Check in from the Peace Elite

Chapter 194 The Haiqing student who was beaten by fat

Chapter 194 The Haiqing student who was beaten by fat
After occupying the school, Chen He and others did not stay in this place for too long, and returned to R City.

"Chen He, what are we going to do when we come back? Just go all the way and take down City P first?" Shen Teng said unsatisfactorily.

"Do you think the Chinese cabbage on the other side, with such a big commotion, the reinforcements on the other side must be on their way, and hitting them doesn't mean courting death?"

"Cut, cowardice is cowardice? What excuses are you looking for?"

Haiqingyuan was extremely unhappy, being ambushed by the enemy, and eliminated a dozen teammates in a muddle-headed way. They couldn't find a place to vent their anger. Seeing Fenghuayuan's analysis of the situation, they naturally wanted to spit twice.

"Hey... what did I say, you Haiqingyuan are going to step in? You are not cowardly, you are awesome, you are crying and screaming when you are beaten by others, is there any use for it?"

Chen He couldn't take it anymore, did this group of people have problems in their hearts?

"This time it was an accident. Let me tell you, we at Haiqingyuan in P City are determined to win it, so you can go and have fun."

Huang Bo snorted coldly and said: "It looks like we want it very much, don't worry, we don't like P city, I forgot to tell you, your equipment depends on picking, our equipment depends on licking, this is the relationship between us." gap."

Huang Bo's words were so domineering that Hai Qingyuan lost the courage to answer.

What they said is correct, the wave of bombing just now directly harvested more than [-] kills, and the box licking is a comfort.

Fenghua students continued to stay in R City, the reason for doing so was not some earth-shattering conspiracy, but waiting to shrink the circle.

Now that the poisonous circle has arrived, the safe zone will be refreshed soon, and the R city where they are located is likely to be refreshed within it.

Haiqingyuan moved to P city in a mighty way, and the Su Wu army who came out of G port on the other side also took a fancy to P city and was rushing over.

"Chen He, let's go to P City, the next circle, P City is probably the center point." Huge suggested.

Chen He looked at the small map and said: "No, the Su Wu army from G port will definitely grab P city, which is the nearest large resource point to G port, and they will definitely not let it go."

After pondering for a moment, Chen He said: "The teacher said that the best tactic is to know the enemy and the confidant. Now Haiqing Yuan's course of action has been completely exposed under the eyes of the opponent, and their every move is being monitored. We have to What we do is to disturb the minds of our opponents, so that they can't figure out our routines, so that they don't dare to attack Haiqingyuan easily."

"Chen He, I found out that you seem to be a different person, kid."

"I feel so too."

"Catch up with me."

Chen He: "...!"

"Look at the airdrop!" Liu Yan said excitedly.

"Miss, please report your position!" Shen Teng said speechlessly.

"Right above your head."

Shen Teng looked up and saw, Damn, this airdrop is impartial, right above his head.

"Here is the warmth?"

An airdrop was not enough for their Fenghua army, so they distributed the equipment to Liu Yan and Chen He who were the first to discover the airdrop.

There's no way, among them, only Chen He's sniper can still watch.

After deliberation, everyone unanimously decided to go around from the air-raid shelter to P City, and by the way, we can clean up the opponents near the school.

Just do what you say is their motto, and soon they followed the plan.

Liu Renyi looked at the game screen, his students had already separated from Fenghua's students, but he soon realized something was wrong.

The students at Fenghua Academy play extremely stealthily, and change their positions all the time, keeping their positions on the edge of the safe zone. This has the advantage that they can adjust according to changes in the circle at any time.

Another point is that it can effectively prevent being stolen, only if they steal other people's shares.

"It seems that this [-] is really unusual."

Looking at his students again, Liu Renyi sighed. If he was conscious or not, he would know how to rush, but he didn't know how to use tactics and routines.

Really more popular than dead people.

At this time, the students of Haiqing Institute had already arrived in P City, and rushed into the houses one by one like devils entering a village.

Soon Su Wu's army on the other side also arrived in time, and the two groups of people searched one after the other.

Soon, both sides realized that something was wrong, and there were suddenly a lot of footsteps around them.

"Nimma, there is someone."

"I have it here too."

"Fuck, I saw someone."

When they saw the opponent's school badge, all Haiqing students' faces turned pale.

"Damned bird, there are students from the Suwu Academy outside."

At this time, Su Wu was also aware of the existence of Haiqingyuan, but they did not panic at all. At this time, the gap between Su Wu and Haiqingyuan was reflected.

"Damn it, look at Su Wu, he is very open and close, his tactics and support capabilities are first-class, and look at Haiqing, it is obviously not the same level."

"This instant thunderbolt is just right."

"One thunder and three strikes, damn, this is simply against the sky."

It was even worse for Haiqingyuan. In just ten seconds, eight teammates were eliminated.

Moreover, he was still retreating steadily, and was soon beaten out of P city, forced to retreat to the hillside to the south of P city.

"I've never been so aggrieved, what the hell, I'm so beaten up that I can't fight back."

"It's all because of those idiots in Fenghuayuan. They don't know how to support them or what? They hang around the circle all day, there's a fart for it."

"Nimma, you guys are endless, you cook by yourself, you don't know how to analyze the situation, you just know how to rush, and now you are beaten, blame us?"

Hu Ge couldn't take it anymore before Chen He started to rant.

He usually seldom criticizes others. As the only honest person in the class, he thought that nothing could make him angry. Until now, he realized that he was wrong.

"This is a team game, if you don't unite, hit a hammer?"

Chen He sneered and said, "Now that you know unity, why didn't you know it at the beginning? Open your mouth and keep your mouth shut, you don't believe us, why should we stick our hot faces on our cold asses?"

These words almost expressed the aspirations of all Class [-]. The word trash has followed them for two years. Today they have to prove that they are not trash. They are gold, a piece of gold covered by dust.

The poison circle was refreshed again, this time Chen He and the others were included in the circle, but City P was excluded.

Chen He looked at the scope of the safe zone. The current safe zone is already very small, but the number of people on both sides is generally very close.

"We can't continue like this. We must first seriously injure our opponent. Otherwise, we may not be able to defeat him when we encounter him later."

Huang Bo echoed, "Su Wenyuan has withdrawn to the farm, we can eat Su Wenyuan first."

Shen Teng said: "The terrain near the ranch is very suitable for team battles, and it is also suitable for sniping. In my opinion, it is time to start fighting directly. It is time for them to see our true strength."

Chen He was silent for a while and said: "Okay, since this is the case, when we enter the farm, we still have 2 minutes to clean up the poison, and we will finish them within 2 minutes."

(End of this chapter)

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