Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 184 Chapter 173 The Land of Water, I Have a Dream

Chapter 184 Chapter 173 Zhang Water Country, I Have a Dream

"Grandparents, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters from the Land of Water, hello, my name is Bai. I was born in a small village with deep snow in the Land of Water. Although our family lived a poor life by farming, But my parents are very content with the status quo, because compared to the country of water, which is in dire straits and has been in war for years, the people in our village are very satisfied with the peaceful and happy life at that time.

Because we have no wars there.

There is no famine.

My parents are very gentle.

Our family is very happy and happy.

But until one day everything changed. "

In the land of water, at the same time, projections appeared one after another in towns, villages, or alleys, playing like a mirage.

This is the ability of the Uchiha clan, a special ability that can record the screen and play it back. In the original book, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke, and Jue all used this to reappear past experiences.

It's just that it is Uchiha Itachi who uses the ability of the Tianyan satellite to use the reincarnation eye to play the entire recorded video to the entire country of water.

"Is this little girl named Bai? She looks so beautiful, what a sign!"

"Ah, the old man's girlish heart!"


Appearance is justice, so when Kawaii's children appear in the eyes of everyone, the hearts of women in the country of water and men controlled by their daughters almost melt.

Whatever he said, he was right!

Zai Buzhan looked at Bai's figure in the sky with a dazed expression. He didn't know why, but he had a feeling in his heart that he was very important to him.

The head of Wuyin Village, Lao Yuanshi and Terumi Mei looked at the mirage in the sky, squinted their eyes, Qing Huiyi next to him opened his eyes, and scanned the surroundings, trying to find the source of the projection. After a while, he shook his head, and there was no No abnormality was found, and the location of the caster was not found.

It can only be said that the person who released this projection technique is too strong.

It is so powerful that no one can find the trace of the technique.

"Looks like it's another technique aimed at our Wuyin Village!" Master Yuan said.

"Well, it should be another family dissatisfied with the fourth generation's rule." Terumi Mei nodded approvingly.

"I don't know what the organization behind this person, or the caster, wants to express through this girl."

The citizens of the country of water are a little curious, but judging from what the little girl said, it seems that she is not having a happy life.

Maybe it's because of the war.

The crowd sighed.

The screen continues.

"Just because of an order from the fourth Mizukage Kutachi Yakura of Kirigakure Village, the entire land of water became dark and dark. The Seven Ninja Swordsmen who originally performed difficult tasks for Mizukage in the past were also dissatisfied with the tyranny of the village. And fled one after another.

Dissatisfied with the fourth generation of Mizukage Kutachi Yakura's rule, the blood-continuing Genkai family revolted one after another in order to protect themselves, trying to overthrow the tyranny of Mizukage.

However, the Fourth Mizukage suppressed all of these with great strength.

The winner is king and the loser is bandit.

This endless war has resulted in the death of a large number of outstanding ninjas in the land of water.At the same time, as the loser, the blood-successor limiter has also become an existence that everyone shouts to beat and everyone shouts to kill, which makes people turn pale.

People are also afraid of the war and hate the owners of the blood succession boundary, thinking that they started the war.

My mother is a Bloodline Boundary, and has kept this secret for a long time.

Until that day, when I was playing casually, the villagers and my father found out that I had the secret of blood inheritance limit.

In order to keep the peace of the village, the villagers led a team to persecute my father and kill my mother.

When they were about to kill me.

In a panic, I used the blood follower limit and killed everyone present with the ice pick.

Overnight, our happy family became torn apart. I went from a child with a happy family to an orphan.

You can only beg in the streets and alleys of the country of water every day.

Live a precarious, lingering life.

All of this is because I am a blood successor limiter.

I just want to ask now, isn't the life of the blood-successor bounder not his life? "

Hearing Bai's words, everyone was silent for a while.

As long as there is some power in the country of water, people or ninjas with some background will understand why Wuyin Village has become what it is today.

All because of the policies of the Fourth Mizukage Kutachi Yakura.

Because of his selfishness.

his prejudices.

Hidden Mist Village has become the Village of Blood Mist.

Ninjas, countless civilian casualties.

In fact, everyone wants to live a peaceful life.

Everyone hopes for an early end to the war.

But the people or forces who went to stop Goju Yakura, or the blood successor limit family are all dead.

Too many people died.

As a result, everyone in this country and this village is in danger, and everyone has nothing to do with themselves. They are afraid that the city gate will catch fire and bring disaster to the fish in the pond.

They were afraid that they would implicate themselves, so they became cowardly and indifferent. They turned a blind eye to this kind of atrocity, and dared not speak out.

Simply put, the spine has been broken.

In fact, Hidden Kirigami Village will become the Village of the Blood Mist. The root cause of this situation is not because at this stage, the fourth generation of Mizukage Goju Yakura is just a puppet, and the person standing behind him who really controls the overall situation , is Uchiha Obito with the pseudonym Uchiha Madara.

As for why Uchiha Obito made Wuyin Village look like this?

All this is because of the death of a person in Kirigakure Village, the most important woman to Uchiha Itachi Obito-Nohara Rin.

During the time when Uchiha Obito was rescued by Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Madara sealed Sanwei in Nohara Rin's body, turned her into Sanwei Jinchuriki, and set a spell in her heart to prevent She committed suicide.

In order to destroy Wuyin Village's plan to attack Konoha, Nohara Rin can only use her own method, which is to let Kakashi kill herself.

And this scene was also seen by Uchiha Obito at the time. After that, Uchiha Obito can be said to have a grudge against Kirigakure Village.

Because he knew that Kakashi would never kill Rin, and Rin Nohara would definitely be framed if he would do so, but what he didn't know was that Uchiha Madara was the real mastermind behind the scenes.

So he could only put all his hatred on Wuyin Village, the chief culprit!

If they hadn't been chasing and killing Lin, Lin wouldn't have died!

It is precisely because Nohara Rin died under the conspiracy of Wuyin Village that Uchiha Obito decided to take revenge on Wuyin Village.

So he used Sharingan to control the fourth-generation Mizukage Goju Yagura at that time, and implemented a series of policies to turn Wuyin Village into a place of blood mist. pain!
As Nagato said, only those who feel pain, experience pain, understand pain, and know pain will understand the value of peace.

So the reason why Kirigakure Village became the Village of the Blood Mist is entirely because of Uchiha Madara's plan, and they moved people who shouldn't be moved.

But there is no way, after all, Uchiha Madara and Otsutsuki Chenxiang Jue's plan is too thorough, and through the death of Nohara Rin, Uchiha Obito will fall into endless darkness.

Wuyin Village probably didn't expect that the culprit of his village becoming like this was a Chunin from Konoha, right?

Not to mention, all of this was just because a licking dog wanted to avenge the goddess he had a crush on, right?
So, those who are broken in love cannot afford to be hurt.
"Thousands of years ago, the great Sage of the Six Paths quelled the troubled times and established the Ninja School. Decades ago, the first generation of Mizukage Bairen ended the Warring States Period and established a powerful Wuyin Village in the Land of Water.

They are like the light of a lighthouse, bringing hope to millions of citizens of the country of water who are suffering in the fire of injustice that destroys their lives.It came like a joyous dawn, ending the long night that held men in bondage.

Today, decades later, we must face up to the tragic fact that we have not yet achieved freedom and ended the war.

Today, decades later, under the shackles of apartheid and the shackles of racial discrimination, the lives of our descendants are squeezed;

Decades later, we still live on an island of poverty in a sea of ​​abundance;
Decades later, the blood-successors still shrank in the corners of the society of the country of water, and realized that they were exiles in their homeland.

I stand here today to bring this appalling situation to light.

Today we are to give all people in the land of water the inalienable right to life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness.

We also came to this holy place to remind the Land of Water that now is a very urgent moment.Now is by no means the time to talk about cooling off or taking the tranquilizers of gradualism.Now is the time to realize the promise of democracy.Now is the time to climb the bright avenue of racial equality from the desolate and dark valleys of apartheid, now is the time to open the doors of opportunity to all sons and daughters of the Sages of the Six Paths.

If the country of water and even the ninja world ignore the urgency of time and underestimate the determination of the blood-successors, then this will be fatal to the country of water and even the ninja world.

If the hearty autumn of freedom and equality does not come, the scorching heat filled with righteous indignation of the blood inheritors will not pass.

If the peace needed by the Bloodline Boundaries and even the common people cannot be given, the struggle will not end, but begin.

Some people hope that the blood successor limiter will be satisfied as long as he vents his anger;

If the Kingdom of Water is peaceful and there is no response, these people will be greatly disappointed.Without the rights of citizens, there will be no peace or tranquility in the country of water and even the ninja world; if the bright day of justice does not come, the whirlwind of rebellion will continue to shake the foundation of this country.

But to the distraught people waiting at the gates of the Palace of Justice, I must say something.

In the process of fighting for legal status, let us not take the wrong course.Let us not drink from the cup of enmity and hatred in order to satisfy our thirst for freedom.We must always be well behaved and disciplined in our struggle.We cannot allow our radical protests to degenerate into violence.We must continue to sublimate to the lofty realm of using spiritual power to deal with material power.

Now the Bloodline Boundary society is full of great new fighting spirits, but we can't distrust all ninjas because of this.

Because many of our ninja brothers and sisters and even ordinary people have realized that their destiny is closely linked with our destiny, and our today is their tomorrow.

Proof that they rose with us;
Their freedom is inextricably linked to ours.

We cannot act alone.

When we act, we must pledge to move forward.We cannot go backwards.Now some people are asking the civil rights enthusiasts, "When will you be satisfied?"

We will never be satisfied as long as blood inheritors and even civilians are still subjected to unspeakable brutal persecution by nobles and those in power.

We will never be satisfied as long as the basic activities of blood inheritors and even civilians are only transferred from small slums inhabited by ethnic minorities to large slums.

As long as there is still a blood-successor or even a commoner in the ninja world who cannot participate in the election, as long as there is a blood-successor or even a commoner who thinks that his voting is useless, we will never be satisfied.

No!We are not satisfied now, and we will not be satisfied in the future, unless justice and justice are like the waves of the river, surging and rolling in.

I did not fail to notice that some of the people who participated in today's rally have suffered and suffered a lot; some have just come out of small prison cells; Tottering in the whirlwind.You are chronic sufferers of man-made pain.Go on with it, firmly believe that suffering undeserved pain is a kind of redemption.

You must know that this situation can and will change.Let us not sink into despair.

Friends, today I say to you, in spite of all the difficulties and setbacks we have suffered now and in the future, I still have a dream.This dream is deeply rooted in the dream of the country of water and even the ninja world.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and truly live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident - that all men are created equal."

I dream that one day, people from all villages and countries can sit together and share brotherhood.

I dream that one day, even Wuyin Village, a place called Blood Mist where justice has disappeared and oppression prevails, will become an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that one day our children will live in a nation where they will be judged not by the color of their skin, nor their blood, nor their class, but by the quality of their character.

I have a dream today.

I dream that one day, the country of water will be transformed. Although the fourth generation of Kutachi Yakura is still full of dissent and persecutes the blood-successors, I believe that one day, boys and girls in this country can ignore their blood and empathize with them. Flesh and blood, go hand in hand.

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day, the valley will rise, the mountains will fall, the rough and tortuous road will be smooth, the light will be revealed, and the world will be fully illuminated.

This is our hope.I returned to the land of water with this belief.With this faith, we shall be able to hew a stone of hope from the rock of despair.With this faith, we shall be able to transform the cacophony of strife in this nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.

With this belief, we will be able to work together, pray together, fight together, go to jail together, and stand together for freedom, knowing that one day we will be free.

On the day when freedom comes, all the sons and daughters of Liudao will sing this song with a new meaning: "My village, Wuyin Village, the beautiful land of freedom, I sing for you. You are the place where the fathers died, you It is the pride of the country of water and even the ninja world, let the voice of freedom resound from every mountain."

If the Land of Water is to become a great nation, this dream must come true.Let freedom ring from the misty hilltops!Let the voice of freedom ring out from the mountains of the land of water!Let the voice of freedom ring from the summit of the land of water!
(End of this chapter)

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