Chapter 154

Sure enough, the player was fooled. Lu Fei had already made preparations, set up the preview point in advance, and quickly probed, "Boom!".

The gunshot was so sudden that the enemy knew he had been fooled, and before he had time to react, his head was blown off.

The poison circle has come to Lu Fei's feet, Lu Fei heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly headed for the safe zone.

Sure enough, this safe zone was at the top of the mountain. If it wasn't for his recklessness, this circle would have been really difficult.

When he came to the top of the mountain, Lu Fei climbed down and stabbed a shot of adrenaline into his heart. He looked around and found no enemy.

Lu Fei moved forward, and his intuition told him that there must be people on this mountain, but they are all hidden deeply.

The greatest joy in the rainforest is catching grasshoppers, but the greatest danger is also grasshoppers.

Lu Fei is wearing an auspicious suit. This auspicious suit provides him with excellent hiding ability. The vegetation in the rainforest is much denser than that of the island. The function of the auspicious suit can be better reflected here.

He is not afraid at all, as long as he is cautious enough and controls his steps, it is basically impossible for him to be stolen.

There was a rumbling sound, and Lu Fei knew that the airdrop was about to drop again.

At this time, the circle is not too big, and there are still a lot of people, which indicates that the risk of grabbing airdrops will be greater.

But Lu Fei is not afraid, the most attractive part of this game is the risk, and what is played is the heartbeat.

Lu Fei looked at the poison circle and quickly moved towards the hill on the right. This hill was where the poison circle was narrow, making it easier to enter the circle from here.


Lu Fei quickly accelerated. There was already someone on the hilltop on the right, and he was spotted.

Fortunately, there were many mountain bunkers along the way, so Lu Fei ran and hid, and finally came to the edge of the safe zone.

Before he breathed a sigh of relief, the group of people had already touched him.

Lu Fei didn't have time to spray the medicine, and the smoke bombs were gone, so he could only pull out the grenade to scare the other side.

Hearing the sound of the ring of the grenade, the opponent slowed down the speed of attack.

At this distance, Lu Fei hid behind the stone, and without looking with his eyes, he could hear the exact positions of several enemies on the opposite side just by listening.

An enemy was closest to Lu Fei, and he had slowly shifted to the left, trying to pull the gun line, Lu Fei sneered, not giving him any chance, and successfully knocked him down with a dodge gun.

Lu Fei quickly caught the enemy coming to the right, and there were two of them. He didn't panic at all. This is a hillside. Lu Fei's position at this time is halfway up the hill, and the enemy is going downhill.

This allows Lu Fei to easily grasp their every move, and he can easily kill them with the help of stones.

He took out a grenade and threw it at the opponent who was knocked down just now. Surprisingly, not only made up an enemy, but also knocked down another one.

This made Lu Fei overjoyed. It must have been the opponent who was helping his teammates, but he was surprised.

This sudden situation caused the two enemies who were planning to attack to withdraw one, and Lu Fei was even more disdainful. There was no chance for the two of them to come, let alone withdraw one now.

Since it was a one-on-one fight, Lu Fei didn't hide and rushed out from behind the stone.

That enemy didn't expect Lu Fei to be so strong. With only one-third of his blood volume, he really couldn't figure out where Lu Fei's courage came from.

Lu Fei was disdainful, and his opponent was even more disdainful.

One with full health and energy, and one with one-third of the health and almost no energy. The victory or loss of this steel gun is already doomed in the eyes of the opponent.

Unfortunately, what he never expected was that he lost.

The opponent's movement is too weird, like a ghost, watching him move to the left, when you shoot, you will find that his body has moved to the right, when you pull back the line of the gun and hit the right, you You will be shocked to find that his movement has returned to the left side.

Just can't get it.

This is the essence of Youlong Shenfa, you can see it, but you can't hit it, and you don't play cards according to the routine.

After solving this player, Lu Fei quickly put on a few bandages, and then drank a bottle of non-branded drink.

He had already heard that the opponent who had been knocked down earlier had been pulled up, and the two surrounded him, one left and one right.

Lu Fei took out the smoke bomb added from the enemy's box just now, and threw it to the right.

Used to cover the sight of the enemy on the right, and then he launched an attack on the enemy on the left.

"Bang bang bang!"

With no effort, one was eliminated, and then with the cover of this stone, he escaped the firepower of the enemy on the right.

Lu Fei used the speed of light to cut the gun, and opened the mirror quickly, and the enemy was directly eliminated by the eight times m24.

Lu Fei succeeded in destroying the team by himself.

The airdrop was very close to him, only a distance of 20 meters, Lu Fei licked a few smoke bombs beautifully, and quickly touched the airdrop.

At this time, the surrounding area was not peaceful, and there were gunshots everywhere. Lu Fei hid in the smoke, turned on the airdrop, and harvested an AWM. At the same time, he replaced the broken armor on his body with a new one.

After doing all this, he sneaked towards the location where the gunshots were heard.

"I'll go, God Lu is trying to go against the sky? Single, four rows, back double snipers?"

"You know what a fart, he is a new style of play, the name is pretending to be dead fast."

"Hehe, you don't understand God Lu's strength at first glance, do you know what terror is? I promise, you won't survive three seconds."

Lu Fei doesn't care about these things, it's as fun as it is, and of course it must be difficult enough.

Otherwise, it will become silly after a long time.

In order not to be concentrated firepower, Lu Fei changed the silencer on the m24 to the AWM, which can ensure sufficient concealment.

"God Lu is being cowardly, haha, it's time to change the silencer."

"Lu Shen has the ability to double-snipe and hit eight. If you dare to play, I will reward you with 1000 million."

"Fuck, this is a real boss."

"Boss, is there any pendant on your leg?"

"Boss, I'm going to blow it up, can you give me a reward of 1000 million?"

"Boss, if I can brag, can you give me a reward of 1000 million?"

Lu Fei smiled. He thought it would be interesting to fight in groups with double snipers, so he removed the silencer.

"Hurry up and watch, God Lu is starting to pretend."

"I've seen Dry Bones Double Sniper, Dream Demon Double Sniper, and today I can finally watch Lu Shen Double Sniper. I'm having an orgasm."

"My friend, please put on your diapers, thank you."

In the live broadcast room, the fans were enthusiastic. Now Lu Fei's popularity has already exceeded one million, approaching tens of millions. Now he has become the face of the peace elite.

According to statistics from unauthoritative sources, Lu Fei's popularity has exceeded nearly 5000 million fans on the entire Internet.

Many private e-sports academies even put Lu Fei's photo in the classroom to motivate the students.

Before the exam, many students would put Lu Fei's photo in their trouser pockets, praying for the spirit of Lu to possess him, and the exam would be auspicious.

Because many girls were too obsessed with Lu Fei, they replaced the posters and photos of Wang Minghao, Li Xing and others with Lu Fei's.

Some girls who are too poisoned and infatuated put Lu Fei's head on their pillows, quilts, and cups.

Now Lu Fei, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the dream lover of thousands of girls.

 Asking for a ticket, ahem, monthly ticket, my grades have fallen to a certain level recently.

(End of this chapter)

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