Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 148 Hashirama: You always say I'm stupid, but I'm not stupid at all

Chapter 148 Hashirama: You always say I'm stupid, but I'm not stupid at all

"Seal?" Uchiha Madara found the blind spot.

"That's right, I'm sealed inside the moon. The person who can't beat my brother Otsuki Yuromo, she is very strong." Otsutsuki Yumura said.

He originally wanted to say that it sealed my mother.

But now Konoha rules the world with filial piety.

If the descendants know that their ancestors sealed their mother, they will be very disappointed, right?

So Otsuki Hamura told a white lie.

"But. We destroyed the moon just now, but we didn't find anything." Senshou Zhuma scratched his head and said.

Generally speaking, as long as the seal is destroyed, the seal can be unsealed.

But the moon was obviously destroyed by them, and they didn't see anything coming out of it.

Thinking of this Qianshouzhujian, he suddenly froze: "Could it be that the one sealed in the moon is Otsutsuki Ichishi?"

"The enemy with white eyes and reincarnation eyes just now escaped from the seal, right?"

"It's over. That's big trouble!"

The Senshouzhujian was about to collapse, and the ancestors of the Six Paths Sage Otsuki Yuyi and Otsutsuki Yucun had finally sealed the enemies, and they let them out.He felt a great uneasiness in his conscience.

"No, Hashirama, you misunderstood. The seal inside is not Otsutsuki Ishishiki. It's someone else." Otsuki Hamura smiled and said.

"To release the seal, two conditions are required. One is to gather all the nine tailed beasts to become Ten-Tails Jinchuriki, and the other is to use the reincarnation eyes or ten-tailed eyes to release infinite Tsukiyomi to release the seal."

"Let's not talk about Tenseiyan and Reincarnation Eye. Only my brother and I have them. After we passed away, the descendants never awakened again. Of course, Madara, Itachi, and Izumi are exceptions.

"The ten tails, that is, the sacred tree, was divided into two by my brother Otsutsuki Hagoromo. The body of the ten tails, that is, the golem of the heretics, was sealed on the moon by me. As for the ten tails chakra, it was divided into nine parts. It is the Nine Tailed Beasts of today."

"In order to prevent the seal from being lifted. My brother established the Ninja School and distributed the power to Indra and Ashura. He also sent the nine tailed beasts to all parts of the world.

Indra has the eyes of a fairy and became the ancestor of the Uchiha clan.

Asura has the body of a fairy and has become the ancestor of the Thousand Hands and Uzumaki Clans.

As for me, before going to the moon, I also made two-handed preparations, and also divided my power into two.

It is divided into the Otsuki lineage on the moon and the Otsutsuki lineage on the earth.

Under the system of clan and division, the Otsutsuki lineage on the earth was divided into two, and the bloodline was diluted, becoming the Hyuga clan with white eyes and the Kaguya clan with my fairy bones.

In this way, the blood vessels of Reincarnation Eye and Reincarnation Eye were diluted, and the nine tailed beasts were scattered all over the world by the two of us.

It is almost impossible for the enemy to awaken Samsaragan and Tenseigan, and gather all nine tailed beasts to become ten-tailed jinchur power and release infinite Tsukiyomi. "

Uchiha Madara: "."

Who says it's impossible, if I awaken the eyes of reincarnation and give me a few more decades, I might be able to gather all the nine tailed beasts, become a ten-tailed Jinchuriki, and release infinite moon readings.

But thinking of this, Uchiha Madara shivered.

I went to FMD and almost fell into the enemy's plot!

If he gathers all the nine big tailed beasts, releases infinite moon readings, and releases the enemies, isn't he doomed?

Fortunately, I died early, and fortunately Hashirama sent the Nine Tailed Beasts out, or I would really be a sinner of the entire ninja world.

Thinking about it, Uchiha Madara gave Senju Hashirama a grateful look. He is indeed the man I value. If he hadn't sent the tail beast out, I would have become a sinner in history.

"Who says it's impossible? Didn't I gather all the nine tailed beasts, and Madara awakened the eyes of reincarnation?" Qianju Zhujian pinched his waist with both hands.

Everyone: "."

Uchiha Tajima, Uchiha Izuna, Uchiha Togama, and Uchiha Fugaku who is making soy sauce looked strangely at Senju Hashirama. Are you proud to gather all nine tailed beasts?

"So, the words on the family stele of our Uchiha clan are also fake?" Uchiha Itachi snapped his fingers, and a space passage appeared, leading directly to the Nanga Shrine in the Uchiha clan.

"It must be fake! Anyone with a discerning eye can see it!" Uchiha Madara said: "If Infinity Tsukiyomi can really achieve peace, then the Six Paths Sage who awakened the eyes of reincarnation and became Ten Tails Jinchuriki would have succeeded long ago. What are our descendants doing?"

"So, I think there must be some conspiracy behind it!" Uchiha Madara recalled that Uchiha Itachi had said at the clan meeting that there was an invisible black hand manipulating and guiding everything.

Since he Uchiha Madara is not behind the scenes, he must be the damn thief!

Damn, he almost fell for his tricks, Uchiha Madara gritted his teeth!
He hates being used the most!
"That's right, there must be a conspiracy." Uchiha Tajima, Uchiha Izuna, Uchiha Fugaku and others nodded their approval in agreement.

"Actually, Hashirama and I hid something from you." Madara Uchiha gave Senju Hashirama a look while speaking.

After confirming the eyes and meeting the right person, the two were childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, you know my strengths, I know your depth, and they are fencing together, learning from each other, growing up with each other, and making progress together.

"What's the matter?" Everyone was curious.

"Before the Battle of the Valley of the End, I suspected that the family stele recorded that "the two forces mutually repel each other, and they are combined into one, and the whole world is pregnant." "There is a problem with these few words." Uchiha Madara said calmly without blushing.

"what is the problem?"

"That's the same sentence, if Unlimited Moon Reading can really achieve peace, why didn't the Sage of the Six Paths do it?"

"If immersing yourself in the world of illusion can achieve real peace, how is that different from dreaming?"

"There is everything in the dream, unfortunately, that's just self-deception. So I suspect that there is something wrong with this stele." Uchiha Madara pretended to be serious and nonsense: "Just like the predecessors doubted and denied that Hashirama and I cannot unify the ninja world. , just like ending the war.”

"So, I intentionally played a fake match with Hashirama in the Valley of the End, in order to lure out the people in the dark.

"But I didn't expect that he hid very deeply and didn't show up.

So, I simply feigned death, tattooed the flesh and blood of Zhujian on my body, and tried to see if I could awaken the eyes of reincarnation as the family monument said, and made a secret agreement with Zhujian. " Uchiha Madara opened his mouth and came.

Uchiha Itachi: "."

Make it up, keep making it up for me.

"What agreement?" Everyone was curious.

"The agreement is that if the thief appears, we will join hands to kill him.

If he doesn't show up, Madara will deliberately feign death and hide in the ninja world, secretly investigating the truth!

But I deliberately pretended to be stupid and sent out the captured nine tailed beasts.

If the enemy really has a conspiracy and wants to achieve unlimited monthly reading, he must capture the tailed beast or buy the tailed beast.

This way we can take the opportunity to find out who is behind the scenes and kill him!
But we never expected that the enemy hid very deeply and did not appear.

I had no choice but to distribute one of the Nine Tailed Beasts to each village, preventing the possibility of the Nine Tailed Beasts becoming one. "While speaking, Senshou Zhujian gave Madara a look.

It means that I helped you get round, and you also have to help me wash away this shame.

Uchiha Madara: "."

"Haven't you ever thought about what if the stele is real?" Qian Shou interjected.

He didn't believe that his brother would have such a brain.

"If it's true, it's not difficult for me, who fuses the cells between the columns and awakens the eyes of reincarnation, to catch the nine little pets back.

It's a pity that neither Zhujian nor I thought that that battle would be a farewell forever.

I couldn't see him until Hashirama died of illness. "Uchiha Madara sighed.

"So, there is me in Madara's heart." Senju Zhuma was moved in his heart.

"Just when I thought this stele was fake and was about to die, I finally awakened the eye of reincarnation."

"At that time, I was old and weak, and I couldn't catch the tail beast at all, let alone use the natural technique of reincarnation to resurrect Zhujian."

"In the end, I had to find a person who has the same bloodline of the Senju Clan and the Uzumaki Clan before I died, and transplanted my reincarnation eyes to him. He is the Nagato of the Land of Rain." Uchiha Madara said.

Uchiha Itachi: "."

Pull, let me see what you say.

Uchiha Itachi took out a small notebook and wrote down what Madara and Hashirama said.

"That's right." Senju Bashirama nodded, Madara was right, and he didn't accept rebuttals. They were such a friendly couple, how could they have internal strife?

It must be the enemy's conspiracy!
All the mistakes are the fault of the man behind the scenes!
"And then?" Otsutsuki Hamura was equally curious.

"Then after I died, the enemy finally moved." Uchiha Madara said.

"Who is the enemy?" Everyone's face turned cold.

"I guess it's Shimura Danzo and Otsuki Ichishiki behind him!" Uchiha Madara gritted his teeth.

Uchiha Itachi: "."

Do you have no doubts about Heijue, Datongmu Chenxiang?

"It turned out to be them." Everyone suddenly realized.

"After my death, Danzo immediately contacted Hanzo of Yuyin Village and attacked Nagato, trying to take away the reincarnation eye I put on him. Fortunately, Nagato survived.

In the back, Danzo's heart is not dead, and he tried to capture Kyuubi while Kushina was giving birth.In the end, Minato sacrificed himself to seal the Nine Tails in his body.His plan naturally failed. "Uchiha Madara said: "These materials are all found in the root base of Danzang. "

"So that's it. It turns out that all of this is a conspiracy by Danzo and Otsutsuki." Everyone suddenly realized.

"That's why you always say that I'm wrong to distribute the seal-tailed beasts. But you don't understand my deep meaning." Senshou Zhujian sighed, and said complacently: "You always say that I am stupid, but in fact I am not stupid at all. Most of the time I'm a smart one.

Hey, don't be jealous of mediocrity, the strong are always lonely.Madara and I were really having a hard time. "

Everyone: "."

"So, is all of this a conspiracy by Otsutsuki?" Otsuki Hamura murmured, "No wonder when I went to the moon, I clearly distributed my power to my descendants. Awakening might be right.

However, when the descendants of my descendants were sleeping in my sleep, the branch members on the moon frantically exhausted their entire clan's strength to contribute their supercilious eyes, and merged countless supercilious eyes into one, annihilating the members of the Otsutsuki clan who advocated peace , and plundered their white eyes, and merged into a giant Tenseigan.

Thinking about it so carefully, the abnormal behavior of the members of the branch family may really be bewitched by Otsuki Ichishi. "The more Otsutsuki Hamura thought about it, the more he felt that Otsuki Isshiki was behind the scenes.

"I didn't expect that my brother and I made so many arrangements. It almost made Otsutsuki succeed."

"So our family has been deceived?" The young Otsutsuki Tonero also became resentful towards Shimura Danzo and Otsutsuki after hearing the words of his ancestors and seniors.

They were the ones who killed their own clansman and destroyed the Hamura Temple!
This hatred is inseparable!

"Since the enemy has obtained the giant Tenseikan, then the next step is to gather all the tailed beasts and release Infinite Tsukiyomi." Otsutsuki Yumura analyzed.

"So, you have to get ahead of the enemy and find all the tailed beasts."

"Never, never let the enemy's plot succeed!"

"Otherwise the whole ninja world will be over!" Otsutsuki Hamura said.

"Then what should we do after we find the tailed beast? With our strength, we are no match for Otsutsuki at all!

What if the enemy is done once and for all, waiting for us to gather all the tail beasts, and then take advantage of the fisherman's profit and catch us all in one go? " Qianshou Zhujian said.

"Are you stupid?" Qian Shou Feijian cursed secretly in his heart, and then said: "Brother, don't forget, we have Sheren, Itachi and Izumi on our side.

The three of them have Tenseiyan and Reincarnation Eye.

Wouldn't it be good if we were the pillars of the people?

In this way, how can Otsuki Ichishiki and the others steal Churiki? "

"That's right." Hearing what Senshou Feijian said, Senshou Zhujian suddenly realized, and rubbed his head in embarrassment: "As long as we are Renzhuriki, how can they snatch it?"

"Niidaime is right, as long as the three of us stay together, and there are two ancestors, Yumura and Hagoromo, who are in charge, Otsuki Ichishiki dares to come, and Konoha will take away their ashes!" Uchiha Itachi said.

"That's right." Uchiha Izumi nodded, and Itachi was right.

"Then if this is the case, you can go back. If you have something to do, call me online."

"As for Sanren, you should go back and study with Itachi. I will stay here to protect the seal." Otsutsuki Yumura said.

"Okay, ancestor." Datong Musheren replied respectfully.

"Itachi, since I've gone to Earth, these puppets will be handed over to you." Otsutsuki Hamura waved his hand, and tens of thousands of puppets appeared densely in front of Uchiha Itachi, with a pile of books attached.

Uchiha Itachi took a look, oh well, it turned out to be a puppet manufacturing process.

"Thank you, ancestor Hamura." Uchiha Itachi bowed shyly to express his gratitude.

It's embarrassing to steal your giant Tenseikan and give me so many puppets.

"You're welcome, this is what you deserve." Otsutsuki Hamura said.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the puppet and the manufacturing process.Reward: hardcover version T-800]

[The hardcover version T-800 is an artificial intelligence humanoid infiltrating machine killer developed by Skynet in the movie "Terminator" series.

Possesses shapeshifting abilities and liquid metal abilities.

Carry high-tech weapons such as plasma cannons with you, which can imitate all people or objects touched by it, and can also turn parts of your body into various weapons. It has super self-repair ability and is immune to physical damage.

Two-line operation for separation of mechanical body and liquid metal form is possible. 】


Uchiha Itachi: "."

No wonder, it is comparable to the full version of the Unholy Reincarnation Art and hundreds of millions of detonating symbols. It turns out that the T-800 is so amazing!
(End of this chapter)

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