Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 178 The main body and the reincarnation are similar to the main body and the shadow clone...

Chapter 178 The main body and the reincarnation are similar to the main body and the shadow clone.
The system's answer was unexpected and reasonable.

For the current Uchiha Itachi, the system is beneficial to him.

However, he is always worried, maybe because he has a slight paranoia of persecution
After all, Taizu once said that there is no love for no reason in the world, and there is no hate for no reason.

He will always ask for something from you.

Throwing away the thoughts in his mind, Uchiha Itachi said to the Sage of the Six Paths: "Then, have you researched anything in these years?"

"I have some thoughts." Immortal of the Six Paths said: "

You know, chakra is an energy created by the perfect fusion of mental energy and physical energy.

At the same time, it is also the source of energy for performing ninjutsu, illusion and body skills.

Among them, spiritual energy is closely related to the soul.

When the spiritual energy in the chakra is cultivated to a certain level, the soul can be condensed into substance.

For example, I took out the ten tails of chakra from the heretic golem, and its chakra was divided into nine parts by me, which is now the nine tailed beasts.

For example, Kato Duan's spiritualization technique.

For another example, I am now, as well as Hamura, and Minato and Kushina who were once sealed in Naruto's body.

These are all symbols of the physicalization of Chakra.

Reincarnation refers to the spiritual energy in the chakras of Indra and Asura, that is, their souls.

Every time the chakras of Indra and Asura are reincarnated, a new chakra will be produced from their chakra source.

Similar to Shadow Clone, but different from Shadow Clone in that it is physical.

Due to the new body, this chakra will gradually give birth to its own independent consciousness and ideas, which can also be regarded as a new soul;

This newly born soul will co-exist in a body with the souls of Indra and Asura.

At this time, the souls of Indra and Asura exist like subconscious minds.

Although their souls are independent, they are closely related.

For example, the reincarnation of Indra would use Sharingan, Fire Dungeon and Thunder Dungeon.

For example, the reincarnated person of Ashura will practice immortal mode, blast pill, wood escape, and possess his powerful vitality and body.

This is all traceable.

Of course, because Indra and Asura Chakra are too powerful and obsessed too deeply, the newly born consciousness will be affected by their consciousness unconsciously, and their behavior will be subtly changed.Make exactly the same moves as Indra and Asura, or complete what they left unfinished. "

"Simply put, the greater the strength, the greater the influence."

"While the new souls are practicing chakra, in the subconscious, Indra and Asura Chakra, who are one with them, will also be strengthened."

"For example, Uchiha Madara and Senjuzhuma will regard each other as rivals under the influence of Indra and Asura. The two people who once cherished each other will also become antagonistic due to the influence of Indra and Asura. "

Speaking of this, Sage of the Six Paths looked at Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi and said, "I say this, can you understand?"

"Well." Uchiha Itachi nodded and said: "So, you think, because the souls of Indra and Asura and the previous reincarnations are independent, their reincarnations are not real reincarnations, "

"Because Uchiha Madara and Senjujuma are new individuals and new lives. Although they are influenced by Indra and Asura Chakra, they are not really Indra and Asura.

This also makes you feel that the six paths of reincarnation you have built are not complete, right? "

"Yes." The Sage of the Six Paths nodded.

"So, you think that the real reincarnation or rebirth is to have a complete soul, similar to the reincarnation of the dirty soil or the reincarnation, rather than having its own thoughts and personality characteristics like the shadow clone. Right?" Uchiha Itachi said.

"En." The Sage of the Six Paths nodded again.

"To be honest, this is a bit difficult. Unless you inject your own soul into it when the life is not born and is still a tadpole, it is possible to complete this important task." Uchiha Itachi said.

"So, the current pure land can only accommodate souls. Perhaps, one day, when I become as strong as my mother, it will be possible to complete this technique." The Immortal of the Six Paths sighed.

"Yeah." Uchiha Itachi nodded.

Otsutsuki Kaguya, as the final boss, is known as the incarnation of the sacred tree, the true face of the ten tails, the creation god of the ninja world, and the existence of the ancestor of Chakra.

Not only does she have the two pupil techniques of white eyes and reincarnation writing round eyes, but she can also use "Huangquan Biliangsaka" and "Tianzhi Yuzhong".

At the state of Otsuki Kaguya, she can forcefully transfer herself and the people around her to the real space she freely weaves in an instant, which is irresistible!

Transformable spaces include: Lava, Ice, Hypergravity, Sand, Acid, and more!
These five spaces are directly connected with the first ball space.

It can be said that Otsutsuki Kaguya is the real god of creation.

As for the pure land created by the sages of the Six Paths, it is just a small world.

And Otsutsuki Kaguya created six at once!
The strength of the two is very different.

As for Uchiha Madara and Senjujuma, who were reincarnated by Indra and Asura, they have their own ideas and personality characteristics, which are almost equivalent to a brand new life.

Just like the 450th episode of "Naruto" anime "Shadow's Counterattack", it very cleverly talked about the relationship between the main body and the shadow clone.

In the plot, as usual, Naruto used the technique of multiple shadow clones to create a large number of shadow clones to help when he encountered something and needed help.

The shadow avatars received instructions from the main body, worked desperately, worked tirelessly, and did not complain about being tired, just like today's social animals, hard-working workers are oppressed by capitalists, 996 every day, and 007 if it is serious, no benefit at all arrive.

The ontology is like their master, able to order them at will.

These shadow clones have served the main body for free for a long time, and they are always the first to rush to the front in battle, even sacrificing themselves to protect the main body.

Although the shadow clones didn't say anything verbally, they were not happy in their hearts.

This led to an uprising against the main body in a dream by a clone, and tied the main body up in the dream.

After the shadow clone disappeared, this dream was brought into the consciousness of the main body.

Only then did the main body realize that each avatar had its own thoughts, its own personality, its own needs, and its own personality.They are not satisfied with being arbitrarily ordered by the body, they need to be respected, valued, considered, and recognized...

Only then did the ontology understand that the shadow avatar is just like today's social animals, it is an individual, and it is not a tool to be used arbitrarily.

Do they really not ask for anything in return for working overtime without pay?Are they really without complaint?Don't they really have an iota of private thoughts?

Yes. They were just suppressed and did not dare to resist.

"Okay, the method of creating a pure land has been taught to you."

"You will need to work hard on your own later." Sage of the Six Paths withdrew his hands from the physical avatars of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi.

"However, your two avatars are very interesting, just like the real thing." Sage of the Six Paths stared at Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi, and said to the two physical avatars:

"Well, it's just that the strength is a bit weak, similar to the reincarnation eye's elephant turning technique."

"Only has [-]% of the actual strength."

Uchiha Itachi: "."

Uchiha Izumi: "."

Sorry, this is because we deliberately lowered our strength.

"However, although the technique of shadow clone is easy to use, it can be seen by a strong person at a glance." Immortal of the Six Paths said.

"Oh?" Uchiha Itachi was a little surprised.

Uchiha Izumi's expression is a bit weird, you can really see that, can you still admit us?
"In fact, you can tell the difference between the main body and the shadow clone by looking at how rich the chakra is." The Immortal of the Six Paths said: "People with less chakra can't tell the difference between the shadow clone."

"For those who can distinguish the shadow clone, the shadow clone must have less chakra than the main body."

(End of this chapter)

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