Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 193 The vortex brings soil, Konoha's virtual life.

Chapter 193 The vortex brings soil, Konoha's virtual life.

"By the way, Mr. Uzumaki Obito, what do you want me to report?" Nohara Rin split out and took out the recording pen, and recorded while recording.

"The thing is like this, you also know that our Uzumaki clan is a distant blood relative of the Qianshou clan."

"After I knew that my grandfather had died, I went back to Konoha and found an important document in my grandfather's private cabinet."

Uchiha Obito looked at Lin, and spoke eloquently.

That's what happened.

More than 20 years ago, the grandfather with whirlpools participated in a judicial auction held by the Court of the Land of Fire, and finally won a courtyard house located in the suburb of Konoha at a price of 35 taels of silver, which was 34 taels higher than the auction price.

To Whirlpool Daitu’s surprise, one hour after his grandfather’s auction, his grandfather received a mysterious letter. The letter claimed to be the head of the regiment, telling him that he should not buy it, because the courtyard house and land in this auction It was "set" to him.

Of course, the grandfather with the whirlpool thought it was nonsense, so he ignored it and paid the full amount within the stipulated time.

But what happened later made the whirlpool and soiled grandfather very distressed. Not only was his life threatened, but the house had been handed over for decades until his grandfather died of old age.

Not only that, when Uzumaki Obito took his grandfather's relics to Konoha, he found that Anbu had already canceled the auction a few years ago, and the reason given was that it could not prove that your grandfather was your grandfather, and this The houses have already been taken back to the village.

Can't prove that your grandfather is your grandfather?Has it been taken back to the village already?impossible.

His grandfather clearly kept all the evidence and records, and it was impossible to take back what the village had.

So Uzumaki took soil to investigate this.

It turned out that after the country of Uzumaki fell, the Uzumaki Ancestral Hall outside Muye Village was taken over by Muye Village.

As for those uninhabited houses, Konoha naturally took them away.

The grandfather of the whirlpool is a collateral clan of the Qianshou clan. After seeing the unoccupied house and the auction announcement, he intends to bid after field inspection.

So after paying a deposit of 5000 taels, the grandfather with whirlpool got the qualification to bid.

Coincidentally, when his grandfather participated in the judicial auction, there were only two parties participating in the auction, besides Whirlpool Daitu's grandfather, and a "Shimura Real Estate Company".

At the beginning of the auction, Shimura Real Estate Company directly gave a starting price of 2 taels. His grandfather added 1 taels to become 35 taels. , the other party no longer responds.

In the end, Uzumaki Obito's grandfather successfully bid for 35 taels.

But it wasn't long before Uzumaki Obito's grandfather was happy. As soon as he got home, he received a mysterious letter.

The other party's letter was a threat, "Why do you think of participating in this auction? You should not participate. This is for us by default. If you disrupt our plan, you will not pay the final payment."

Uzumaki Obito's grandfather, as a commoner, didn't realize it for a while, and if he didn't pay the final payment, what would he do with the several thousand taels of security deposit?
Whirlpool Daitu’s grandfather was skeptical about the letter, so he went back to raise funds. During the fundraising process, he sold two apartments in Konoha Center, one of 100 square meters for 10 taels, and one of 150 square meters Two floors, priced at 25 taels.

After the payment was completed, the subsequent auction results were verbally revoked by Konoha Anbu.

Uzumaki Obito's grandfather was unconvinced, thinking it was a secret operation, so he took the payment receipt and auction evidence, and immediately contacted Konoha Anbe, and two senior advisers, Koharu and Mito Menyan, to handle the transfer, but was rejected.

He repeatedly asked why the petition was like this.

But the answer I got was "I'm busy recently, I'll contact you later".

"I don't know the specific situation, you should ask Anbu, who is in charge of Hiruzaru Sarutobi."

"Or the real estate company founded by Hokage who assisted Shimuradan Tibetans."

After that, things dragged on again and again, and then the three wars broke out.

The ninja in charge of the case died on the battlefield, and the new one in charge of the case is a ninja from the Shimura clan.

After the end of World War Three, Uzumaki Obito's grandfather contacted the Shimura family again, and the answer he got was "The courtyard house you auctioned is a licensed property, and the appraisal report stated that it was an unlicensed property. The price difference needs to be re-evaluated."

The investigators of the Shimura family also asked Uzumaki Obito if his grandfather would pay the difference.

When he saw the price difference, his grandfather was stunned. The starting bid was 1, and the bid was 35. Now it has risen to 3500 million.A full hundred times higher.

Who can afford it!

Therefore, Uzumaki Obito's grandfather was defiant of power and insisted that according to Konoha's judicial auction procedures, the legal deadline for the appraisal report has passed, the auction has been sold, and the auction result is legal and valid. Even if the appraisal report is flawed, the fault is his own. It has nothing to do with him, and he should not be responsible for making up the difference. Moreover, when he went to visit, this courtyard house was uninhabited, and there is no one until now.He refused to pay the price difference and resolutely took the original photos and all the auction evidence and records to prepare to appeal.

But petitioning to see Hokage is not that easy.

After the ninjas of the Sarutobi clan read these materials, they returned them to him.

And told, do not solve problems violently, but believe in the law and Sarutobi Hiruzen!Problems can be gradually reflected layer by layer.These materials should be taken to the Konoha Police Department and handed over to the Uchiha clan for processing, not directly to the Hokage Building.

Uzumaki Obito's grandfather also thought about it, the third generation of Sarutobi was busy with everything, how could he handle such a trivial matter, so he decided to hand it over to the Konoha Police Department the next day.

Unfortunately, when he woke up the next day, he found that the document he brought back had been burned to ashes.

But it doesn't matter, the cunning rabbit's three caves, he still has a backup.

So he took the backup and prepared to go to the Uchiha clan with a sense of justice.

Unfortunately, he was stopped by Anbu on the road and warned verbally, "Don't bother, the Konoha Court and the Ministry of Commerce have revoked the results of this auction. Please take back the auction money as soon as possible within 2 working days. If you don’t get the auction money back, you will bear the consequences.”

Upon hearing this, Uzumaki Obito's grandfather instantly became angry.

In order to buy this house, he has sold two small houses in Konoha Center.

Now only let him get back the auction money, how is this possible?

Uzumaki Obito's grandfather resolutely refused, and insisted that Anbu issue Konoha's formal written revocation ruling and tell him the complete reason, otherwise he would report to the Third Hokage and the forthcoming Fourth Hokage in person.

Anbu just sneered, and Bing tore up the materials in front of him, and performed illusions on him in an attempt to erase his memory.

But his grandfather would rather die than surrender in the whirlpool.

With a strong will, offset the illusion.

The Anbu was backlashed and collapsed to the ground.

Then, his grandfather was captured by Anbu.

The reasons are: the crime of seeking sex, the crime of obstructing public affairs, the crime of attacking Anbu, the crime of espionage, the crime of gathering crowds to disturb the order of Konoha, the crime of extortion, and the crime of endangering Konoha's public safety.

This betrayal was immediately put in prison.

He didn't dare to return from the outside until Sarutobi's five limbs were severed, Danzo defected, the Sarutobi and Shimura clans were almost wiped out, Koharu went to bed, and Mitomonyan's two advisers stepped down.

Nohara Rin listened carefully to what Uchiha Obito said, and carefully recorded what happened.

As for Uchiha Obito, he has long forgotten the heretic golem.

Hei Jue looked at the heretic golem far away in the sky and was in front of his eyes, full of thoughts. Soon he came up with a way to save his mother based on the "Mountain Rescue Mother" and "Lotus Lantern" he watched today.

Long, long ago, there was a beautiful, kind and wise God of Creation called Otsuki Kaguya, who bore the blessings of the people and gave birth to three children.

Among them were two children who were bewitched by the toad spirit because of their youth and ignorance. They listened to its slander and became evil gods. They trapped the kind and beautiful God of Creation Kaguya Otsuki Kaguya on the moon, and the world has continued since then With endless war.

While being imprisoned, the kind and beautiful God of Creation Otsutsuki Kaguya took advantage of Toad's unpreparedness and left behind her third child.

After her third child was born, she carried all the hopes of the God of Creation Otsutsuki Kaguya, and took it as her duty to put down the chaos of war.

But in order to save the god of creation and restore peace to the ninja world, it is necessary to collect nine tailed beasts to defeat the two evil gods.

During this process, he will meet a group of righteous partners to help him defeat these two evil gods and the toad spirit to rescue the beautiful, kind and wise God of Creation Otsutsuki Kaguya
Uchiha clan.

Ten tails stretched out chains one after another, sucking the souls of the nine tailed beasts into its body.

At the same time, his skinny body grew stronger.

As soon as the evil eyes on Uchiha Itachi's forehead lit up, the huge ten tails were sucked into it, and at the same time, the evil eyes on his forehead also changed into the appearance of Jiugouyu reincarnation eyes.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the sacred tree and becoming Ten Tails Jinchuriki, reward: a world tree. 】

[World Tree: One flower one world, one tree one floating life, one grass one heaven, one leaf one Tathagata, one sand one bliss, one side one pure land, one smile one fate, one thought one tranquility.Holding infinity in both hands, the moment is eternity. 】

[A grain of dust can fill the sea, a blade of grass can cut off the sun, the moon and the stars, and the sky can be turned upside down with a snap of your fingers! 】

At the moment when the sacred tree was absorbed, Uchiha Itachi had an extra world tree in his mind.

This world tree is growing slowly in a chaotic universe, surrounded by stars and stars, with fruits of different shapes growing on the tree, and the leaves are constantly changing colors, exuding all kinds of dazzling The radiance makes people look at it and can't help but indulge in it and cannot extricate themselves.

At the same time, Uchiha Itachi also knew some of the abilities of the World Tree, for example, the leaves with words on them represent the secrets of exercises.Those who have not written words have the ability to realize Taoism.

A fruit represents a kind of origin or bloodline ability, as long as one eats one, one can master a kind of ability.

For example, a fruit burning with flames represents fire escape.

For example, frozen fruit represents ice escape.

For example, the red fruit represents the blood of the Uzumaki family.

For example, the green fruit represents wood escape.

For example, the fruit of the white bone represents the bone vein.

To put it simply, it is a bit like the Devil Fruit in the One Piece world.

It's just that the world tree fruit is pollution-free and has no side effects, which is many times stronger than the devil fruit in the world of One Piece.

However, although the fruit of the world tree can endow the eater with powerful abilities, the degree to which the ability can be exerted depends on the strength of the capable person himself.

To put it simply, the fruit of the World Tree only provides an opportunity for people to grow. As for the level of strength, it depends entirely on the degree of development of the user's own abilities.

"Strange, why is it missing?" After Hei Jue arrived, the golem of the heretics had already disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi flew up to the sky, the evil eyes in his eyes exuded a strange light, echoing the heavenly eyes in the sky.

"Unlimited Tsukiyomi Skynet launch!" Uchiha Itachi's evil eyes lit up the Nine Gou Yu Samsara on his forehead.

A red light illuminated the entire ninja world in an instant.

At the same time, a sun and moon pattern appeared in front of everyone in the ninja world.

"Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to really live? The first activation is free, and subsequent logins need 1 chakra for an hour."

【YES or NO】

Jiraiya who was rushing back to Konoha: "What a powerful illusion!"

"Illusion · Solution!"

After a while, the light curtain was still in front of him.

Jiraiya: "."

I feel that you are embarrassing me.

After a while, Jiraiya gave up struggling, because no matter where he went, the light curtain followed him, and finally he had to choose YES.

He wanted to know who the hell was doing it.

Go in, just inquire about information.

Tsunade, who was rushing back to Konoha from Yuno Country: "."

meaning of life?Want to be truly alive?
Heh, it doesn't matter if you tap it, if you can really feel the meaning of life, then this life is worth it.

Hidan with a scythe on his shoulder was rushing towards Konoha.

Because he received information that Konoha has a guy who claims to be the evil god of Fire Cloud.

Hearing this information, Fei Duan became violent!

My followers of the evil gods dare not call themselves evil gods, but someone in Konoha dares to call themselves evil gods, can this be tolerated?

Thus, Hidan rushed towards Konoha non-stop.

At this moment, I saw the light curtain emerging in front of my eyes.

With a sneer, his whole life has long been dedicated to the evil god. Is there anyone else who understands the meaning of life better than him?

Fei Duan clicked directly without thinking, he wanted to see which bastard dared to play tricks.

【Please create a character, gender】

Jiraiya saw this reminder as soon as he entered, and without even thinking about it, Jiraiya directly chose a girl.

Soon, a female character appeared in an unreal world.

picture · jpg
【Welcome everyone to Ninja World Sims, everything you get here will be fed back to reality. 】

[For example, the ninjutsu you learned here is really learned in reality. 】

[For example, the things you buy here will also be delivered to you through time and space ninjutsu. 】

[For example, if you die here once, you will also experience the feeling of death in the real world. If you need to be resurrected, you need to buy resurrection coins.One resurrection coin is equal to 1 chatonla. 】

[Chakra conversion unit: 1 Chatonla = 1000 Chakra

1 Senshu Chakra = 1 Chakra = 1000 Chakra]

"It seems that it's not expensive." Zilai scratched his head, and controlled the character to enter Konoha Sims.

(End of this chapter)

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