forgot to train marksmanship.

Opening the training ground, Lu Fei started training with [-] rounds of ammunition.

Then revisit the body and footwork.

"Huh? My lucky value seems to have increased a lot."

Lu Fei noticed that the golden bar representing the luck index had grown a lot longer.

I have already used it once, but it didn't decrease, but increased. What's going on?

"That's because the luck value you gained is greater than the luck value you used up, so this situation occurs." Bullet explained.

"What have I gained?"

"Yes, the luck value is what you get from playing the game. Its amount depends on the difficulty of the game itself. If the difficulty is too high, the luck value you get in the end will be higher."

Lu Fei nodded. The last time he was beaten by hundreds of fans, the difficulty can be imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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