Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 97 It's a lie to drink 2 cups first and then 2 cups! (Part 3 asks for subscription)

Chapter 97 It's a lie to drink two drinks first and then two more! (The third update asks for subscription)
"As expected, it is the eye that portrays the soul. It begins in the dirt and ends with the undead. Uchiha Itachi, my former subordinate, do you want to fight for justice for the undead?

Unfortunately, I sometimes space ninjutsu!

Unfortunately, God has no eyes!

It's a pity you can't help me! "Danzo's figure reappeared and said to Uchiha Itachi again.

"Also, Kushina! We will meet soon. When we meet again, it will be the moment when I take back the Kyuubi inside Naruto. I wish you and Minato a happy life in the rest of your life." Danzo said sadly After finishing his words, he disappeared in front of everyone.

"Don't worry, he can't escape." Minato Namikaze wanted to activate the mark of the flying thunder god on Danzo's body to hunt down Danzo.

But when it was activated, it was discovered that the mark of the Flying Thunder God had disappeared!
Obviously, this imprint has been discovered and erased by Danzo.

"Damn it! Let him escape!" Jiu Xinna gritted his teeth with a look of unwillingness.

On the other side, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Tajima, and Uchiha Izumi took advantage of the dispatch of the Hyuga Hizuju Clan and rushed to the clan area behind the Hyuga Clan. They separated one by one shadow clones and searched for caves all over the mountains and plains. Entrance.

As for what happened to Konoha, they believe that Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Itachi can handle it.

"Found it!" Uchiha Izumi said in surprise.

One of his shadow clones found a water pool after entering a cave.

After approaching the pool, he fell under the illusion.

A mere illusion can't do anything to his shadow clone.

After all, the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan can see through the existence of illusion.

After unraveling the illusion, the shadow avatar felt that there must be something strange about this matter, so he dived into the pool.

After entering the bottom of the water and passing through the bubbles, they successfully arrived at a strange place.

Seeing that this place is deserted, with ruins and ruins, it should be the moon that Itachi said, so he released the shadow clone and disappeared in place with a bang.

Hearing Uchiha Quanna's voice, Uchiha Tajima and Uchiha Madara also hurried over.

"Is this the road to the moon?" Uchiha Madara murmured looking at the water pool.

"That's right." Uchiha Izumi nodded.

"Are we going directly? Or what?" Uchiha Izuna asked.

"Go directly, and then send the shadow clone to find out the information first. Let's hide in the dark and see if the Otsutsuki clan is strong." Uchiha Tajima said in a deep voice.

"Yeah." Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Quanna nodded.

They are finally about to solve the millennium mystery!
Who is framing their Uchiha clan in the dark!
With the protection of Maitkai, Tianzang and others, Naruto did not suffer any harm during the Naruto Rebellion.

Seeing that the Nine-Tails Chakra disappeared, the two breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that the Nine-Tails Rebellion tonight was over.

Judging from the damage done to the villagers and ninjas, this Nine Tails Rebellion is much better than the one five or six years ago.

During the Nine Tails Rebellion, many high-end ninjas died in that battle.

Some people died very humble and heroic, so humble that they used their own sacrifices just to hold Nine Tails back.

This time, thanks to the help of the Uchiha clan, Kyuubi did not cause too much trouble. Except for Anbu and Genbu who died in the inner fight, Konoha suffered less than a hundred casualties, most of whom were Juan Xiaochun and Mito People with door inflammation.

This is the luck of the misfortune.

However, many houses collapsed.

Reconstruction is a big project.

After one night, Hyuga Hyuzu was a little surprised that all the Uchiha clan rescued the disaster, and they didn't choose to attack Zhuanju Xiaoharu and Mitomenyan, which was unexpected for him.

After searching and questioning carefully with white eyes, Hinata Hidetsu's face turned dark, and the so-called masters of Uchiha never appeared from the beginning to the end.

Didn't they say that they would take advantage of the chaos and destroy the people of these two clans?Are you cheating on me?

Hyuga Hyuzu wondered if those people were Uchiha Fugaku using the shadow clone to fool their Hyuga clan.

After all, if Uchiha really had so many super-kage-level powerhouses, the table would have been turned over a long time ago, so why use Shoudanzo's useless air?Move out of the village?
Feelings, you, Uchiha Fugaku, fooled our Hyuga clan to help?
Hyuga Hyuzu opened his eyes and led the tribe to find survivors, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

It's a lie to drink two glasses first and then two glasses!
Uchiha Fugaku, you liar!
In Muye Square, everyone looked at each other in silence.

Senshou Banma and Namikaze Minato kept using Flying Thunder God, transporting the wounded back and forth.

"Water Escape · Great Cleansing Technique!"

"Wind escape, the art of clearing dust!"

"Earth Dungeon: The Art of Paving the Ground!"

The messy Konoha Square was quickly restored to its original appearance under the efficient cleaning of the ninjas.

"Wood escape, the art of the four-pillar family!" Thousand-handed pillars were slapped on the ground, and wooden houses rose from the ground to accommodate the victims of the disaster.

"Fu Yue, what should we do with Uzumaki Baijue? He, Orochimaru, and Danzo are in the same group." Inuzuka Zuo and Yu Nu Zhiwei came over and asked.

"First-generation lord, second-generation lord, what do you think?" Uchiha Fugaku asked.

Senshou Zhujian and Senshou Feijian looked embarrassed. This Uzumaki Baijue has the blood of the Senshou Clan and the Uzumaki Clan. He is the only descendant of the Uzumaki Clan other than Naruto, and he is also the only male of their Senshou Clan. .

If they die, the Thousand Hands Clan will become extinct.

If you let go.

There is no way to explain it to the villagers.

It's embarrassing.

"Don't be embarrassing. I'll kill myself!" Seeing the two people in embarrassment, whirlpool Baijue finished speaking, and before everyone could react, he bit his tongue and committed suicide.

Among the pillars of thousands of hands, between the doors of thousands of hands, looking at Bai Jue who had turned into a big tree after death, he froze in place on the spot.

Is the Thousand Hands Clan going to be extinct?
Qianshou clenched his fists, gritted his teeth with murderous eyes, and said, "Bring me Mitomon Yan, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun, and Akimichi Haru!"

"Okay, okay." The only remaining ninja received the order and quickly retreated.

After a while, Anbe, headed by Kakashi and Tenzo, brought Mitomon Yan, Zhuanju Koharu, and Akimichi Torokaze over.

As for Kushina going back to accompany Naruto.

Minato, with Uchiha Itachi, ruled Konoha's casualties and losses, as well as Konoha's only remaining combat power, and was ready to deal with the situation that would happen at any time.

They knew that the rain was about to come, and what happened in Konoha today would soon spread to the other four countries.

Maybe in a few days, someone couldn't help but jump out and take advantage of the fire to rob.

After all, Konoha is a fat piece of meat, but there are many people staring at it. They will definitely not miss this opportunity to add insult to injury, and it is very likely that they will take the opportunity to start a big war.

They have to be prepared these days.

Naruto Building.

Senjuzhuma and Senju Feima sat in the main seat, Uchiha Fugaku and Hinata Hizuru sat on the left and right positions under the two, followed by Inuzuka Zuo and Yume Shiwei.

Shikahisa Nara, Kaiichi Yamanaka, and Choza Akimichi sighed. They knew that they had failed this time.

"Tell me." Senshou Hashirama said to Zhuanju Xiaochun and Mito Menyan.

(End of this chapter)

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