Chapter 137

Land of Fire, various well-known technology companies.

One by one, the children approached the company, and grandly took out a piece of information and handed it to the front desk clerk: "We are from Konoha, please give these documents to your president. Remember, you only have 5 minutes, or wait to eat." Let's sue!"

The waiter wanted to laugh at it, or make fun of it, but when he saw the content on the information, he was stunned.

Because the above information is just a glance, it can be clearly seen that this is a confession plus evidence.

It is full of treason, condemnation, and bribery!
"Please wait a moment." The waiter replied politely, regardless of whether it was true or not, she felt the need to report.

When the phone was connected, the president roared: "Are you an idiot, you believe this? Throw me out!"

"No need to bang, let's go to the next one." Hearing this voice, Inuzuka Hana and the others left without staying.

Oh, it really is a liar.The waiter shook his head.

second company.

Once inside, Inuzuka Hana and the others went straight to the point and handed over a document.

But this time, the waiter ignored them and called the security guard to politely invite them out.

third company.

The waiter connected the president's phone call, and the president ran down panting with all his strength within a minute after hearing it.

Then, under the bewildered eyes of the waiter, she was promoted and her salary increased tenfold.

As for the chairman and these children, they happily reached a consensus, and directly sold the company at a discount.


Must be dreaming.

It was just a phone call today, not only did the company increase, but even the company changed hands, and even her entire destiny changed because of it.

Is the happiness of the rich so simple and unsubstantial?

The waiter looked at the few children walking away and doubted life.

The fourth company is a communication company, which controls most of the base station construction in the Land of Fire, as well as communication facilities, and top-notch entertainment.

A luxuriously decorated carriage drove quickly, and the reporters who had been waiting for a long time flocked to wait for the people on the carriage to get off.

The curtains of the carriage were pulled open, and one reporter after another grabbed a favorable position and eagerly stretched out their microphones.

"Excuse me, Ms. Fuji Fuyuki, did you come to Fire Country to shoot a new movie?"

"Excuse me, what do you think of Konoha's self-produced animated films "Momoyama Rescue Mother" and "Uzumaki Orphan"?"

"I heard that "The Orphan of the Uzumaki" is adapted from real people and real events. Konoha requires that the movie theaters in the Land of Fire should schedule no less than 50% of the films to be released at the same time as your movie. What do you think?"

The curtain of the car opened, and a coquettishly dressed woman came down, her face turned dark, and the veins on her forehead were bulging. It was obvious that she was not very satisfied after hearing these words.

"Miss Aiko Tahara?"

"Isn't Ms. Fuji Fuyuki?"

"Isn't she the geisha who paid 350 million taels for her big butt?"

The reporter discovered that they blocked the wrong person.

At this time, a carriage came slowly, and a child with a painting tube on his back jumped out of the carriage. Behind him was a woman who didn't wear makeup but had an aloof temperament.

"Sai-kun, this is the place you are looking for. I hope we can cooperate in the future. Similarly, I wish your family's painting "The Orphan of the Whirlpool" a big hit." Fuji Fuyuki said.

"Thank you, Ms. Fuji Fuyuki, I also wish your movie a big hit." Sai said respectfully, "If it wasn't for you, I would have been looking for this place for a long time."

"You're welcome, you and I are destined, just drop in." Fuji Fuyuki said.

"Miss Fuji Fuyuki is over there!" A reporter spotted the two people here and rushed over.

Aiko Tahara, who was surrounded and unable to move even an inch, fell silent the moment Fuji Fuxue appeared, and all the reporters rushed towards Fuji Fuxue.

Aiko Tahara stared at Fuji Fuyuki and Sai and gritted her teeth, her eyes were full of resentment.

Originally, the schedule of her film was 30% of that of Fuji Fuxue-e, which was considered to be evenly matched, but suddenly received a notice that today the theater will parachute a "Uzumaki Orphan".

The sudden appearance of "The Orphan of the Url" directly reduced her film schedule to 3%, almost none, while Fuji Fuyuki's film schedule was still 30%, which did not move at all.

Aiko Tian Yuanqian almost died of anger, she felt that there was a conspiracy in it!
Now seeing Sai and Fuji Fuyuki getting off the carriage together with the painting tube on their backs, and hearing the conversation between the two of them, Aiko Tahara was even more sure of this.

"Hmph! Things won't just be left like that. You ruined my schedule, and I ruined your reputation! I'll make you unable to turn over for the rest of your life!" A venomous look flashed in Tian Yuan's Aiko's eyes.

Sai walked in with a painting tube on his back. After the Hinata family volunteered to protect him, Hinata Himono and Fuji Fuyuki's manager Mitao Asama stopped the reporter who was trying to interview, and the two stood outside the door talking.

At the front desk, after receiving the information from Sai, the waitress had a weird expression on her face, but she reported it immediately.

"Hey, front desk, I have an appointment. Is the president coming to work today?" Aiko Tahara, who was dressed up coquettishly, walked in, ignoring Fuji Fuyuki next to her, and said domineeringly.

She wants to be ahead of Fuji Fuyuki and Sai, the president in front of her, and lower their lineup!
"Hello, Ms. Aiko Tahara, the president is coming to work, please wait a moment." The waiter smiled politely.

"Okay, you just say, I agreed to the president's request. If he is free, I can go up directly. If he is not free, I will wait." After Tian Yuan's Aiko finished speaking, his face suddenly darkened.

Because she felt pushed.

Looking to the right, there is a clean and expressionless kid, who is it if it's not Sai?
"Pervert, what did you do just now!?" Aiko Tahara was furious.

Sai: "?"

"Don't talk, just be dumb, right? Do you know what you just encountered? Let me tell you, it's 350 million taels! If it's broken, can you afford it?"

Sai: "?"

What did he do?

"Little thing, I want to expose you, you are young, don't learn well, eat my tofu, you are finished!" Aiko Tahara yelled, the whole hall was in an uproar, and the eyes of the reporters squatting outside were even brighter, and one after another He didn't think it was a big deal and broke in, and kept taking pictures of the two of them. He was a little clever, and even thought about the press release, and immediately sent it out.

"Shocked! Buttocks worth 350 million taels were actually attacked, and that person was..."

"Shocked! Aiko Tian Yuanqian was done to such a thing in broad daylight!"

"I'm not, I haven't, don't talk nonsense!" Saii blushed.

"Oh, no? Why didn't you blush? Use the painting tube to deliberately rub against me. Let me tell you, this matter is endless." Aiko Tahara said, tearing off the Konoha passport attached to Sai's breast pocket.

"Yo, from Konoha Ninja Village, no wonder!"

"Sandai is a well-known perverted old man, and Sannin is also a big pervert who likes to peep and spread bad books.

As the saying goes, if the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, you little brat is no better.

You won't be Fuji Fuyuki's forbidden son, will you? "Aiko Tahara looked at the pass and mocked.


No last name.

I have never heard of it, he must be a humble civilian child.

Besides, Konoha has always relied on the financial support of the Kingdom of Fire. If there is no president and they earn money, Konoha is nothing. I am no longer afraid of the people in Muye Village.

"Beast, little satyr!"

"You don't learn well at a young age!"

"It's the same as the three generations of old thieves!"

"I bother!"

"The scum must die, the pervert must die!"

"Is this the child taught by Konoha? I hope the sisters can see these men with beastly faces and stay away from them."

"So it's Konoha where Jiraiya is? Hehe, that's why it's so annoying. The descendants of rogues are still rogues! Not to mention the students under the rule of three generations of this old man."

"Miss sister, I'm sorry, I really don't have it, it must have been rubbed by the paint tube on the back. I really didn't touch you!" Saii was about to cry: "If you don't believe it, you can watch the surveillance, I really didn't touch her!"

Sai looked around for help, with tears in his eyes, but the others did not think it was a big deal and blamed him.


"small thing!"

"Who taught you?"

"Did you learn to be bad after reading Jiraiya's Intimate Paradise?"

Seeing Sai who was at a loss and on the verge of collapse, Fuji Fuyuki frowned and walked over.

"If you say you don't have it, you don't have it? Oh, do I still slander you? Could it be that I, a beautiful geisha, will bully you, a child?"

"At first, I thought you would take the initiative to apologize and let you go, but now I insist on checking the surveillance, then I will satisfy you!" Tahara Aiko shouted.

It will take at least a few hours to adjust the monitoring.

A day or two later.

Besides, she has a backstage, so she has nothing to be afraid of.

Fuji Fuyuki pulled Sai behind her, and faced Aiko Tahara, "What's coming at me, what's the point of bullying Sai?"

"Hehe, Fuji Fuxuee, you need to talk about evidence in everything. You have to figure it out. I didn't bully him, but he ate my tofu. Do you understand? Don't think that he is your slave, I can't do anything with him, I Let me tell you, Fuji Fuxuee, this matter is endless, he is dead, Konoha won't be able to keep him, I told you." Aiko Tahara said loudly.

Hearing this, the onlookers were excited, and with a few strokes, press releases were released one by one.

"Shocked! Aiko Tahara, in front of the public, was actually done by Fuji Fuyuki's fellow companions!"

"Shocked! Aiko Tahara, Fuji Fuyuki and him, the untold story of the three!"

"Shocked! Fuji Fuxuee actually fell out with Aiko Tahara in public because of him!"

Seeing this, Aiko Tianyuan smiled slightly, and continued to add fuel to the fire: "However, before adjusting the surveillance, I must first expose you."

"My friends from the press, see clearly." Aiko Tahara said to the surrounding reporters.

"This little brat looks fair and clean, but he is a little pervert who dares to be or not to be.

Carrying a painting tube, just like Jiraiya that pervert.

It must be a shameful act behind!

Clothes, tsk tsk, show your stomach to whom?At first glance, he is not a good person!
As a public figure, I really can't beat you up, but I want to expose you, and I want you to die socially! "

"My request is very simple. I want you to apologize on paper, in newspapers, and on TV! Your classmates, family, friends, and village should all know about this!
Let them be warned! "

"And from now on, I refuse to have contact with him, refuse to speak to him.

I hope that everyone will not disclose my family's personal privacy, including name, home address and so on.Especially to him!

What if Konoha Ninja can't think about it and sends a ninja to kill me?
After all, ninjas are not a good thing, as long as they are paid, they can do anything!
For my safety, I will hire samurai ninjas to protect me 24 hours a day! "

For Aiko Tahara, the ninja is a mercenary, how could her precious 350 million taels of buttocks be so valuable?
Her insurance is worth one-tenth of the bounty of Hokage Assistant Shimura Danzo!
Fuji Fuxuee was very happy when he heard this. Is this Aiko Tahara who wants to be famous and crazy?
In order to target her, take a child?
He didn't hesitate to get involved with the best-selling author Sannin Jiraiya, and by the way, the third Hokage Hiruza Sarutobi who just came down!

Are you crazy about the heat?
Seeing the noise inside, Hyuga Himono, wearing sunglasses, walked in, and said to the red-eyed, aggrieved Sai, "Do you want to adjust the surveillance?"

"Yeah." The teary-eyed Sai nodded his head sobbing.

"Okay!" Hinata Himonori ignored Aiko Tahara, who was opposite, and walked directly towards the monitoring room with Sai.

To him, a geisha is just a geisha who can be killed with a snap of his fingers, and they can kill him to death with just a word from the Hinata family.

But now, this woman obviously wants to make things big!
Since she wants to make trouble, let her have fun!
Konoha is now in need of a lot of waste, not just any cat or dog can bite!

"Konoha Assassination Tactics Special Unit and member of the Konoha Police Department, Hyuga Clan, Hinata Himono, I order you to be transferred to surveillance immediately." Hyuga Himono walked to the monitoring room, took out a certificate and said solemnly to the person in charge.

When the person in charge of the monitoring room heard this, he shuddered, his feet softened, and he almost knelt down.

Quiet around.

Aiko Tahara and the reporters were also stunned.

Hyuga Clan?Anbe?A member of Konoha Police Department?

hiss!The reporters gasped.

Aiko Tahara was stunned all of a sudden, a brat, hired a Konoha Ninja as a bodyguard?It's still from the Hyuga clan, what are you kidding?
The monitoring is turned on and the playback is recorded on the screen.

The truth came out: the two had no physical contact at all, but Aiko Tahara touched Sai's painting tube.

Hard hammered.

Sai is fine.

Aiko Tahara was obviously messing around and deliberately touching porcelain!

"What else do you want to say?" Hinata Homon said while staring at Aiko Tahara.

Although Sai is not a ninja now, he is taught by Itachi Uchiha himself, and he is considered a half-disciple!

At the same time, Sai is also a member of Konoha!
The people of Konoha must not be bullied, and those who bully must be killed!
What would happen to Sai if there was no surveillance, or if he happened to be in a corner where the surveillance could not capture?

A commoner ninja who doesn't even have a surname, finally won the favor of the patriarch Itachi with his talent, took charge of a mission, and was ready to soar into the sky.

But he was framed and almost capsized in the gutter.

Then his life must be ruined!Keep your head up all your life!This crime of pervert will accompany him for the rest of his life!
Are there still few examples of Konoha's death due to framing?

Konoha was designed by someone to cause the two high-level officials to fight each other and suffer heavy losses.

If under the instigation of someone with a heart, Sai may receive thousands of private messages every day and be scolded, even the phone will be exploded, the family will be besieged, the ninja school leaders will persuade him to quit, and the patriarch Itachi will be very disappointed.

If no one stood up at this moment, and there was no monitoring, Sai, as a victim, would probably fail this mission, and with the propaganda of the geisha Tahara Ke Aiko, Sai would definitely lose his reputation and be killed by society , was ridiculed by ninja countries!
This kind of blow, humiliation, and unwarranted disaster is really unbearable for an ordinary person.

The most frightening thing is that there is no solution, even if the truth is finally clarified, Sai's future, studies, and the perception of him by the people around him have all been ruined.

Assuming that if there is no monitoring to clear Saii's grievances,
He will be sent directly to hell, unable to prove himself.

If it is serious, just like senior Konoha Baiya, for the sake of reputation, he chooses to commit suicide!

Seeing that Aiko Tahara hadn't spoken, Hinata Hinata said: "Aiko Tahara, let me tell you, don't think that you are a geisha who is favored by various countries and families, so you can do whatever you want. We Konoha don't like that. !"

"Now!" Hinata Himono said coldly, pointing at Aiko Tahara: "Without any evidence, you are so sure that you have been groped, and you even asked the reporter to publish it in the newspaper.

Getting emotional is understandable, but not crossing the line.

Transgressive public execution, also sentenced to death!
A disciple who attempted to destroy the patriarch Uchiha Itachi, son of the Fifth Generation!

Let him die socially, you are so majestic!

Its heart is awkward!

I don't know whether you are "framing" or being instructed by someone to deliberately frame you.

It can be said that we, Konoha, will not finish this matter with you! "

"I apologize, I apologize." When Aiko Tahara heard that Sai was a disciple of the patriarch of the Itachi family with pink eyes, she immediately admitted her indifference and changed her words: "I shouldn't talk nonsense! I hope you can let me go and give me a chance!"

Reporters: "."

Can you be more perfunctory?

"What a misunderstanding, we have sent out the press release. Now the entire Fire Nation knows that this brat is a pervert." A reporter said.

"I'm really sorry to waste your energy, but I still want to make a formal statement."

"Please forgive me, after all, what I did just now is indeed a person's first reaction!"

Aiko Tahara turned her head and said to Sai: "Little friend Sai, I'm really sorry, I hope my behavior just now didn't have too much impact on you, and this incident didn't happen out of nothing, I hope you can understand my reaction. "

"We understand each other and apologize to each other. Let's end this matter like this."

Sai: "."

That's it?

Apologizing to each other, is there such an operation?
After Tahara Aiko finished speaking, before Sai could reply, he said again: "Since Kid Sai has no objection, I will assume that you agree to accept my suggestion.

Well, I forgive Saii now.

We have also reached a settlement at this moment!

By the way, I remind the sisters again to pay attention to safety when going out. "

Hinata Fire Gate: "?"

He was stunned by the woman's mysterious operation.

She forgives Sai?
Didn't Sai forgive her?
When else is there reconciliation?

Did Sai say anything?
It's always been her question and answer!
Sure enough, people are shameless and invincible!

"Is it reasonable for the villain to sue first? Forgive Sai? Hehe!"

"Others offend themselves and let the other party die. I seriously offend the other party and feel as if nothing happened, but when it's time to apologize, I gently let myself go. Hypocrisy, cowardice, and viciousness are all combined, enough double standards!"

"In that case, don't blame Konoha for being rude!"

"Sai, let's go, let's go back and report this to Chief Itachi." Hyuga Homon pulled Sai and turned around to leave.

"Also, Aiko Tahara, Mouse Tail Juice, cherish the time you have left. I can tell you that when you stab Sai with the sharp sword of public opinion, you should have thought that this sharp sword will Turn around and stab yourself!"

"This matter is endless, not only you have to give Saii an explanation, but also the Fire Nation and Konoha."

"You pray!"

"Let me tell you, you're doomed this time, even the Sages of the Six Paths can't stop you, I said it!"

Seeing Hinata walking away from the fire door, the woman's manager and assistants were outraged.

"Aiko, don't worry, you obviously didn't do anything heinous, Konoha ninjas can't do anything to you, do they still want to force you to death?"

"Although you made a mistake, you should apologize! What else do they want?"

"Yes, yes, it's almost over. You apologize, but they still hold on to it. They don't have any ninja demeanor. It would be better if all the Konoha people are dead."

"That's right. Konoha just wanted to take the opportunity to attack the Nation of Fire. Now that they can finally catch something that can be attacked, they must have worked hard. I just feel sorry for you, Aizi."

"Don't worry, Ms. Aiko, you are so beautiful, beautiful, cute, and so charming. We will definitely protect you 24 hours a day, and we will never let Konoha succeed." A group of ninja security guards immediately stood up and expressed their support.

"Hey, I'm really bothering you. There are so many people who are popular. It's really hard to be a human being. But I still want to clarify again." Aiko Tahara said.

"My friends from the press, what happened just now was all a misunderstanding. Although I apologized, they were aggressive and obviously didn't want to let me go, so I can only clarify again." Aiko Tahara looked at the reporters around, crying, pitiful De Baba said: "The course of the matter is like this.

That little Konoha kid named Sai just rubbed against me.

At that time, I became emotional when I was excited. Everyone knows that this is a normal behavior of a weak woman, and it is just my instinct.

Soon, I said that if you don't talk about patience, I will let you die socially.

He said, miss, I'm sorry, I rubbed it with a painting tube.

As soon as I heard it, I was furious. As a geisha, I use my talents to please the richest businessmen and most powerful politicians in various countries. I am a well-trained entertainer who is proficient in singing, dancing and playing.

No matter what other people do to me, I will persist in completing the performance with the character of dedicating myself to art.

The touch is very familiar to me who has experienced many battles. Can I lie?

The first reaction was that he didn't use a painting tube, but his hands.

I was insulted when I came up, and when I was excited, I immediately called my reporter friend to expose the information, but he didn't guard against it.

Then I thought about it, he was just a child, why should I get angry?
So my lord had a lot, smiled and prepared to close the fist, stop hitting, and prepared to let him go!
As a result, he suddenly adjusted the monitor and slapped me in the face.

I was careless, I was wrong, I didn't flash, he was innocent on the surveillance, and he slapped me in the face.

I said little things, let's just let this matter go.

The ninjas of the Hyuga Clan refused to make a big fuss
This young man doesn't talk about patience, come on, cheat!Come on, slander me, a 20-year-old geisha star.

Is this okay?
This is not good!
I advise Konoha Mouse Tail Juice to reflect on it and learn Nindu!
Don't be like Sarutobi Hiruza Sandai Hokage, Sannin Jiraiya is the same, lustful by nature!
I also advise those young people not to commit such cleverness again, and not to learn from these two!
Forehead. . .In the Kingdom of Fire and Konoha, peace is the most important thing, and tolerance is important. Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you have the support of ninjas!We are all ninjas, don't fight in the nest!

Thank you friends! "

At this moment, the president of the company walked down slowly.

The young lady at the front desk gritted her teeth, but mustered up the courage to go up, and handed over the documents to the president respectfully with both hands.

When the president saw the receptionist approaching, he frowned at first, originally he didn't want to talk to him, but after glancing at the information, he froze.

Because the above content is all his criminal evidence over the years.

As well as the personal relationship information of the major officials of the Land of Fire.

"Where are the people? Where are they?" the president said in horror, his eyes trembling.

"Let's go, I was pissed off by Ms. Aiko Tahara." The lady at the front desk said weakly.

"Gone with anger? Why did you lose your anger?" The president suddenly lost his temper!

The lady at the front desk told the chairman what happened just now.

The president listened.

It’s over.

He is dead.

Not only did he offend the disciple of the head of the Uchiha clan Itachi, but he also slandered the Third Hokage, Sannin Jiraiya and the whole Konoha for not being ninja!

This Aiko Tahara offended the entire Konoha at once, who should be offended, who shouldn't be offended, all at once!
After offending these people, you still want to leave the Land of Fire?Dream it!
"It's over, I'm dead." The president's whole body went limp, and he almost fainted.

"Oh, president, you have to make the decision for me. There was a Konoha ninja who didn't open his eyes just now." Aiko Tahara saw the president appeared, and hurried up, preparing for the villain to sue first, but saw the president's eyes were blank collapsed to the ground.

The information in his hand also dropped.

When the wind blows, papers fly all over the sky.

Aiko Tahara and the reporters glanced at it and were stunned, because these papers contained evidence of crimes and transactions of power and sex.

Among them, there are many photos of Aiko Tahara's various social activities and sleeping with her.

"It's against the sky to do evil, and you can't live if you do it yourself!" Fuji Fuyuki glanced at the photo, sneered, and walked out.

Tian Yuanqin Aiko passed out directly, she was finished.

After a while, the Fire Nation warriors came in one by one, and took away the unrequited president and Aiko Tahara.

 A 7000-word chapter, please recommend, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward!
(End of this chapter)

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