Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 219 Sharingan Lin Pingzhi

Chapter 219 Sharingan Lin Pingzhi
Those who hold salaries for everyone must not freeze them to death in the wind and snow.

This sentence is very standard, full of sadness that breaks the state of the world and human feelings.

Unexpectedly, this time was used by Haotian God here.

what is this?
This is used to satirize the world under his rule!
If good people do good deeds without encouragement and rewards, the country will become more and more indifferent and numb.

The world shouldn't be like this.

Is this a warning, or a tragedy?
Zhu Youtang, Li Dongyang and other ministers were pale.

Hongzhi Zhongxing.

All officials said so.

However, reality slapped them hard.

See justice and die bravely for the whole family.

Rape, murder, Ren Xiaoyao.

Now the governor lifted the fig leaf and let them really see the world clearly.

Officials colluded, and the people dared not speak out.

"Ignore, go, bring these people back."

"If you resist, no one will be left behind!"

When Zhu Youtang said these words, there was despair and anger.

His eyes were empty.

He can't wait to kill these officials who are vegetarians and colluded with the government immediately.

But, can the dead be resurrected?

Can the court's credibility be restored?

"Obey!" Zhu, who was full of anger, ignored him and walked on.

Hulong Villa specializes in collecting the privacy and intelligence of the court dignitaries, while monitoring the world.

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened!
The most important point is that he did not receive any information about the murders of Fujian Fuwei Escort Bureau.

It's not just as simple as cheating!

Now the entire Daming face has been completely humiliated!
You know, according to Zhu Tianting, the happiness index of the people and the strength of the country are equal to their cultivation progress.

When something like this happens, it will cause public resentment if you are not careful.

Don't call yourself a fairy then.

They are very likely to become ghosts and fall into Avici Hell!
In the inn, Tian Boguang was still betting with Linghu Chong.

Suddenly there was a flash of light in the sky, a beam of light descended from the sky, and shone in from the window, Dongfang Bubai made his debut.

"What a beautiful girl. Is this a fairy?" Tian Boguang was drunk when he saw Dongfang Bubai dressed in red.

Then, no more.

Everyone saw only a flash of red light that was fleeting.

Tian Boguang who was sitting on the chair flew upside down and hit the wall hard.

When everyone looked at it, they found that there was a thin needle on Tian Boguang's five limbs.

At the same time, the girl just now had already walked in front of Yilin.

"Who is this person?"

"What a terrifying cultivation base."

"What a fast martial art!"

"One move, just one move, killed Wanli Lonely Tian Boguang in seconds!"

"It's too scary, isn't it?"

"You know, Tian Boguang is famous for his speed!"

"Unexpectedly, he didn't even react, so he was crippled!"

"This girl is wrong, this fairy is really embarrassed, I am the most stupid, I can't describe the horror of this girl at all!"

"Her appearance and strength cannot be described in words at all."

"Heroic and heroic, overwhelming the country and the city, this domineering, this martial arts, it is really daunting!"

"Dare to ask the girl..." Linghu Chong was about to talk and make some friends, but he saw the girl in red walking past him and walking towards Yilin.

"You, are you a fairy?" Yilin asked weakly, looking at the domineering woman in front of her.

"Fairy? No. But, you will be in the future." Dongfang Bubai stared at Yilin firmly.

"Ah? This?." Being stared at by the woman like this, Yilin, who was at a loss, blushed like an apple, and subconsciously wanted to back away.

Seeing this woman, she spoke again.

"I am your sister!"

"Follow me from now on!"


The tone of "this" is irresistible, making Yilin's whole mind feel like a muddle.

her sister?

The sister who was alone and led the robbers away to save her?
"What's your name?" Yilin shouted eagerly.

"My name is Dongfang Bai, and people in the world call me Dongfang Invincible!"

"Now, Sun Moon Immortal Palace, reward the good and punish the evil envoys!"

After finishing speaking, everyone in the inn was shocked!
East is undefeated?


Yilin's sister?
Linghu Chong gasped.

At this moment, regardless of the injuries on his body, he chased out.

But, where else can I find Yilin and Dongfang Bubai?

When he returned to the inn, he saw a group of officers and soldiers in armor and armed with knives, put Tian Boguang in shackles on the ignorant and passed out, and tortured him away!
"Damn it! Let the dog officers and soldiers take the first step and take Tian Boguang away!" Everyone in the rivers and lakes was furious.

If they took advantage of Tian Boguang's loss of consciousness to kill him.

Or rescued.

The former will become famous and may even get a reward.

After all, Tian Boguang had defiled women, and many of them were wealthy landlords.

Now offer Tian Boguang's head and say that they did it, then they will make a lot of money and become famous.

The latter, taking advantage of his illness, wanted his life, tortured Tian Boguang before his death, and forced him to ask about the secret script.

No way, they will become the second lone traveler!

It's a pity that people from the court took the first step, they lost the opportunity, and everyone regretted it.

"This group of court hawks and dogs only dare to show up when washing the ground."

"If Tian Boguang committed a crime, would they dare to come?"

"I laughed!"

"I don't know which lucky official can use this to get promoted and make a fortune!"

"After all, Tian Boguang's malignant tumor is full of anger and hatred, and now he is captured, which can be said to be a great joy! This is a remarkable achievement!"

"I'm sore, Mad!"

On the plane, Zhu Youtang, Zhu Houzhao, Li Dongyang and others blushed when they heard these words.

Unexpectedly, the imperial court looked like this in their eyes!

It only appears when washing the road!
what is this?
This is sarcasm!
"Father, lend me three hundred imperial guards to exalt my majesty!!" Zhu Houzhao couldn't stand the first one!

Immediately rushed out!
Now he can't wait to kill the official who is a vegetarian and the people who make trouble!

"Kill, you must kill."

"It's just that the evidence is conclusive!"

He understands Zhu Houzhao's actions.

Obviously a coincidence!

Convicted of an unwarranted crime, he directly raised his knife and chopped off everything that was guilty or innocent! !

Although, he knew that none of these people in the world were clean or innocent.

However, what Zhu Youtang wants is not only this, he also wants to convince others!

He told the people all over the world that Daming is reliable!
"I want to convince them!" Zhu Youtang said in a deep voice.

In the past, the rivers and lakes, the rivers and lakes have changed!
As long as the people in the rivers and lakes don't go too far, the imperial court will not care about it. Now the chivalrous use of martial arts is banned, and even the massacre of the family has come out.

what is this?
This is a slap in the face of the court!
Just slap the court in the face.

However, Zhu Youtang was too disappointed by the thoughts and words shown by the people in the Jianghu just now.

Because they didn't pay attention to the imperial court at all!Zhu Youtang didn't pay attention to him at all!

He, Zhu Youtang, has always been generous and kind, no matter who he treats, he will treat everyone generously, even including his enemies.

But now, these people took his generosity and benevolence for granted, and instead made an inch of it.

Any cat or dog would dare to step on Daming.

Is this okay?

"When the emperor was angry, he laid down millions of corpses, and the blood flowed!"

"Do you really think I'm an honest person, easy to bully?"

"Then let them see the anger of honest people!" A cold light flashed in Zhu Youtang's eyes.

In the yard, two people with drooping eyelids were lingering on their last breath. It seemed that time was running out.

Lin Pingzhi watched his parents being humiliated, and hid in the dark with his eyes wide open, daring to speak out in anger.

At this moment, a voice came from his mind.

"Do you regret it?"

"Do you regret it?" Lin Pingzhi looked dazed.

He is the young master of Fuwei Escort Bureau in Fujian.

Just because he acted bravely for righteousness, he stood up for an ugly girl who didn't know martial arts, and accidentally killed Yu Renyan, the son of Yu Canghai, the head of the Qingcheng School, in the process.

It directly caused the Lin family to be wiped out!

He witnessed dozens of hundreds of members of his family being massacred in repeated terrorist threats and bloody attacks.

Now someone asks him if he regrets it?
"Why do you regret it?" Lin Pingzhi asked back.

"To do justice for the heavens, eradicate violence and bring peace to the good, eradicate rape and evil, and eliminate harm for the people, it is my duty to do so!"

Hearing this, Zhu Youtang and the others felt relieved.

It seems that the child is not crooked.

Even in the event of an accident, there is still a conscience in my heart.

It seems that Daming still has some help.

"That woman is not beautiful, you are not a hero to save the beauty, don't you regret it?" The voice sounded again!
"Saving people has nothing to do with beauty and ugliness!"

"The education I have received since I was a child is that the strong should protect the weak!"

"Do I want to watch that woman being bullied?"

"Then I'll hate myself forever!"

"So I made a move!" Lin Pingzhi said.

"The consequence is that more than a hundred members of your family will be slaughtered, and even your parents will be bullied in front of your eyes. You can only watch. Is this worth it?" The voice rang again.

"Can I predict the future?" Lin Pingzhi sneered.

"Then if you were given another chance, would you still save that girl?"

Hearing this, Lin Pingzhi was stunned.

Then, he said in a deep voice:

"It's just that I will cut the weeds and root them out!"

"Unfortunately, life cannot be repeated, and there is no regret medicine to take."

"What I regret now is that I only hate that I am not strong enough!"

"If I can learn it well, my Lin family's No. 72 evil sword technique."

"My Lin family would not have fallen into such a situation! Nor would such a tragic situation have happened." Lin Pingzhi gritted his teeth.

Do you only resent that you are not strong enough to uphold justice?


Sure enough, young people who have not been severely beaten by society are so passionate and upright.

The governor Xiao Shenghao possessed was very satisfied with Lin Pingzhi's answer.

When Lin Pingzhi came back to his senses.

It was found that the whole sky lit up.

A bolt of lightning fell from the sky!

"Immortal Law Thunder Dungeon Chidori!"

The sound of electric current sizzled.

Like birdsong!

Yu Canghai raised his head.

Just in time to see a blue lightning blasting straight at him!

His mouth opened so wide that it seemed he could fit an egg.

"Is this divine punishment?" Under Lin Zhennan's and Mrs. Wang's incredulous gazes, Yu Canghai was directly struck by lightning.

Wait for the light to dissipate.

There is still Yu Canghai in the same place.

Only a figure emitting lightning all over his body appeared at Yu Canghai's original position.

As for Yu Canghai, he couldn't die anymore!
"Immortal, Immortal?" Lin Zhennan looked at the gleaming figure in front of him, bathed in lightning, his head was muddled.

"Lin Pingzhi, come out. I'm very satisfied with your answer just now." I saw the figure, put his hand up, and Lin Pingzhi, who was hiding in the dark, floated out under the unbelievable gazes of Lin Zhennan and Mrs. Wang.

"Pingzhi, it actually flew out." Madam Wang burst into tears instantly.

Unexpectedly, his son watched them being humiliated in the dark.

"It's you, you were the one talking to me just now?" Lin Pingzhi's eyes widened.

Just now he thought it was an illusion!

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a fairy talking to him.

"Pingzhi!" Lin Zhennan couldn't help scolding.

Call the fairy you.

What kind of system is this?
"Okay, it's okay." After being wrapped in lightning, he waved his hand and said to Lin Pingzhi, "I hope you will not forget your original intention in the future! Continue to be an upright person!"

"Don't worry, Pingzhi will definitely do it!" Lin Pingzhi said excitedly.

When his whole family was slaughtered, he thought the sky had no eyes!

Unexpectedly, the fairy came down to earth in a blink of an eye.

And killed Yu Canghai!

It was like a dream!

"Immortal, can Pingzhi ask you something?" Lin Pingzhi suddenly knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Hearing this, Zhu Youtang's face changed, and he was afraid for a while.

It won't be a fairy begging, sweeping Yunei.

Change of dynasty.

Changed his emperor?
After all, it was the incompetence of the court that caused the thieves to dare to commit crimes in broad daylight.

"You want me to save your parents, right?" the Terminator wrapped in lightning said.

"Yes. Is it okay?" Lin Pingzhi begged.

Hearing this, Zhu Youtang in the plane breathed a sigh of relief. When he died, Li Dongyang and others set their temple name as Xiaozong's.

It seems that his strategy of ruling the world with filial piety is still successful.

At least, Lin Pingzhi is very filial to his parents.

"Okay. It's a trivial matter."

The Terminator wrapped in lightning stretched out his hands, aiming at Lin Zhennan, Mrs. Wang.

"Palm Immortal!"

Green rays of light full of life appeared, slowly sinking into Lin Zhennan, Mrs. Wang's body.

Immediately, under Lin Pingzhi's shocked gaze, the injuries on his parents' bodies healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lin Zhennan, Mrs. Wang, felt warm all over when the green light shone.

After a while, their injuries miraculously healed!

Not even a scar was left.

"Thank you Immortal, thank you Immortal!" Lin Zhennan and his wife burst into tears of gratitude.

Lin Pingzhi did the same.

"Lin Pingzhi, I wonder if you would like to serve the Sun Moon Immortal Palace?" The Terminator, whose whole body was covered by lightning so that his face could not be seen clearly, spoke again.

"Yes, yes!"

"Perhaps one hundred willing!"

Before waiting for Lin Pingzhi's answer.

Lin Zhennan immediately tugged on Lin Pingzhi's pants, hinting frantically.

Only fools don't want to!

"I, can I?" Lin Pingzhi said.

"I said you can do it!" The Terminator's tone was beyond doubt.

"Pingzhi is willing to serve the immortal." Lin Pingzhi replied seriously after taking a deep breath.

"Dare to ask the immortal, what needs Pingzhi to do."

"It's very simple. Do your old job. Do justice for the sky, eradicate violence and peace, eradicate rape and evil, and eradicate harm for the people."

"Ah?" Lin Pingzhi was stunned. Even if the immortal didn't say these things, he would continue to do them.

It's just that Jianghu tells so much.

He is powerless!

"I will give you a pair of eyes and a sword skill! It will be your future reward!"

"Are you willing to accept?" The Terminator covered by lightning asked.

"Yes! Pingzhi is willing!" Lin Pingzhi didn't ask what kind of eyes, what kind of swordsmanship!
Will immortal things be weak?

No, so he readily accepted!
So, in the shocked eyes of Mrs. Wang in Lin Zhennan's eyes, Lin Pingzhi's eyes were pulled out, and a pair of eyes were quickly replaced.

Plug and unplug!

Is this magic?

However, Pingzhi's scarlet eyes looked a little scary.

Especially the three scarlet gouyu in the eyes, like a demon.

"Look clearly, I will only demonstrate this sword technique once!"

Before Lin Pingzhi could get acquainted with the new eyes, the Terminator wrapped in lightning had already moved.

Soon, a set of sword techniques ended.

Lin Zhennan, Mrs. Wang only memorized one and a half moves.

But, next, Lin Pingzhi moved.

He picked up the wooden stick on the ground, and repeated the Terminator's move exactly!

"Could it be that Pingzhi is still a prodigy in martial arts?" I remembered it after just reading it once, which completely overturned the cognition of Lin Zhennan, Zhu Youtang and others.

"It seems to be due to his eyes." Zhu Houzhao guessed.

"Thank you, the immortal gave me the eyes!" Lin Pingzhi was extremely grateful!

Only he knew that it was thanks to these eyes that he could learn so quickly!
This eye has a name, called Sharingan!

(End of this chapter)

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