Rebirth Uchiha Itachi

Chapter 145 Realm

Chapter 145 Realm
Bang bang bang!
The thousand-armed Avalokitesvara wooden statue covered by Susanoo can destroy mountains and meteorites with every swing, and its power is powerful enough to change the landscape!
The entire moon, including the stone statue of Hamura, was chopped into pieces by the blue lightsaber on Immortal Art, Wood Dun, Prestige, True Thousand Hands, and Top Buddha's hand!
Hyuga Hinata shivered and held the fiery red Susanoo opened by Uchiha Itachi in his hand.

Almost, almost he died!
Even if he didn't die, he couldn't last long in outer space without oxygen supply.

"Itachi, thank you." Hinata Hyuzu said gratefully.

He shouldn't have come, so stay in Konoha, isn't it good?

This battle has completely subverted his cognition and three views.

He couldn't hold it up with a single fist.

He felt that if he was rubbed by the energy poured out by Immortal Law, Wood Dun, True Thousand Hands, and the Buddha on the top, he would be easily killed in seconds.

I can't stand it even after driving it back to the sky!
The distance in strength is vastly different.

Like ants and elephants.

In order to commemorate Yu Cun, members of the Otsutsuki branch built a temple on a small island in outer space and named it the Yu Cun Shrine. There is a large reincarnation hidden in it. Every year, members of the Lunar Otsuki family will come to visit the temple.

On the Hamura Shrine in outer space, Uchiha Tajima, Uchiha Izumi, and Senshou Fei looked at the wooden statue of Avalokitesvara with wings flapping in a vacuum.

Fortunately, the goal of the three of them was the Temple of Hamura, or they would experience the feeling of death again under that move.

"At the beginning, Madara and Senjubashirama fought like this?" Uchiha Tajima pointed to the wooden statue of Avalokitesvara covered in Susanoo's armor in the air.

"Probably, should, maybe?" Uchiha Izumi swallowed her saliva and said.

He died too early and didn't see Uchiha Madara's awakening of the eternal kaleidoscope, Sharingan and the battle between Senjuzhu.

Not to mention that Uchiha Madara has now awakened the eyes of reincarnation.

"That's right." Qian Shou Feijian nodded. Fortunately, he survived and witnessed the battle of the Valley of Ending.

That battle completely changed the terrain.

Although not as large as it is today, it is not far behind.

"I finally understand what Itachi said. The strength is to a certain extent, and the number is really not important in front of them. I was wrong." Uchiha Tajima recalled what Uchiha Itachi said in the late night clan association, secretly said in his heart.

Madara was so strong that he was stabbed by Senju Bashima.

Fortunately, the Uchiha clan did not participate in the war.

Either the tens of thousands of fists of Senju Hashimama can kill Uchiha while beating Madara.

The most important thing is that there is also the Flying Thunder God Art that appears and disappears in the Qianshou Fan as a support, and the entire Qianshou clan as a backing.

Therefore, Madara, it was really helpless to leave the Uchiha clan alone to fight Senjuzhu.

Of course, as Itachi said, this is also the most correct choice for Madara, because the battle of ideas saved the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Tajima looked at Uchiha Madara in Susanohu and Avalokitesvara who flapped his wings in the air, and there was a touch of kindness in his eyes. He almost blamed Madara by mistake!

"Let's go, let's go in quickly!" Senshou Banjian urged, "We must take advantage of the delay of brother and Madara to get the large Tenseikan as soon as possible!"

"Hmm." Uchiha Tajima and Uchiha Izuna nodded.

Their shadow avatar came in rashly last time, trying to snatch the giant Tenseigan, but it was blown away.

Now that there is Senshouban, with the Flying Raijin Technique, it should be possible to bring the giant Tenseigan back to Earth.

That's why they invited Qianshou Feijian to come.

Of course, it is also possible to learn to fly Thunder God Uchiha Itachi, but they are not willing to take Uchiha Itachi's risk!
Because the shadow clone of Chakra was sucked away by the giant reincarnated eyes, it can affect the soul of the main body.

This is what they are afraid of.

If Itachi makes a mistake, the Uchiha clan will be gone!At that time they had nowhere to cry.

If it's a thousand-handed door with a filthy body, then it's fine.

Anyway, if you die, you can still live, and you will lose a little soul at most.

"It's quite strong. But it's not enough." Otsutsuki Sheren, who was acting on behalf of Otsutsuki Yucun, walked out of the floating ruins slowly.

The pupils of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama shrank, because Otsutsuki Tonero was not injured at all under their attack just now, and there was not even a trace of damage on his body.

In the horrified eyes of Uchiha Madara and Senjuzhu, the stone statue of Hamura, which was chopped into pieces and chopped into stone foam, and floating in the vacuum, quickly healed together.

The floating and broken moon fragments are also quickly integrating piece by piece.

In less than a breath, the stone statue of Hamura and the moon returned to their original appearance without any damage!

It was as if the attack just now didn't exist.

"How do you fight?" Uchiha Madara and Senjujuma were stunned.

This was already their strongest blow, and it was very uncomfortable that they didn't even get their clothes dirty.

"Madara, you didn't turn on the water, did you?" Senju Hashirama asked.

"I definitely don't!" Uchiha Madara said with a dark face.

Who knew that Otsutsuki Yumura was so perverted?
Is this the power of the Sage of the Six Paths?So scary!
"Junior, your strength is still a bit weak. Wait until the day you can condense the Taoist Jade, and then fight with me. Now you can't even beat the junior I possess." Otsutsuki Yucun said.

Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama: "."

"You deceive people too much!"

"It's not that I'm deceiving people too much, but the reality is like this." Otsutsuki Hamura said.

"Let me tell you the truth, my current strength is less than one percent of what it was in my heyday." Otsutsuki Hamura said.

Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama: "."

"May I ask the ancestors of Hamura, how strong were you in your heyday?" Uchiha Itachi said.

"How strong? I don't know. If you divide according to your ninja world, lower ninja, middle ninja, upper ninja, and shadow class, I can rank them." Otsutsuki Hamura said.

"Above the shadow level, um, it is the level of the two of you today. Let me call it the 'madara pillar level'." Otsutsuki Yumura pointed to Senjubashirama and Senjubajian.

"As for going up, it is Indra and Asura who have mastered the power of yin and yang."

"Although Asura and Indra failed to awaken brother's eyes of reincarnation, one is the ancestor of ninjutsu, and the other has the body of a celestial being plus the jade of seeking Taoism. Their strength is much stronger than the two of you."

"At their level, they can already grasp the power of yin and yang, the soul is immortal, and they can be reincarnated freely.

"Let's call him the 'Traditional Level' for the time being in this realm." Otsutsuki Hamura said.

"By the way, if the two of you can gather the nine tailed beasts and fuse them with the ten tails, your strength will be about the same as that of Indra, Asura, and the three of you who I am possessing now." Otsutsuki Yumura added .

Uchiha Madara: "."

So, even if I awaken the eyes of reincarnation, I still have to gather all nine pets and become a ten-tailed Jinchuriki to fight with you?
Uchiha Itachi pondered for a while, that is to say, Sasuke and Naruto, who received the gift of the Sage of the Six Paths after the Fourth World War, opened the Sage of the Six Paths mode, the eyes of reincarnation, and mastered the power of Yin and Yang. degree?

So Izumi and Izumi, who have mastered the Sangouyu reincarnation eye and the power of yin and yang, should be above the 'Zhujian level' and below the 'Duoluo level'?
"And when my brother and I reach the realm of the Immortal of the Six Paths, our souls will be immortal and live forever in the world. Let me call him the Sixth Path level." Otsutsuki Yumura said.

"At this time, we have mastered the power of yin and yang, and have the ability to create the initial world."

"As for the realm above us, we can truly be immortal. You don't even understand that realm."

Everyone: "."


(End of this chapter)

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