Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 172 Onoki, You Kill My Grandson, I Will Kill Your Son!With your whole family!All must die!

Chapter 172 Onoki, You Kill My Grandson, I Will Kill Your Son!With your whole family!All must die!
Under the restriction of the enchantment, Luo Sha and Xie in the hall had no escape, and were directly crushed into nothingness by Dust Dun!

Watching Luo Sha and Xie die in front of him helplessly, Luo Sha's shadow guards had their eyes cracked, and they took out their kunai one after another, staring at Onoki floating in mid-air and panting heavily, their eyes were full of hatred. color.

Ohnoki looked indifferently at the shadow guards below, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and ordered: "Kill! Don't let any one go!"

"Yes!" Huang Tu and Chi Tu, who received the order, rushed towards the shadow guards ferociously.

At the same time, warriors from the Kingdom of the Wind rushed out from all around, enclosing the inner three and outer three floors of the shadow guards in Sand Ninja Village.

"Onoki, let me tell you, you are dead!" The leader of the shadow guard stared at Onoki in the air and said with hatred. After speaking, he made a gesture.

The few people next to him understood.

Although he was unwilling, he also understood that someone must stay in the rear, and the others took the opportunity to rush out of the encirclement and bring back the information that Kazekage Luosha and Scarlet Sand Scorpion were murdered by Earth Shadow and the daimyo of the Wind Country.

"Kill!" Several shadow guards fought desperately with the loess, red earth, and the warriors of the country of wind.

The others took the opportunity to break out of the encirclement.

Maji, Hakura, Chiyo, and Ebino originally went to Daming Mansion together with Luo Sha, Chisha Zhixie and others.

But on the way, they found that the whole scene in the Kingdom of Wind was out of control, and they had to act separately.

Luo Sha and Red Sand Scorpion went to Daming Mansion, and they stayed behind.

Chiyo and the others originally wanted to seize some of the nobles' money.

I didn't expect the people below to be so wolf-hearted.

There is no distinction between right and wrong, black and white, they are nobles, and they will all be defeated.

The black sheep among sand ninjas even kills, rapes and loots, committing all kinds of evil.

Not only the nobles were killed, their money was robbed, even their wives and daughters were not spared.

Along the way, Ye Cang, Maji, Chiyo, and Ebino, besides eradicating the black sheep in Shayin Village, punished the evil and promoted the good and killed some rebels who committed crimes and took the opportunity to amass wealth, as well as those who were completely blinded by money.

When they came to the Daming Mansion of the Land of Wind, they happened to see the shadow guards who were hunted down by the warriors of the Land of Wind, and the ninjas of Yanyin Village, two lands of earth and red earth, who were chasing them.

"Hahaha, loess and red earth, you are dead." The shadow guard, covered in blood and wounds, laughed a few times after seeing Ye Cang, Chiyo and others, and then fell to the ground.

"Scorching Escape · Oversteam Kill!" Ye Cang didn't even think about it, and directly opened his big move, a large-scale AOE ninjutsu came, and countless fireballs flew out of his hands, towards the warriors of the Kingdom of the Wind who were chasing and killing the shadow guards As well as loess and terracotta.

"Tudun·Tuliubi!" At the critical moment, Huangtu and Chitu joined forces to use Tudun to save their lives.

Stone walls rose up, blocking the attack of the fireball.

However, the warriors of the Kingdom of the Wind were not so lucky.

The bursting fireball passed along the way, and the warriors of the Kingdom of the Wind were evaporated to dryness, and fell to the ground in a miserable shape, turning into mummies.

With one move, all the chasing warriors of the Wind Country were wiped out.

"Shooting ninja Ye Cang and Ma Ji?" Huang Tu and Chi Tu stared at Ye Cang and Ma Ji, who blocked their way one after the other with ugly faces, and said.

"Hmph, you want to leave after killing the people in our sand ninja village?" Maji snorted coldly, wrapped his hands in the wind escape chakra and killed towards the loess and terracotta.

"Where are Xie and Luosha? How are they?" Chiyo asked eagerly while performing medical ninjutsu to heal the injuries of these shadow guards.

As for Ebizo, he guarded Chiyo to prevent someone from attacking him.

"Ahem, Chiyo-sama, I'm sorry, we were careless." A member of the Shadow Guard coughed blood in his mouth and cried with tears in his eyes: "He is famous in the land of Noki and Wind, and he doesn't talk about patience."

"You actually tricked Lord Fengying and Lord Xie into the palace and left us outside."

"The moment Master Fengying and Lord Xie entered the palace, they immediately formed a barrier."

"When we found out, it was too late to stop them. We could only watch as Kazekage-sama and Scorpion-sama were trapped by the barrier, and Tukage used Dust Dungeon."

"What, scorpion, is already dead?" Hearing this, Chiyo swayed as if struck by lightning, almost fainting.

She has lived in seclusion these years, and she just wanted to invent a technique to resurrect her dead son and daughter-in-law and give her grandson a complete home.

Now, Scorpio, dead, everything is gone.

"Onoki!" Chiyo roared hoarsely and indignantly, tears of blood flowed from his eyes.

This is angry!

His grandson, after much difficulty, the prodigal son turned around and returned to Sand Ninja Village.

As a result, after only half a day, the people disappeared.

For Chiyo, this bad news was like a bolt from the blue, which completely wiped her out.

"Death! Everyone must die!" Chiyo stood up unsteadily, looking at the loess and terracotta who were fighting with Ye Cang and Ma Ji, his eyes were full of hatred.

Onoki, if you kill my grandson, I will kill your son!
With your whole family!
must die!
"Bai Secret Skill: Ten people in Jinsong!"

Bang bang bang sounded.

Ten puppets in white clothes and masks appeared and rushed towards the loess and terracotta.

"Be careful!" As soon as Huang Tu, who was fighting Ye Cang, made a sound, Chi Tu was cut to pieces by ten people from Jinsong.

"Damn it!" Seeing the dead Chitu, Huangtu stared at Ye Cang, Maji, and Chiyo who were controlling the ten people in Kinmatsu with eyes wide open.

Huangtu looked at the people around him and his face darkened. He had no idea that all the senior officials of Sand Ninja Village were near the Daming Mansion of the Land of Wind.

If he knew, he wouldn't dare to attack rashly.

"We must flee back and bring the information to father." Huang Tu backed away with a gloomy face.

Even though he knew that he could not escape, he still wanted to struggle.

"You can't escape!" Chiyo said indifferently, walking slowly from a distance.

Trapped beasts still fighting?

He wants to pay homage to her dead grandson with the blood of the ninja in Yanyin Village.

"This is the reward!" Daimyo of the Wind Country readily handed the scroll containing the silver to Onoki.

Onoki took a deep breath and put the scroll away.

Dust Escape·Boundary Stripping Technique is an upgraded version of Dust Escape·Original Realm Stripping Technique. It not only has a wider range and greater power than Dust Escape·Original Realm Stripping Technique, but also has a persistent effect.

Any object approaching the technique of stripping the boundary will be reduced to atomic state and crushed into nothingness.

It was precisely because of this powerful blow that Luo Sha and Xie, who were trapped in the barrier, had no escape and could only sit and wait to die, resisting the blow.

But fortunately, he won the fight.

Under this move, Luo Sha and the Red Sand Scorpion were directly crushed into nothingness and turned into powder.

And he just spent a lot of chakra and accidentally sprained his waist.

It can be said that this transaction made a huge profit.

"What's the matter, why haven't the loess and terracotta come back yet?" Onoki was a little surprised. He originally wanted to let the loess and terracotta show off, and there was no need to kill them all.

The purpose is to make the land of wind and sand ninja village fight each other, so that he can stand on the daimyo's side of the land of wind and raise the price.

At that time, not only can you keep getting benefits, but you can also use this to weaken the strength of Sand Ninja Village.

It can be said to serve multiple purposes.

He clearly hinted that the loess and terracotta should not be pursued too deeply, if there is a problem, come back as soon as possible.

However, why it took so long and you haven't come back yet?

Just when he was feeling uneasy.

Suddenly, a samurai from the Kingdom of the Wind came in in a panic and reported, "My lord, it's not good."

"Sand Ninja Village has come in."

"What?" The face of the daimyo of the Wind Country changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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