Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 156 The Red Sand Scorpion VS The Governor

Chapter 156 The Red Sand Scorpion VS The Governor
"Honor Nanwu [-], with vast supernatural powers, can cover a thousand square meters, saving all living beings to bliss!"

The governor's machine gun transformed into a howitzer and blasted towards the sky, exploding in the sky like fireworks, and then the shells fell like celestial maidens scattered flowers, heading towards Orochimaru.

The sound of boom boom boom sounded.

The place where Orochimaru was located was directly washed by shells, and the ground was blown upside down. The entire desert was covered with smoke and dust.

"Fei Liuhu · Needle Eight Waves!"

"Crimson Flowing Hu Yishou Qianben!"

The red sand scorpion, which was swept into a honeycomb by Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, came out from the other side of Feiliuhu, and I saw blue chakra lines appearing on his hands and five fingers, manipulating the tattered, almost scrapped The crimson liuhu human puppet fired poisonous needles and stingers towards the governor.

There was a swishing sound, poisonous needles fell like rain, and a rattling sound sounded. The governor, who was not avoiding, was shot into a beehive. His body was densely covered with poisonous needles and stingers, like a hedgehog.

"Isn't it crippled even if you don't die?" Orochimaru, who escaped from the desert again with the Orochi-ryu substitute technique, looked at the governor in the distance with his eyes narrowed, and murmured in a low voice with a gloomy face.

This macho man is not afraid of poison or snakes, so he is very restrained.

Before he could figure out the opponent's intelligence, Orochimaru decided to stick to it for the time being and let Xie go first, anyway, his puppet didn't feel bad.

"Huh?" The Scarlet Sand Scorpion, who thought the battle was over, crashed.

Because of the poisonous needle, the governor who was stabbed by the poisonous thorn turned into a puddle of molten iron, and then returned to his original state under the shocked eyes of Orochimaru.

Not hurt at all!

This is so perverted!
"Is this the ironization technique?" Orochimaru, who was hiding in the dark and observing carefully, suddenly remembered the hydration technique of the Ghost Lamp Clan. Liquefied, thus immune to physical attack.

Looking at the restored governor, Orochimaru licked his lips, he became more and more interested in this hunk wearing sunglasses.

If you can capture him, you must gain a lot!
"This is a bit difficult." The Scarlet Sand Scorpion murmured.

If this person is immune to physical attacks, then his puppets are basically useless to him!
No wonder this person dared to stop him and Dashewan, so they had nothing to fear!

"Unfortunately, you still chose the wrong target!" The Scarlet Sand Scorpion raised his hands, and pointed a gun barrel at the governor.

"See if your metal is hard, or my fire is big!"

"Scroll·Fire Prison Array!"

Yin-yang and five elements are mutually generated and restrained, and what is restrained by fire is gold!
Streams of flames shot out from the palm of the Red Sand Scorpion, heading towards the governor.

As the flames passed by, the rocks along the way, as well as the shell shells and poisonous needles dropped to the ground just now, were melted into water.

It is conceivable that even steel will be melted into juice if it is sprayed with flames.

The electronic eye in the eyes of the governor, a column of data flashed through, and a thermometer appeared, quickly calculated, and the result was quickly obtained.

The temperature is too high, it is not suitable to confront the enemy head-on!
So the governor stepped on his feet and ran quickly. While avoiding the attack of the flames, he raised his hand and aimed at the target, ready to attack.

Orochimaru, who was watching secretly, saw that the governor knew how to avoid it, and a strange look flashed in his eyes. Could it be that fire conquers gold, this person is afraid of fire?

So Orochimaru quickly formed a seal, and poisonous snakes appeared, and quickly got into the desert.

When the laser cannon in the governor's hand was ready to fire, his body suddenly froze. When he looked down, he found poisonous snakes emerging from the desert and entangled his legs, causing him to stagger and fall to the ground.

At this moment, the Red Sand Scorpion saw the right moment and instantly increased the output of chakra. The Scroll·Fire Prison burst into flames and burned towards the Governor.

The flames approached him, but the governor was not afraid, and before it melted, he still fired the laser cannon that had gathered in his hand.

The laser cannon flashed away and hit the target accurately!
At this moment, the governor's skin also turned into molten iron.

Orochimaru came out jie jie jie, the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole followed!

The strongest person may not be him, but the one who survives to the end must be him.

Soon, under the scorching flames, the governor turned into a puddle of molten iron.

When Orochimaru took out the scroll and squatted down to seal the pool of molten iron, suddenly an alloy skeleton came out from behind him, his left hand strangled his neck, and the mechanical palm of his right hand turned into a steel knife. above his neck.


Just as Orochimaru was about to speak, the alloy skull slapped his neck mercilessly, and the corpse was separated instantly.

"So you are also a puppet master!" The red sand scorpion slowly walked over, and above his head was a puppet with blue hair and yellow eyes!
It was the third Kazekage with the title of "The Strongest Kazekage in Ninja History", um, this man who was as powerful as Sarutobi Hiruzen the strongest Hokage in Konoha history blocked the laser cannon for him!

At this moment, the molten metal turned into the appearance of the governor again, standing together with the alloy skull, staring at the red sand scorpion expressionlessly.

"Is this your real strength?" The red sand scorpion looked at the governor who separated the mechanical body and the liquid metal form for two-line operation, and a look of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

There are not many people who can force him to use three generations of puppets, and the governor has won his respect.

The governor didn't speak, but directly rushed towards the Scarlet Sand Scorpion.

"Magnetic Dun, Sand and Iron Rain!"

In an instant, the third Kazekage summoned sand iron like waves out of thin air, and then the sand iron formed countless thin needles and shot them towards the governor at high speed.

Biubiubiu's voice sounded.

When these thin needles made of sand and iron were about to touch the governor, the governor's body suddenly became liquid, and he easily escaped the attack and avoided the fate of becoming a hedgehog again.

At this time, the Alloy Skull also took advantage of this to rush towards the Red Sand Scorpion.

But the Scarlet Sand Scorpion just casually took out a scroll and tore it up!
Hundreds of puppets in red robes appeared and stood in front of the governor!
"Red Secret Technique·Hundred Machine Exercises Participate!"

Soon, hundreds of puppets using different weapons surrounded the governor.

Generally speaking, a puppeteer's strength is measured by the number of puppets he controls, and the number of fingers is only ten. Using ten fingers to control the white secret technique of Kinmatsu ten people like Chiyo is already the limit.

But the Red Sand Scorpion transformed himself into a puppet, using the "regeneration core" in his body to control hundreds of puppets at once, completely overturning the tradition!
Needless to say, he is a genius!

These hundreds of puppets are extremely powerful in combat. The Scarlet Sand Scorpion once used this trick to easily destroy a small country.

Under the combined attack of the Hundred Machines Exercise, the Alloy Skull couldn't move an inch, and couldn't touch the Red Sand Scorpion.

Even if Gatling Bodhisattva is used, it has little effect.

The barrier created by the three generations of Kazekage Magnetic Escape·Sand Iron Realm completely locked the liquefied governor inside.

Just when the Scarlet Sand Scorpion spread its palms and aimed at the governor, ready to deal with it with the Scroll·Fire Prison Array and the Scroll·Extreme Eclipse.

As soon as the symbols on the alloy skull lit up, a man and a woman appeared on the battlefield. At the same time, puppets wearing sun and moon protection and wrapped in gauze appeared on the battlefield one by one. Siege!
(End of this chapter)

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