Chapter 170

country of wind.

"Illegal nobles, may I ask which law we nobles have violated?"

"Why do you criticize us?" A nobleman said angrily.

"Why? Don't you understand such a simple truth? Just because you are innocent and full of guilt, because you occupy most of the land and money in the land of the wind! Just because you block our Sand Ninja's way to get rich Road!" The leader, Sand Shinobi, snorted coldly in his heart, and said to the onlookers: "Who will expose the crimes committed by this guy?!"

The people of the Country of Wind present were completely silent.

The nobleman sniffled and smiled gratefully.

As long as you walk upright and sit upright, you sand ninja fake gangsters, don't try to slander me!

People's eyes are sharp!
Seeing the stalemate, a sand ninja wearing a mask walked up with a gloomy face, and said to the people present: "Fathers, folks, don't be afraid, we will always be your strong backing, revenge if you have revenge, complain if you have resentment, We call the shots for you!"

After speaking, no one dared to move.

No one dares to be this early bird.

At this time, Sand Shinobi above gave the person below a look.

After confirming the eyes, I met the right person, one of them was a commoner pretending to be a sand ninja, and I knew it.

A poor man in ragged clothes walked up to the stage angrily, and said angrily, "Fathers and folks, I am miserable!"

This sand ninja was like an orangutan, beating his chest, and took the lead in crying loudly: "My grandfather was oppressed to death by their family when I was eight years old. I was a long-term worker when I was two years old. Chunhuang borrowed one bag of grain from him, but three bags were deducted during the autumn harvest, and it was these two bags of grain that made my two younger sisters die young because they had no money for medical treatment."

"He is the murderer who killed my sister!"

Under the crying of Sand Ninja, other Sand Ninja hidden in the crowd also cried, and the nobles who were fought also cried loudly, he complained.

"What else do you want to say?" Sand Ninja on the stage shouted.

When it came to this, Sand Shinobi, who was pretending to be a commoner, roared at the nobles together: "Kneel down!"

The noble had no choice but to kneel softly.

Others who didn't want to kneel down had their feet broken by Sand Ninja's force and they knelt down.

Sand Ninja turned his head and gave the nobleman a hard slap, and shouted loudly: "Say, how much money have you embezzled from the people? Say, how much have you taken from the villagers?"

"Be honest and tell me!"

Sand Shinobi's slap deeply stimulated the people present,
The villagers here couldn't help but take a deep breath, because they never dared to imagine that the aristocratic nobles in the past had become what they are now.

This slap not only hit the nobles, but also their authority and their face.

Even some people who think nobles are good have a bad impression of nobles. They didn’t expect that they are usually pious, but they secretly work for tigers. We have been deceived by this beast all these years!
Seeing that there was no action from the villagers, Sand Shinobi on the stage gave everyone a look again.

Sand Shinobi, who pretended to be civilians, began to cry: "This is the one who has no conscience, and stole my family's family heirloom!"

"That was left to me by my grandfather from the Warring States Period!"

"In the end, this bastard paid 5 taels of silver, and snatched away my family heirloom!"

"It's not human!"

"It's a beast!"

"Unexpectedly, he is such a person." One by one, the villagers pointed.

"Okay, is this what he snatched!" Sand Shinobi opened a gold vase from the inside.

"That's right, that's it!" the civilian incarnation of sand ninja said excitedly.

"Then I'll give it back to you!" The leader Sand Shinobi returned the 'stolen goods' to the civilians with both hands.

The civilians left with tears of gratitude.

The villagers below had wide-eyed eyes. Isn't this a family heirloom of the nobles?How did it become his?

"My lord, that coral belongs to my family!" Another villager pointed at a coral and cried out.

"Okay, I'll give it back to you!" Sand Shinobi brought up the coral and handed it to the villager with his own hands.

"Ah this?"

"That's okay." The villagers were dumbfounded.

But when they saw that the things in the noble's house were being emptied, their eyes were all red.

"My lord, that chair and that bed belong to my family. He ordered but didn't pay for it."

"Okay, take it back!"

Don't worry about scarcity but inequality. After seeing someone divide up the things, the reserved villagers no longer calmed down. They rushed forward one by one, saying that these things belonged to his family, but they were snatched by the nobles. .

"Everyone has it, don't worry!"

"Out to mix, sooner or later have to repay!"

"It's not that I didn't report, it's that the time has not come!"

"Today is their end!"

"Fathers, folks, come one by one! Don't worry!"

Seeing that his property was confiscated and robbed, the nobleman's eyes were tearing open: "If you dare to rob me, let me tell you, it won't be long before the daimyo will send someone here. By then, you will call me your own father." Too late!"

"You mobs, remember all of them!"

"Eat mine, drink mine, and now rob me! A mob! Robbers!"

"You still dare to threaten?" The villagers who were afraid of being retaliated were all terrified, and some of them even showed madness.

Now that you have these things, do you still want to go back?
is it possible?
So some people were angry from the heart, evil to the guts, with a gloomy face, they said: "You killed my relatives, you pay for your life, take your life!"

"That's right!"

"I want to avenge my family!"

In order to avoid future troubles for themselves, the originally simple and honest villagers gave the nobleman a knife with murderous intent in their eyes.

The relatives of the nobles were distraught when they saw their family members die.

If one dies, one dies. What if his family retaliates?
Cut the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze will regenerate them, and they will not leave any hidden dangers.

So, one by one, holding a knife, they walked towards the noble's family ferociously.

Either don't fight, or fight to the death, and there will be no future troubles!

Not far from the village, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi Mikage's avatars turned into Heaven and Earth, pointed at the scene below and said: "In some places, the relationship between the nobles and the poor is relatively harmonious.

At this time, we must find a breakthrough, that is, someone takes the lead.

As Mr. Shu said, beasts always travel alone, while cattle and sheep come in groups.

If we cattle and sheep want to avoid the fate of being eaten by ferocious beasts, we have to unite.

Groups are always safe in my opinion.

Unity is strength.

Therefore, we have to go from the masses to the masses and look for a leader who "has suffered greatly and hated deeply".

The leaders are generally old people, women, and marginalized people in the village. It would be even better if they could find some depressed people who had experienced some tragic past events.

Because based on past experience, these people suffer the most, feel the deepest oppression, and are the easiest to mobilize successfully.

After determining the mobilization target, in order to further discover their "suffering", in order to let them have an intuitive understanding of the extent to which the nobles exploited themselves, you have to subtly help them settle accounts.

While cultivating the "suffering masters" well, it is necessary to further expand the scope of the "suffering masters" and let them provide clues to other people who are also "suffering and hating" in nearby villages and outside the village.

After mobilizing several "suffering masters", gather them together and let each "suffering master" confide his suffering to other "suffering masters", so as to achieve the effect of "comparing suffering" and "climbing suffering".

In this way, their awareness of suffering has been strengthened, and their complaint skills have been cultivated, which has prepared the conditions for the upcoming "complaint conference".

Among them, the complaining meeting requires everyone in this area to participate, and at the same time arranges for the "suffering masters" to tell their tragic experience of being oppressed and exploited by the nobles at the meeting.

The main purpose of this gathering was to arouse the common hatred of the nobles in the participants.

Through this kind of assembly, the authority of the nobles in the eyes of the poor was broken, and finally the nobles were forced to bow their heads and confess their exploits.

Of course, the venue of the grievance meeting is also very particular. It is required that the venue must be serious, and the participants must not laugh, so as to achieve a cool and solemn atmosphere.For example, in the "dark dilapidated houses" inhabited by poor peasants, the choice is more immediate and effective in the dim light at night.

In the "Complaint Meeting", an important feature is "crying". Crying can fully mobilize the emotions of the venue and exaggerate the atmosphere of the venue.

Those who complain suffer, those who listen cry, children cry, adults cry, young people cry, and old people cry too. If you can, you can set an example and cry together with the masses.

Those who work hard can cry until they pass out.

It's more contagious that way.

When these things are ready, after the nobles admit their exploitation, you can start to calculate the "hard account", that is, distribute the land and property of the nobles.

One of the most important purposes of calculating bitter accounts is to consolidate the results and eliminate the sense of guilt that may exist in some people's hearts.

Doing the hard work allows them to figure out how much the nobles have exploited them over the years.

In this way, those who follow you will eliminate the uneasiness in their hearts, and accept the fruits of struggle with confidence.

When the nobles were overthrown, the commoners who followed you got the land they needed, and you Sand Ninja got money.

At this time, even if the daimyo wants to send troops to suppress, these masses will spontaneously stand in front of you and take up arms to defend their fruits of victory. "

Every word uttered by Uchiha Itachikage's avatar was recorded by the people of Sand Ninja Village, and then spread throughout the Land of Winds through birds, carrier pigeons, psychic beasts, etc.

At the same time, the nobles who were criticized one by one, their properties were sealed into the scrolls, and they were transported to Sand Ninja Village in an endless stream.

On the way to the Daming Mansion of the Country of Wind.

Chiyo, Ebino, Maji, and Hakura watched the increasing wealth, their eyelids twitched, they never thought that making money would be so easy.

"Is our behavior killing the chicken and taking the eggs?" Ye Cang swallowed and said, the money came so fast, he was a little at a loss.

"Lord Ye Cang, I'm thinking too much." Uchiha Itachi's transformed Tian Can replied, "You should know that corrupt officials can't be killed."

"After these nobles die, new nobles will be born."

"Children and grandchildren are infinitely scarce, so there is no need to worry about Haiyan Heqing."

"That's true. Corrupt officials can't be killed." Chiyo sighed and said: "When the old class disperses, a new class will be born."

"In the long run, new nobles and new corrupt officials will be born."

"That's the law."

(End of this chapter)

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