Check in from the Peace Elite

Chapter 182 Interview

Chapter 182 Interview
"When Lu Fei mentioned you today, his tone was a bit wrong. He said that if you have someone you like, don't hide it. It seems a little angry."

Xiaorou felt a little inexplicably happy when she heard this. Lu Fei's actions showed that he cared about him very much, and the thing that made Lu Fei suspect that he had a boyfriend was the phone call he made last time.

Obviously, when Lu Fei heard Dongzhe's voice, Xiao Rou smiled wryly, not knowing whether it was good or bad.

"You won't really be having conflicts with Lu Fei, are you?" Yi Yi saw Xiaorou on the other end of the phone falling silent, and said incredulously.

"No, there is a little misunderstanding. I will explain it to him another day."

"OK then."

"By the way, the relationship between Lu Fei and Su Xue is raging, what's going on?"

Yi Yi asked in surprise, "You even know this?"

Xiao Rou said with a smile: "I also heard from others."

Of course Yiyi didn't believe Xiaorou's words. She was far away in Country H, separated by the vast ocean. How could she know Lu Fei's situation so far away?
Even the little things that happened to Lu Fei recently, she is very clear.

A girl in love is really scary, this is Yiyi's first feeling.

"When will you come back to see me? I miss you so much."

"There just happened to be a holiday recently, let me check the date." Xiaorou's voice came from the phone flipping through things.

"Today is NO.20, I will go back on the 22nd."

"Really? That's great. Then you will treat me to something delicious." Yiyi said happily.

"Got it, go to sleep and talk later."

After hanging up the phone, Xiaorou lay on the bed, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

Lu Fei must have misunderstood the relationship between himself and Dong Zhe, saying that he doesn't care about me and doesn't like me, so why are you angry?
Xiaorou showed a sweet smile. Before that, Lu Fei had always treated her in a neither salty nor light way, and had no special emotions at all.

But after getting along with each other for several months, Xiaorou knew that Lu Fei had been changed by her little by little, from the first time the two of them played games, to the first time she was desperate and drove to Haishi to find him in the middle of the night, to the last Seeing off at the airport, all this implies a change in landing and flying.

Maybe he doesn't even know it himself.

Sometimes misunderstanding is also beautiful.

Another thing that makes Xiao Rou happy is the relationship between Lu Fei and Su Xue.

When she learned that Lu Fei and Su Xue had established a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship for the first time, she was distraught.

She couldn't accept that Lu Fei fell in love with another girl in just a few weeks after she left.

She didn't hate Lu Fei for breaking his promise, but felt that it was a great irony that she had pursued him for such a long time, and it was not as good as he had been in just a few days.

In order to know the truth of the matter, she had to call her mother Qin Lan. Finally, after Qin Lan's secret investigation, she could find out the truth of the matter.

What she was worried about turned out to be a big oolong. While she was relieved, she also realized that there were too many women around Lu Fei, and she had to be on guard at all times.

In two days, I could finally see him again.

Thinking of Lu Fei's familiar face, Xiaorou always smiles unconsciously and falls asleep unconsciously.

Lu Fei ate breakfast, ran for half an hour, took a shower and changed clothes, did not go out, but stayed in the hut, waiting for the arrival of the media.

Early this morning, Sister Yun informed him that a reporter from Xinyu wanted to conduct an exclusive interview with him and dig out the story behind his becoming a god.

Soon the reporters came to interview, and they were shocked as soon as they entered the door.

Lu Fei glanced at it. The interview team consisted of two men and one woman. The woman was quite beautiful, and she was dressed like the reporters I usually see on TV.

The famous Lu Fei, a genius in the e-sports circle, and a successful man with a net worth of over [-] million, lived in such a simple place.

Walking into Lu Fei's hut, they were even more shocked.

A room of tens of square meters, a simple live broadcast room, and a small bed, this is the place where this great god gathers his godhead.

"Hurry up, make a close-up of the environment here, and make a documentary later. I believe this should be the most inspirational documentary this year."

Lu Fei was a little speechless. Did he come to interview him or to observe his living environment? Can you be more professional.

The photo of Lu Fei's residence was quickly finished, and the reporter got on the right track.

Fortunately, Li Yun's small yard has a good environment, with green plants everywhere, and the shooting location was chosen in the yard, next to a pool.

This is the place where Li Yun raises goldfish. Next to the pool, there is a small wooden stool, which is where Li Yun feeds the fish when he is resting.

"Mr. Lu, before this, we thought you should live in a luxurious villa, but we didn't expect you to live in such a place with a beautiful environment but a little rough, so do you think you live here, do you think A bit shabby?"

Lu Fei smiled and said, "Just call me Lu Fei, Mr. Lu feels a bit old." The reporter didn't expect Lu Fei to be so humorous, so he laughed too.

"Actually, regarding the residence, I don't think there is any need to pursue luxury. I am a person who doesn't value material comforts very much. Maybe because I am young, I don't pay much attention to these things. For me, this place is very good, and the environment is good , and it’s a comfortable place to live, with a lot of memories in it, I think it’s pretty good.”

Lu Fei's words were neither humble nor overbearing, comfortable and sincere. The reporter's eyes lit up when he heard this. He didn't expect that this young man, who didn't look very old, had good self-cultivation and conduct.

The most important thing is that he doesn't have that kind of high air, he is gentle and easy-going from beginning to end.

"What made you choose the game in the first place?"

Faced with this problem, Lu Fei was a little distracted. This is a long story. When he started the game, it was a mistake.

At the beginning, Lu Fei was sent to school by his parents like many children, and he was talented and intelligent, and he soon became a top student in the school.

It was something his parents had always been proud of.

This state continued until Lu Fei was in junior high school, when smartphones became popular and many mobile games were developed one after another.

Lu Fei fell into the pit, and his grades have plummeted since then, and he is addicted to games every day and cannot extricate himself.

This period was the darkest time for Lu Fei's parents, but it was the happiest time for Lu Fei.

Later, his grades got worse and worse, but his game got better and better. Emperor Tian paid off. He was favored by the WT club and became a professional player.

Since then, his life has changed.

These Lu Fei knew that it was inconvenient for him to talk about it. After all, he was a time traveler, and his identity here was an orphan.

"It should be because I like it. Anyone who knows me well knows that I am an orphan. It was really difficult at the beginning. I had to travel around to make a living. Fortunately, I have stabilized now. It can be regarded as God's reward for me."

The female reporter smiled, "Actually, we have another purpose for interviewing you. This is something that many friends want to know. Is there any secret to your game playing so well and your achievements in such a short period of time? ?”

Lu Fei laughed dumbfounded, "That's a good question."

(End of this chapter)

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