Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 189 Get 3 Tails and 6 Tails, Ghost Kingdom

Chapter 189 Three tails and six tails in hand, ghosts and monsters in the kingdom of ghosts
The black dragon from the demon world, carrying monstrous magic power, combined with the flames of the demon world, wrapped the wolfberry yakura in it.

The crimson tailed beast coat on his body was quickly corroded by the flames of the demon world and burned to ashes.

The eyes of the sealed three tails in his body were full of fear.

Generally speaking, the tailed beasts are chakra-incarnated life forms, and even if Jinchuriki dies, it can be resurrected outside.

For them, death means liberation.

But the flame from the demon world actually burned into the seal, which was beyond Sanwei's expectation.

Because the raging black flames around here actually gave it a threat of death.

It was born with the first time to feel the fear of death!

The three tails with water escape and ice escape tried their best to fight for a chance of life.

But this black flame can ignore all of this.

Its ice cap was vulnerable to the flames and was quickly melted into water.

Its water tunnel is useless in front of Hei Yan, and it has been evaporated into mist before it gets close.

The desperate Sanwei could only watch helplessly as the black flame approached and burned it up.

"Dead, dead?"

"one move?"

"Just one move?"

"how can that be?"

Terumi Mei, Zabuza, Kanshi Kisame and others stared at Yakura Yakura, who was swallowed by the black dragon, with disbelief on their faces.

"Dead, so dead that I can't die anymore."

The roaring black dragon rushed into the sky, circled in the sky, and then flew back into Uchiha Itachi's hands.

Uchiha Itachi looked at the black dragon imprint on the palm of his hand, biting a turtle covered with thorns and three tails in his mouth, and smiled.

Sanwei got it.

Now, only the six-tailed rhino dog, seven-tailed Shigeaki, eight-tailed bull ghost and two-tailed goblins are left.

"How is it? Now that Kirigakure Village is finished, and the Daming Mansion has been breached by our Uchiha, let me tell you a piece of information by the way."

"Just today, the Kingdom of Earth is over, and the Kingdom of Wind is gone.

"The sand ninja fell apart, and the rock ninja scattered and fled."

"Next is Yunyin."

"Are you planning to fight to the death, or follow our Uchiha clan, pacify the Five Kingdoms, and unify the ninja world?" Uchiha Itachi looked at the three of them and asked.


"Is the land kingdom over?"

"The Kingdom of Wind is gone?"

"What are you kidding?"

When everyone heard this information, they thought they were hallucinating.


"The Land of Wind and the Land of Earth are the tail end of the Five Kingdoms, but they won't be wiped out. Don't we, Kirigakure, know?"

"Could it be that he fooled us?"

"Fudge, do you think it's necessary?"

"Can he hide such a big thing? Can he stop the people in the world? Just go to the ninja world and ask, and the rumor will be self-defeating, so I guess it is true."

"Well, I also think that what he said is probably true!"

"Just like the country of Uzumaki and the Uzumaki Clan back then, they were still wiped out overnight?"

"Well, that makes sense."

Uchiha Izumi's great country initiative was launched, subtly changing their thoughts about Konoha.

"Actually, I think Konoha is pretty good too. If they can really dominate the ninja world, what's the point of working under them?"

"Don't forget, there are many Konoha bloodstained families. They are the most inclusive."

"Our blood-stained family will definitely not suffer if we go."

"Look how well Ikacho, Hinata, and Uchiha are doing."

"Hmm. Makes sense."

"No matter how bad it is, it can't be worse than the country of water, right?"

"That's right, at least Konoha doesn't have the Blood Mist."

"Are you going to surrender or perish?" Uchiha Itachi said to the people who were discussing.

After everyone looked at each other, they quickly reached an agreement and were willing to join.

After all, now that Mizukage is dead, the daimyo is finished.

Wuyin Village can be said to exist in name only now.

Their resistance seemed pointless.

The key Uchiha Itachi's strength has completely conquered them.

They had no choice but to surrender.

Just like what they had just thought in their minds, the money belongs to the country, but their lives belong to themselves.

The country is destroyed, and the village is destroyed.

A change of ruler looks good too.

"I agree to join." Gan Shi Gui Jiao grinned at the corner of his mouth, and he was the first to agree.

It is the law of survival in nature that the weak eat the strong.

If you can't beat him, just join him, there's nothing wrong with it.

Besides, on the way to unify the ninja world, a big battle is indispensable.

He followed Uchiha Itachi to face a strong enemy together, which seemed to be good.

And he has an inexplicable affection for Uchiha Itachi.

That's why he joined.

"I agree." Terumi Mei sighed when he saw Shiro holding the puppy behind Uchiha Itachi.

The winner is king and the loser is bandit.

Pointless resistance will only increase casualties.

Besides, the Uchiha clan has already fought here, is her resistance still useful?
He can kill Goju Yakura in one move, so naturally he can kill her in one move.

The child named Bai is so happy now.

Proof, he's doing well.

Besides, a person who can say "I have a dream" shouldn't be too bad a person.

She believed him, that's all.

Zabuzhan took a look at Bai who was playing with Junma Lu while holding the puppy, and smiled.

Being able to let this child say "I have a dream person" proves that he is a peace-loving person.

At least, he won't let these children lose their innocent smiles.

"I believe in you!" Zabu Zhan said.

"Okay!" Uchiha Itachi's mouth curled up.

"I trust you too." A person sitting on the Water Shadow Building and blowing foam with a device in his hand said.

"Six-Tails Jinchuriki Bubble?" Uchiha Itachi said in surprise, he thought Bubble had defected, but unexpectedly he showed up on his own initiative, which is interesting.

"Well." Bubble jumped down from a high place, looked at Itachi Uchiha and said, "I can promise to join you, and I can help you deal with cloud ninja and unify the ninja world, but I have one condition, that is, the queen who will unify the ninja world , I can’t limit my freedom, I just want to find a place to live in seclusion quietly and live a good life. Occasionally go shopping, how about it, can you agree to this request?”

"As Six-Tails Jinchuriki, do you have freedom?" Uchiha Itachi asked.

Bubble fell silent.

Jinzhuriki is a time bomb, and no one knows when it will explode.

He also didn't know how long he could suppress the tail beast in his body.

"However, I promise you." Uchiha Itachi said.

Bubble, who was about to turn around and leave, was taken aback when he heard this sentence. He actually agreed?

"Aren't you afraid that I will run away suddenly?" Bubble asked doubtfully.

"I'm not afraid of Nine-Tails? Are you afraid of this mere Six-Tails?" Uchiha Itachi sneered: "For the sake of your willingness to surrender, I can help you take out the Six-Tails in your body."

"Take out the six tails in the body?" Foam's whole body tensed, his eyes were full of vigilance.

If the tailed beast leaves the body, Renzhuli must die.

Could it be that the purpose of the Uchiha clan is the six tails sealed in his body?
He wants his own life?
"Don't worry, you won't die." Uchiha Itachi said: "I won't kill you in full view. What good will it do me?"

"That's right." Foam looked at the surrounding Kirigakure, Terumi Mei and others. If he died, he would hit Uchiha Itachi in the face. If Uchiha Itachi was not sure, he would never say such a thing.

Bubble gritted his teeth and chose to believe Uchiha Itachi.

"Okay, you can do it. I believe in you."

"As you wish!" Uchiha Itachi activated his reincarnation eyes while speaking, and saw him pressing his hand on the body of the foam.

A huge slug soul with six milky white tails was pulled out of the seal abruptly by Uchiha.

After the tailed beast left, Bubble's face turned pale, his eyelids drooped, and he collapsed to the ground.

He could feel his vitality draining rapidly.

Just when he was about to lose consciousness, a warm current rose.

Bubble looked at Uchiha Itachi's right hand pressing on him, opened his mouth, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Although he was prepared, he was stunned by the powerful vitality transmitted by Uchiha Itachi.

He could feel this powerful vitality constantly healing his body.

After a while, he returned to his original energetic appearance, and all his injuries were gone.

"Thank you." Bubble said gratefully.

"You're welcome, just take what you need." Uchiha Itachi said lightly.

"Yeah." Bubble nodded, although Uchiha Itachi said so, but he was very grateful to help him get rid of the heart disease of tailed beasts.

"In the future, I will be sent, but just order it." Bubble said seriously.

"You don't need to be sent. We Uchiha have one more than you, and one less than you. If you want freedom, I will give you freedom."

"However, the ugly words are in the first place. In the whole world, is it the land of the king, and the shore of the land is the subject of the king."

"As long as you are in the ninja world, you must abide by the rules and laws, otherwise don't blame our Uchiha clan for being rude." Uchiha Itachi warned.

"Well, don't worry, I will definitely not cause you any trouble." Bubble promised.

"So much the better."

The Kingdom of Ghosts is a mysterious country with witches from generation to generation. The witches in this country have the ability to seal monsters and predict the future.

At the same time, this country is also sealed with a monster called sprites.

At this time, this country ushered in two people.

"You can't release monsters and monsters!" Maitreya, the witch of the ghost country, said in horror, holding Shion behind her.

"Why not?" Uchiha Itachi smiled.

"Once the sprites come out, the world will be destroyed, and I will never allow you to do that!" Maitreya said sternly.

"Really? I don't believe sprites can destroy this world." Itachi Uchiha said disapprovingly.

Maitreya: "."

"You will regret this!"

"You will become a sinner in the ninja world!" Maitreya stood in front of the sealed gate, trying to prevent the two from approaching.

But where these two have passed, no one is their enemy.

The soldiers who blocked them froze in place in a daze, unable to move.

At this moment, Uchiha has one eye on his forehead, and the eyes exude a strange light.

Wherever he looked, all the warriors present turned into his puppets, all pointing their weapons at Maitreya at the same time.

This is Yuyu Hakusho Hiei's ability, Xieyan, whose pupil power can manipulate creatures lower than his own strength, and can see through all illusions and perform long-distance perspective.

For Uchiha Itachi, this group of samurai is like chicken.

Just one thought can easily destroy them!
"Will I become a sinner in the ninja world?"

"Do not make jokes."

"Is it really okay to put such a big hat on my head?" Uchiha Itachi said playfully.

"As long as you break the seal, you are a sinner!" Maitreya said forcefully.

"Oh, woman, it's unreasonable." Uchiha Itachi wanted to say something, but Uchiha Izumi was beside him, so he gave up this sentence with a strong desire to survive.

"I heard that you can predict, come, count my fate, and see how long it takes for me to unify the ninja world." Uchiha Itachi said.

The time he set for himself was Konoha's 24 o'clock.

If nothing unexpected happens.

Before tonight, he will be able to destroy the Land of Thunder, destroy Yunyin Village, and then unify the ninja world.

Of course, if there is no peace, it can only be nuclear peace.

The current self has this ability.

Maitreya: "."

She also wants to count.But can't figure it out.

As usual.

Before these two people came to the kingdom of ghosts, she could dream about them and make preparations in advance.

However, until the two of them stepped into the kingdom of ghosts, appeared in her bedroom, and stood in front of her, she didn't notice anything.

In front of these two people, she even lost the ability to warn.

How is this counted!
The sea of ​​stars and stars she saw from this man.

When she wanted to get to the bottom of it and get information from them, her thoughts were immediately swallowed by countless black holes.

It can be said that these two people can't see clearly, can't explain clearly, and can't explain clearly.

Her powers of prophecy had no effect on him at all.

"Okay. Don't stop me." Uchiha Itachi looked at Maitreya and Shion behind her and said, "The sky is falling, and there is a tall man holding it up."

"This world doesn't need you as a woman to sacrifice!"

"If this world really wants you, a woman, to guard it by dying together."

"This world doesn't matter!"

"To be honest, there are many people in this world who can deal with sprites."

"For the five great countries and the five great villages, sprites are just a joke." As Uchiha Itachi spoke, he pointed his hand directly at the seal that had been guarded by the kingdom of ghosts for generations.

A blast.

The seal is broken!

A monster exuding strong resentment roared out from inside, followed by a group of three-meter-tall stone statues armed with stone weapons.

"It's over." Looking at the raging monsters, Maitreya sat slumped on the ground.

Not to mention anything else, just this invulnerable army of stone statues can easily wipe out the kingdom of ghosts.

What's more, this monster out of the cage?

"What's there to be afraid of?"

"You bumpkin, I don't know much!" Uchiha Itachi said lightly.

The scarlet Sharingan turned into Tenseikan.

Immediately, the control of the stone statue controlled by the monster fell into his hands.

This is Tenseikan ability, which can control puppets!
Susano appeared behind Izumi Uchiha, and a lotus lantern emitting colorful lights appeared in his hand, aiming at the raging monsters in the sky.

The monster sprite that had just escaped from the seal lost control of the stone statue before it had time to react.

Immediately afterwards, he was sucked into the lotus lamp!
From the appearance to the end, the monster sprites were devoured before they had time to say harsh words, which can be described as extremely aggrieved.

"That's it?" Uchiha Itachi looked at Mitreya and asked.

"Is this the sprite that has been guarded and sealed to death in your ghost kingdom?"


Seeing this scene, Maitreya opened his mouth wide, his eyes filled with disbelief.

She didn't expect that the witches and ghosts of the past generations of witches in the kingdom of ghosts, who worked so hard to seal the monsters, were just a matter of breathing for others.

She suddenly felt that the sacrifice of her ancestors was not worth it.

"I told you. The sky is falling and a tall man is holding it up."

"This world is not as weak as you think, there are too many masters!"

"Do you believe it now?"

(End of this chapter)

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