Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 88 Qingying side, punish Danzo, return Konoha peace!

Chapter 88 Qingying side, punish Danzo, return Konoha peace!
"Hmph, a bunch of trash!"

"No wonder I can't open my eyes!"

"Look at you group of virtues, you want to join the Konoha Police Department with this kind of temperament? Go back and eat and die!"

"We Uchiha don't need you black sheep! Mud can't support a wall!" Uchiha Fugaku scattered Susano, and directly sprayed at this group of tribesmen who had just opened their eyes, with a look of anger and sorrow for their misfortune look like.

Especially with the indifferent, emotionless eyes of a group of Uchiha people behind him who are driving a two-god jade and a three-god jade, it is particularly shocking.

Villager: "."

One sings the red face and the other sings the bad face. I really thought we didn't see Uchiha and these little bastards wanting to kill?

Sarutobi Hiruza: "."

It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s almost done, I think I can still be saved, if you have time to talk, hurry up and kill the roots to save me!
"Uchiha can live!"

"Uchiha Jianguo!"

"Uchiha builds a village!"

"Please tell me, what is the duty and slogan of our Konoha Police Department!" Uchiha Fugaku ignored the fighting Anbe and Nebe around and sternly lectured the Uchiha clan who had just opened their eyes.

"Report to Captain, the Konoha Police Department's responsibilities are: prevent, stop and investigate illegal and criminal activities; maintain Konoha law and order, and stop behaviors that endanger Konoha law and order!"

"The slogan is: loyalty to duty, strict self-discipline, defense of justice, and safety!

Be loyal to the village, serve the villagers, enforce the law fairly, and be disciplined! "The members of the Uchiha clan who had just opened their eyes hung their necks and shouted loudly, the voice was deafening!
"Then, please tell me, what did you pull out your weapons and swords just now? What are you doing now?" Uchiha Fugaku shouted loudly with his kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The members of the Uchiha clan who just opened their eyes were speechless, they just wanted to kill the group of trolls.

But, can this be said?
So a group of people looked at Fugaku Uchiha as if asking for help, very good, they checked their eyes and met the right person!

They got it, got it!
"Report to the captain, we pulled out our weapons and knives just now to protect the villagers, punish evil and promote good!"

"Our Konoha Police Department is irreconcilable with crime!" Uchiha's clansmen shouted loudly.

"Very good! Then take out your weapons. Today, our Konoha Police Department is going to Kiyokage, punish Danzo, and restore peace to Konoha!" Uchiha Fugaku said loudly.

"Okay!" The Uchiha clan pulled out the samurai swords on their backs and waists, followed Uchiha Fugaku and walked towards the root.

The Uchiha clan lined up in a row, with pairs of scarlet Sharingans, making people daunting!
While slaughtering the roots of the Anbu of the Sarutobi clan, seeing the Uchiha clan approaching step by step, with neat steps and scarlet eyes, I felt a chill in my heart, and my face was full of fear.

"Is Uchiha crazy?"

"Master Danzo is a good person!"

"Obviously Sarutobi Hiruzen is the culprit!"

"Is Uchiha going to risk the displeasure of the world and work as a minion for Tiger?"

Before the villagers finished speaking, there was a sound of dog barking, and people from the Inuzuka clan appeared on the roof and surrounded the roots.

"Brother Fuyue, how about adding our Inuzuka clan to this grand event?" Inuzuka Zuo appeared on the roof with one-eyed Kuromaru and shouted at Uchiha Fugaku.

"Welcome!" Uchiha Fugaku's mouth curled up.

"How is it possible? Why is the Inuzuka family also wading into this muddy water? Are they crazy?"

There is Uchiha in front and Inuzuka behind, and the people in the roots panic.

"Itachi, hold on, we'll help you when we kill the roots!" Inuzuka Hana waved to Uchiha Itachi in the Four Purple Flame Formation with Haimaru.

"So, is it because of Inuzuka Hana?" Danzo's face darkened.

"The Uchiha clan, the Inuzuka clan, have such a sense of elegance, why are there so few of our oil girl clan? Two, how about adding me?" Wearing sunglasses and wearing a black cloak, the oil girl Zhiwei led the tribe slowly Walking, behind them is a group of flying insects, covering the sky and the sun!
All the roots that tried to break out of the siege were sucked into mummies by insects.

"Are the Inuzuka clan and the Younv clan crazy?" The villagers were shocked.

"Master Danzo is clearly on the side of justice. How could they do this?"

"Since the Inuzuka Clan and the Amoyue Clan have such a sense of elegance, and they are both part of the Konoha Detective Team, how can we miss the Hyuga Clan for such a big event?" Hyuga Hizuzu rolled his eyes, leading a group of People came over.

"This" not only stunned the root, but also stunned Anbu, and the villagers were also dumbfounded.

Konoha's two major pupil families, plus two investigative families, these four families have joined forces!

Is Konoha about to turn the sky upside down?
"Secret Art Parasite!"

"Tooth and teeth!"

"Blind eyes!"

"Back to the days!"

Bugs were flying, dogs were screaming, and four family ninjas joined in. The ninjas at the root quickly retreated, screaming, wailing, and begging for mercy.

The Zhuludie clan hiding in the dark closed their eyes with a pale face. They knew that the clansman hiding at the root really couldn't keep them this time.

After all, without their help, Anbu of the Sarutobi clan would not have died so quickly.

Similarly, the expressions of Zhuanshu Xiaochun, Mitomon Yan, and Akimichi Haru who were watching the fire from the other side of the building also changed.

They did not expect that the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan, the Inuzuka clan, and the Aburo clan would stand on Sarutobi Hiruzen's side.

Anbu, the Sarutobi clan who was about to be exterminated quickly by the roots, finally breathed a sigh of relief. They finally don't have to die. It turns out that living is so good, even if there are only a few clan members left, it is better than being wiped out.

Now, seeing the root ninjas die one by one, it's Shimura Danzo's turn to go crazy in the Four Purple Flame Formation.

His subordinates are all dead, even if he can kill Hiruzen Sarutobi and become Hokage, Shimura Danzo is still a bare-bones commander.

He has no one to use, no soldiers to use, how can he give orders to unify the ninja world?
Hiruzaru Sarutobi had a cheerful expression on his face, Danzo, you have today too?What a turn of events!

"The Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan, the Inuzuka clan, the Yume clan, I remember you all!!" Danzo looked at the roots and canthus that were lying in a pool of blood outside, and his teeth were about to be crushed.

Uchiha Fugaku, Hyuga Hizuzu, Inuzuka Chou, and Yume Shiwei approached the Four Purple Flame Formation. Every time they took a step forward, Danzo's heart sank a little.

"Danzo, did you dig out the Sharingan in the right eye yourself, or did we Uchiha clan do it ourselves?" Uchiha Fugaku looked at Danzo in the Four Purple Flame Formation and said in a deep voice.

Danzo's face changed drastically when he heard this.

How did Uchiha Fugaku know?
Could it be that Zhishui told him before he died?

"What? Master Danzo's right eye is Sharingan?"

"Danzo-sama has already confirmed it before, hasn't he?"

"Could it be that the former Danzo-sama is a fake? The same as the one who died?" The surrounding villagers were stunned.

"Danzo, can you explain your right arm? Why are there so many Sharingans on it?" Hinata Hyuzu also spoke, the veins in the corners of his eyes were bulging at this moment, Danzo's right eye and right arm were in front of his white eyes , there is nothing to hide, everything is exposed under his sight.

The Uchiha people who had just opened their eyes were stunned when they heard this. Just now they were speaking for Danzo in their hearts and questioning the patriarch Itachi, but Danzo became a harm to the clan in a blink of an eye?
Also dug out so many Sharingan from their Uchiha clan?
They almost did the quick thing of relatives and enemies just now?

Fortunately, the patriarch stopped them at a critical moment, or how will they face the clansmen and the villagers in the future?
The Uchiha people who had just opened their eyes glanced at Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Fuyue gratefully.

Now they hate Danzo even more.

So the root ninja died even worse.

"Heh, since you found out, there is nothing to say." Danzo stared at the people present and said with hatred: "Oshemaru, release Kyuubi, and destroy them!"

"Okay!" Uchiha Itachi's physical avatar turned into a handprint of Orochimaru, and Minato pressed his handle on his stomach and twisted it.

"Roar!" With an explosion, a huge orange fox with nine tails appeared in everyone's sight!
That night, the villagers recalled the fear of being dominated by Kyuubi!

(End of this chapter)

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