Check in from the Peace Elite

Chapter 189 Lu Fei's Decision

Chapter 189 Lu Fei's Decision

Su Shi's side was not weak at all. Even under the suppression of fierce firepower from the opposite side, they resolutely chose to rush into the circle.

They know the current situation, entering the circle early is their only way out.

In order to avoid unnecessary damage, Su City stretched the battle line very long, trying to create enough chaos, and then take advantage of the chaos to enter the circle.

In addition, they knew that there were not many opponents in the safe zone, and it was impossible to guard all the entrances.

After a fierce battle between the two sides, Su City finally succeeded in entering the circle, but suffered heavy losses.

What's even worse for them is that the mirage teams in the circle haven't all been cleaned up.

Because they didn't have enough time, the opponents behind had already rushed over and stole their asses.

The game reached its climax here, and the Soviet city army that had entered the circle, still could not avoid the situation of being attacked from the front and back, and were all eliminated soon.

When it was shown on the big screen that the Haishi High Court successfully ate chicken, the fans of the Haishi High Court were all over the place.

The major media in Haishi City also broadcast the game live. Many fans who were not present for various reasons used all available equipment to send a copy of their own for this hard-won victory. the warmth.

A word of encouragement or a word of awesome are both great encouragements.

To say that the only person on the scene who was a little unhappy was Lu Fei.

At this time, he frowned tightly, looking preoccupied.

"Lu Fei, why do you look like this, you are not happy after winning the game?"

Fang Shiyang joked when he saw that Lu Fei was a little abnormal.

"Through the game just now, I think the next game will be difficult to play."

Fang Shiyang was stunned, "Why do you say that?"

He thinks that Lu Fei always likes to sing a different tune, and can discover some details that are not easy for others to discover.

"Nanyang Academy and Suhe Academy are only the weaker academies of the Eighth Academy in Suzhou City. Haitian and Qitian have higher overall strength than them, but they are still struggling. What does this mean?"

Fang Shiyang said: "You mean, after Haishi faces the powerful high court in Suzhou, it will be more difficult to fight?"

Lu Fei nodded.

After hearing their analysis, Kang Yiwei and Liu Renyi couldn't be happy for a while.

Lu Fei was right, they fought so hard against a weak opponent, and if they faced a stronger opponent, they could guess the consequences.

"Lu Fei, is there anything you can do?"

Lu Fei thought for a moment and said, "Among our Haishi High Courts, which one is the strongest?"

"Of course it's our Tianhua Institute!" Wu Yue said proudly.

Seeing that no one objected, Lu Fei knew that Wu Yue was not talking nonsense.

"Which one is the strongest courtyard in Su City?" Lu Fei continued to ask.

Everyone glanced at each other, not understanding what Lu Fei meant.

Fang Shiyang said with a smile: "The strongest academy in Su City is Suwu Academy."

Lu Fei glanced at Wu Yue and said calmly: "Are you confident that you can defeat Su Wuyuan?"

Wu Yue's complexion was very exciting, white and dark for a while.

It is true that Tianhua Academy is the strongest academy in Haishi, but compared with Suwu Academy, they are still not enough.

Suwu Academy is not comparable to Tianhua Academy. It is the No. [-] Higher Academy in the south-central part of country Z, a national key institution, and very influential in the world.

All the students who came out of Su Wuyuan were members of key national teams, and some even helped country Z win a lot of honors.

People in the industry compare it with Jingyuan and call it Beijing, Jingyuan!Nan, Su Wu!

It can be seen that its detached status.

"Lu Fei, don't say that Tianhuayuan is not qualified to say that it can beat Su Wuyuan. Even Jingyuan doesn't dare to say that it can beat Suwuyuan 100%." ​​Kang Yiwei glanced at Wu Yue and said disdainfully.

This is a rare opportunity to defeat Tianhuayuan, and Kang Yiwei will naturally not miss this opportunity.

"Hehe, I don't deny that our Tianhua Academy can't beat Suwu Academy. After all, it is the largest courtyard in the south-central region, so there is nothing shameful about it."

Lu Fei didn't pay much attention to this, and then asked: "In this case, if Su Wu is removed, will your Tianhua Academy have confidence?"

Wu Yue raised his eyebrows and said: "Naturally, except for Su Wu, I am not in vain in the other Seven Hospitals of Suzhou City."

"It's not empty or not, what I want is whether I can win."

Wu Yue looked at Lu Fei a little absent-mindedly, and he actually felt a little pressure from Lu Fei.

This was something he had never encountered before, even when facing the dean of Tianhua Institute, he had never felt this way before.

He didn't know that the pressure on Lu Fei was accumulated over the years. Before time travel, he had met many important people, and there were many of them. Compared with them, Wu Yue was nothing worth mentioning.

Once Lu Fei gets serious, this unique aura is naturally not something a small person like Wu Yue can bear.


After saying this word, Wu Yue breathed a long sigh of relief.

A middle-aged man, who has held high positions all year round, did not expect to be overwhelmed by a kid.

Thinking about Wu Yue, I feel a little ridiculous.

"Then it's easy to handle. Now listen to me, whoever gets the Su Wuyuan will hand it over and leave him to me."

"Lu Fei, what do you want to do?"

Lu Fei smiled charmingly and said, "Su Wu left us Fenghua."

As soon as Lu Fei finished speaking, Wu Yue laughed, "It's a good thing for young people to be passionate, but it's not good to be too arrogant."

Kang Yiwei also persuaded: "Lu Fei, don't push yourself, this Su Wuyuan is not so easy to deal with, look at their star marks, many of them have reached five stars."

"Lu Fei, our Fenghua Academy is not the opponent of Suwu Academy, so doing this will not benefit us."

As the director of Fenghua Academy, Fang Shiyang must think about Fenghua Academy. If Lu Feiqiang takes the lead, with the strength of Fenghua Academy, he has no chance of winning. There is absolutely no need to come.

Lu Fei was unmoved, and said with a light smile, "How will you know if you don't try? Besides, it's not ashamed to lose to Su Wu, but it will make you famous if you win. Why not do it?"

"Okay, since Mr. Lu likes challenges, I will do as you say. If your Fenghua Academy wins against Su Wu, Fenghua will be the leader from Haishi No. [-] Academy, and I, Tianhua Academy, will have nothing to say."

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in what you're saying at all. In my eyes, a game is a game, not a gambling game. There's no need to invest chips."

Wu Yue's eagle eyes showed a gleam and said: "Since this is the case, I won't make it difficult for you. Let's change the way. If you Fenghua wins, I, Wu Yue, would like to invite you to be our special tutor of Tianhua College."

Lu Fei remained unmoved and said, "Sorry, I'm still not interested."

Wu Yue snorted coldly, "Don't rush to refuse, wait until you really win the game."

Soon the second round of competition began, and the remaining high courts participated in the draw.

This round, neither Fenghua nor Tianhua was drawn, nor was Su Wu from Su City.

The four high courts drawn for the competition are Funan Court and Haid University Affiliated Court in Hai City, and Tongzheng Court and Sujiang Court in Su City.

Lu Fei looked at the information of these four high courts. This time the competition is relatively fair, and both sides are in the middle of the eighth court.

(End of this chapter)

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