Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 150 Dragon Hall · Wooden Puppet

Chapter 150 Dragon Hall · Wooden Puppet

"Shen Nong, the current leader of Kong Ninja Village, based on medical ninjutsu physical activation and physical regeneration, plus Zero Tail's dark chakra, he improved a forbidden technique called Bamen Dunjia · Body Transformation.

This technique can enable the caster to obtain the ultimate physical body, and the eight gates that are fully opened will not die. " Uchiha Itachi said.

"Won't you die if you open the Eight Gates?" Uchiha Fugaku was a little shocked.

"That's right." Uchiha Itachi nodded. In fact, Tsunade's Ninja Creation and Regeneration·Hakugo Technique can also be used in conjunction with Bamen Dunjia, but the cultivation is a bit harsh.

"Konin Village?" Uchiha Madara murmured.

"Konin Village in the Kingdom of the Sky? The Nara Clan, the Yuu Clan, and the Yamanaka Clan are their nemesis. They are not very powerful." Senshou Feijian touched his chin and said.

A very weak village, he didn't pay attention to it.

It's just that I didn't expect that a junior from Kong Ninja Village invented such a powerful forbidden technique. Sure enough, there are still some masters in the current ninja world.

"This village was wiped out by Konoha during World War II. I didn't expect that there were still people surviving." Uchiha Fugaku said: "Why, do you want to wipe them out?"

"Well, I have already sent my shadow clone to lead the Hyuga Clan, Yume Clan, Nara Clan, and Yamanaka Clan to take action. Presumably, they have already arrived at the residence of Kuronin Village." Uchiha Itachi said.

"It seems that you have prepared everything for us." Senshou Bashirama said happily.

"That's right, just wait for you to be resurrected." Uchiha Itachi smiled and said.

He and Quanmei separated into seven physical clones, and countless shadow clones acted together.

An entity clone leads the Hyuga clan, the Yume clan, the Nara clan, and the Yamanaka clan to the country of Sora.

An entity clone led the Uchiha clan, as well as Kakashi, to the Snow Country.

An entity clone followed Minato and Kushina to the Land of Grass.

An entity clone stays in Konoha to handle government affairs.

The remaining three physical clones are sleeping.
The remaining unimportant shadow avatars were divided into three parts, one for practicing immortality, one for practicing six ways of immortality and the power of yin and yang, and the other for sleeping.

The avatar can speed up the practice, and the memory and experience of the avatar will return to the main body after it is released. Because this technique consumes too much chakra, people who do not have a huge amount of chakra will hurt themselves or even endanger their lives if they use this powerful exhaustion after surgery. , so not many people cultivate.

But Uchiha Itachi awakened the Reincarnation Tenshogan, and devoured half of Nine-Tails' yin chakra. Now Chakra has been promoted to Chatonla, and it can't be used up.

Coupled with the ability to share the red line of the main command of the great country, Uchiha Izumi also mastered the ability shared by Uchiha Itachi, so the two acted together.

As for Yang Kyuubi, who was received by Uchiha Izumi in the banner, he was unrestrained and indulged in love and freedom all his life. Under the influence of Uchiha Izumi Ai, he willingly dedicated his Yang Kyuubi Chakra and reincarnated.

As soon as it is resurrected and the Yin-Yang Nine-Tails reunite, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi will take it home with the ability of the Great Country Master.

On the way, Uchiha Itachi told T-800: "Governor, go and bring me Scorpion and Orochimaru. Remember, you have to live."

"OK!" After the governor nodded, he transformed into a fighter jet, soared into the air and flew into the distance.

Muye Square is crowded with people, shoulder to shoulder.

Maitekai, with one adult and three children, is selling wooden dolls: "Everyone, pass by, pass by, don't miss it!"

"Hi everyone, we are from the country of Sawa, entrusted by the patriarch Uchiha Itachi, I, Akira, will be a gymnastics teacher at the Konoha Police Academy."

"At the same time, our Longtangyuan will open in Konoha today. Friends who like gymnastics are welcome to come and exchange ideas!"

"Because I arrived in your place for the first time today, patriarch Weasel promised me that I could set up a stall here for one hour, so our Longtang Yard will give away [-] wooden dummy posts for free to friends who like physical arts."

"First come, first served, while supplies last!" Akira yelled with a loudspeaker.

"Okay!" The crowd cheered, each of them held a lottery ticket with a number behind it, which was related to whether they could win the lottery, and it was free.

For the onlookers, as long as it is a free gift, no matter whether it is good or not, take it first and then talk!
"Is Akira strong?" Outside the crowd, Uchiha Izumi asked Uchiha Itachi with eyes wide open.

"Yeah." Uchiha Itachi nodded, Akira was included in the eighth round of the "Famous Collection of Victory in Life" by Maite Kai, and even Kisame didn't get this treatment.

"He is from the country of Ze, and because of the quest, he once fought against Maitekai. Although he was defeated by Maitekai's eight sects, he and Maitekai cherished each other and established a strange bond. .

The most important point is that the Longtangyuan boxing method he practiced was approved by Maitkai.

That's why I invited him to Konoha Police Academy as a gymnastics teacher. " Uchiha Itachi said.

"Is there anything else?" Uchiha Izumi said, if only based on this, Itachi would not bring her here himself.

"Look carefully." Uchiha Itachi said.

"Is this a puppet? There is chakra in the wood? And talisman paper?" In Uchiha Izumi's eyes, she saw the mechanism and talisman paper in the wooden figure, as well as the flowing chakra.

"Yeah." Uchiha Itachi nodded slightly.

"Dear friends, before the event starts, let me declare that the wooden dummy we sell and give away can not only be used for cultivation, but also be used as a puppet."

"Everyone, please look!" Akila said, his three children, Longtangyuan Magic General, Longtangyuan Liujiao, Longtangyuan Xieguang formed a seal quickly.

"Ninja Jutsu Wooden Manipulation!"

The wooden figures stood up one by one, stretched out their wooden hands and feet, and performed various boxing techniques just like real people.

Everyone was stunned.

"This wooden dummy can move!"

"My God, if you buy a wooden puppet, isn't it equivalent to owning a gymnastics teacher?"

"Here, friend, you are right, but they can not only accompany you in cultivation, but also do housework."

"The most important point is that they can fit together!" Akila said, and the wooden stakes gathered together one by one, one on top of the other, and soon formed a tower castle made of wood!
"Don't underestimate these wooden figures!"

"They can accompany each other to do housework, and they can merge into a castle when they retreat!"

"No matter how hard it is, even a ninja can't break it!"

"It can be said that the wooden mannequins in our Longtangyuan are unique and unique, only for classics!"

"My friends of Konoha, what are you waiting for? Longtangyuan's reward activity is in full swing. As long as you buy today, we solemnly promise that all friends who buy wooden puppet figures will receive a seal scroll. Buy ordinary wooden figures Friends of Zhuang are all given a [-]% discount, there are many discounts, if you want to buy as soon as possible, don’t miss the opportunity!”

"It's better to act than to be moved, please buy it quickly!"

"I'll buy one, I'll buy a wooden dummy and go back to do housework!"

"Okay, please put away your wooden dummy!"

"I want ten puppet wooden figures!!"

"Okay, please check and accept, there are ten puppets sealed in this scroll!"

"One hundred copies! Wooden puppet!"

Soon, the puppet wooden figures placed in Konoha Plaza were sold out!Those who didn't get it, disappointed, could only look at the remaining [-] puppets that were going to be presented as gifts, hoping that they would be lucky enough to be favored by the god of luck.

"Then, next, it's time for the exciting lottery draw!" Akira shook the lottery box in his hand, and then quickly scrolled on the big screen.

Each end number is 500 sets. It can be said that there are no less than 5000 people around here.

"Congratulations to the friend whose number ends in 1!"

"Ah! I hit it, I hit it!" The villagers cheered happily!
"Congratulations to my friend who ends in 7!"

"Ah!" There were bursts of exciting screams.

"Happy time is always short-lived. We, Longtangyuan, never thought that wooden puppet figures would be so popular in Konoha."

"I have decided that our Longtang Institute will take out a thousand wooden puppets and donate them to the Konoha Orphanage for free!"

"Okay, Boss Renyi!"

"In the future, I will support your store!" Each and every villager gave their thumbs up, expressing their affirmation to Longtangyuan!

"One hit seven? It seems that this is a wonderful person! Apart from the lottery, I still don't forget to flatter." Uchiha Izumi smiled. She and Itachi have been to the world of Yitian Tulongji, and through sharing with Itachi, use the ability of the great country to rule learned the language there.

Can't help but think of the homonym of Uchiha Itachi.

"Okay." Uchiha Itachi smiled.

Just when the two were about to leave, a person came over and said to Akira: "As the teacher of the Konoha Police Academy, he even made a big publicity, openly selling and giving away the puppets of Sand Ninja Village, especially in the A place like Konoha Square."

"As the teacher of the school, don't you consider the influence of Konoha's people?"

"What's on your mind!?"

"I am asking you to stop your activities immediately and close the shop!"

"Otherwise I will report to the relevant department!"

When Maitekai heard this, he was dumbfounded. He set up a stall, handed out wooden stakes, and needed a certificate?He suddenly panicked.

"My friend, hello." Akila stopped Maitkai behind him, and smiled at the person who came.

"Who is your friend? I turned to Xiaojun, but I don't know you! Don't mess around!"

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't expect to hold an event here. Giving away puppets would have such a big impact. I didn't think well. In fact, these puppets were made by our Dragon Hall and have nothing to do with Sand Ninja Village."

"Our Longtangyuan will pay attention in the future." Akila said apologetically.

"Oh, sorry?" Zhuanzhu Xiaojun sneered: "Who knows what your purpose is for posting this?
Say, be honest, who told you to post this?

What is your intention?
What do you want to split?
Who are you mocking?
Want to subvert what?
destroy what?
Have you obtained approval from relevant departments for posting things here?
What is the motivation?
What are you mapping? "

"Hehehe, what a big tone. What's the matter, I, Uchiha Itachi, invite someone, and I have to get the approval of your sleep-transfer family?" Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi walked in hand in hand.

"And you are mere ninjas, who gave you the courage to scold two ninjas?"

"I have long heard that the Zhuanzhu family is arrogant. When I saw it today, it is true." Uchiha Itachi sneered.

"It's over!" Turning to bed Xiaojun saw Uchiha Itachi's appearance, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Patriarch Itachi, you have misunderstood. I am just out of goodwill. Besides, who knows if he is a spy of Sand Ninja Village, who knows whether the puppets he sells are qualified or not. These seem to have not been approved by Konoha's Ministry of Commerce."

"Qualified, absolutely qualified!" Akira took out two certificates and said: "This is a temporary stall certificate issued by Lord Wudaimu. And here is the certificate of qualification."

"The wooden puppets of our Longtangin, the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan, and the Konoha Police Department each purchased [-] combat-type wooden puppets. The quality is good! Absolutely no problem!"

"It's over!" Hearing this sentence, Xiaojun's whole body turned cold, and there were fighting puppets. So, these are all commercial puppets?
He felt that he hit the iron plate this time!
"Although I don't like the puppets of Sand Ninja Village, but I know the bottom line of human sophistication and life!"

"As the saying goes, don't reach out to hit a smiling person. The wooden puppet stakes sold in Longtangyuan are not wooden puppets for combat. If you don't like it or accept it, just leave.

Why bother.

And are you from Konoha Business Department and Konoha Police Department?

Even if Ryodoin is really a spy of Sand Ninja Village, Anbu and Konoha Police Department are responsible for the investigation.

I really don't understand how you are a tolerant person. You don't even understand the most basic ways of dealing with people and common sense.

You are a mere forbearer, and in public, what qualifications do you have to interrogate in person?
Who gave you the guts, and what role do you, or you, the sleeping family play in it?
It seems that you, the sleep-swapping family, I should investigate carefully. " Uchiha Itachi finished.

There was a whoosh sound.

Masked Anbu appeared behind Itachi Uchiha.

"Pull him down for a good interrogation. Also, the assembler will check for me the Zhuanzhu clan and the Mito clan who used to be in charge of the Konoha Commerce Department. I want to see if it's not without the permission of the two clans. Others are not allowed to do business in Konoha!" Uchiha Itachi said.

"Yes!" After Anbu bowed to obey, with a whoosh, he escorted the person away.

(End of this chapter)

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